Yes, we certainly are extending a welcome here; but, as is becoming more common (as we grow and attract more members) there is sometimes a basic misunderstanding about what and where to post on this Forum.
If (as new members), we want to post our drawings, we are also inviting comments and critiques of our work; and if we post (as here) in the beginners drawings forum we are inviting our drawings to be judged by Shipbucket standards. The whole purpose of this section is to encourage new members to bring their skills to drawings that can then be uploaded to the archive, should the members submit them for this.
If we are not ready or interested in having our drawings meet Shipbucket standards there is still the 'Non Shipbucket' section to post in, and new members are most welcome to use that, and we enjoy seeing what they offer. That said, we obviously have a vested interest in seducing new members into drawing in Shipbucket standard