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Post subject: Bengalore RepublicPosted: November 26th, 2016, 8:35 pm
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This is the AU i work for some times, map is still in work but il upload it here on the first post once i am done with it.
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Bengalore republic is located in Bay of Bengal, close to Nicobar islands and Sumatra. It is consisting of four larger islands and over two hundred smaller islands, and rocks, from those smaller ones only about twenty are habitable.


Bengalore Republic was first find by the Dutch and Portugese explorers during their exploration of sub-Indian continent and Indian Ocean (Bay of Bengal), however none of the islands were colonized not until 1812 when Indian Maharaja Agarra Jarryavadi decided to explore the islands. However British took control of most of the India and many Indian kingdoms fall including the Jarryavadi's Bangar Kingdom, which was situated in city of Bangalore. However Bangar Kingdom surrender peacefully to the British and exiled them self to the islands which become the Bengalore islands. Due peacful surrender and loyality towards the British Empire, British grants them semi-autonomy, even having small fleet of costal ships for protection. It is the Agarra's youngest son Merran that become the first king of the Bengalore Kingdom, despite still been controled by the British, all inside decisions were decided by Bengalore itself. City of Benaelle was established from small fishing town which was first established in 1814 by Agarra.

It 1860 when Bengalore establish its first military units, small garrison of British soldiers remain on islands as reminder of who is in charge, but Bengalore was allowed to have small defense force including several naval ships. This ships were given to Bengalore by the British, couple of old Sloops and few other costal ships which patrol around the islands and maintain security (this is also because of heavy pirate threat in area).

British had very little presence on the islands as mostly concentrate on inland of India. However due fact that Bengalore was loyal and never create any problem more and more autonomy was given. This was one of the plans by the Merran itself. He was criticized by many for why not rebelled against British rule, but he was educated and very inteligent. He prefer diplomacy over war. And he did believe that one day Bengalore will get independence.

20th Century

During the First World War, Pacific was more or less quiet. Bengalore had several older British torpedo boats and destroyers in its fleet, no aircrafts but well trained ground forces. Second world war was not more different then the first one, however this time there was more British presence then before. British forces build large naval base near Benaelle (which will later be the main base of the Royal Bengalorian Navy). Expanding and upgrading the road system and also modernize infrastructure of the Islands. War never came to the Bengalore archipelago, despite the fact that some Japanese submarines did scout around the islands as well those of Germans (German Pacific u-boat division). Several military hospitals were open on the islands which were used by both British and American forces.

As the world war two came, it end. India struggled to get independence and finally it become independent state in 1950. Bengalore strive to receive its own independence. But it will pass entire decade before Bengalore finally receive independence and no longer be part of the British Empire. Bengalore become its own country free. British citizens were allowed to live on Bengalore islands as a part of negotiations.

It took next thirty years for newly formed Bengalore Republic to grow. And after Taiwan and Singapure become one of most advanced electronical, metalurgical economy in the region (not counting the India and China).

However most of economy Bengalore gets from tourism, as it have large amount of resorts (due very good climate). And due large amount of oil and other resources that was find in its archipelago.

It's economy become on of most stable one in Asia. With population of almost two million and one hundred and twenty five thousand people (2020), almost 85 percent of this population has a job and rest of the population mostly work on farms.

After independence there was lots of objections from Indian side, who claims that Bengalore was part of India and need to become part of it again. Despite this, Bengalore did become independent. However With new government and new president elected in 2000's things become different. Despite India's objections after Bengalore become republic, relationships were good. Trade, technology exchange, even some military equipment were buyed. But after the elections in 2004, things change. Indian lidership strongly trying to influence Bengalore to become part of India again. Of course Bengalore refused, also it stop many refugees that try to come from India. Stopping the Indian fish boats entering its sea. All that gets relationships to fall, from very good to bad. There were even few military incidents between 2005 to 2020.

Current situation is the same, relationships are slowly decaying with India threatens of invasion on Bengalore. Bengalore heavily investing in weapons and defenses.


During the early years after independence, Bengalorian military was quit weak, however over the years it is slowly improved. Most money went to navy, and in some part to air force while ground forces receive what is left.


First ships that enter service with Royal Bengalorian navy were in 1971, several soviet Osa class missile ships and some minehunters. Pair of British Oberon class submarines, German Type 205 and Type 206.

It is not before late 1980's when BRN start to grow. Two soviet Krivak class frigates were purchased at the beginning of 1980's, two Nilgiri class frigates from India, and two Godavari class destroyers in 1991. All of those were retired by the 2007.

From 2000 BRN start again upgrading and expanding its fleet.

Submarines: With beginning of 21th century BRN had ten submarines. Six German Type 209 which were purchased between 1991-1997 (named Kelluthi class), and four type 206 which were retired in 2011 (last one). From 2013 BRN procured four most advanced Type 214 submarines with two additional to be built and enter service after 2023.

Frigates, Corvettes, LCS (Destroyers): With retirement of Nilgiri class in 2004 and Goodavari in 2007, end short in the larger ships. However in 2007 first of the new classes, Ganges class - Corvette, enter service. This 95m long ship was designed completly and built in Bengalore shipyards with only weapons and engines been buyed from other countries. Around eighteen of this ships was originally planned, then it was cut to fourteen and finally to twelve.

This ships were designed to work in packs of two or three ships, having connected the firing controls and sensors between ships to be more capable in combat. Weapons of ganges are OTO Melara 76mm cannon, 1x 20mm Phalanx CIWS, 12-Cell VLS for mix of 6x RIM-162 ESSM(SAM) and 6x RUM-139 VL-ASROC (for anti submarine warfare),
8x MM-40 Exocet (anti ship missiles)

Comparing to some larger ships that can carry way more missiles and launchers this ship may not be something special, however its magnificent speed and manuverability as well as long detection makes it perfect for hit and run tactics. This ships were not designed for long range combat they are designed to ambush and withdraw. Or if forced to attack on open, attack with everything they got and then run away. Currently there is ten of this ships in service, one on sea trials and one under construction. Most of this ships (at least 6 of them) were to be AAW variants while rest were to be ASW, however they are capable for all kinds of attack as long it be near the shore.

Anasan class: Anasan is basicly American Independence class Litorral Combat ship, designated by Bengalore as Combat Support Ship (CSS). It has the same technology and weaponary as those in US navy service but with addition of four lightweight torpedo launchers (two on each side of the ship).

Lankeshi class: New frigate designed by Bengalore naval R&D, as a next generation ships. These ships were to enter service between 2023 - 2027
They carry: 1x 5"/54 caliber Mark 45 Mod 4 gun
2x 20mm Phalanx CIWS
64-Cell Mk41 Cell for mix of anti submarine - anti-air missiles (RIM-66M - surface to air missile, RIM-162ESSM, RUM-139 VL-ASROC - anti-submarine warfare)
2x Mk141 Harpoon missile launcher (total of eight launchers for Harpoon anti ship missiles)
4x dual 533mm torpedo tubes (for Mark 54 MAKO lightweight torpedoes)
4x 25mm Bushmaster auto cannons
4x M2 Browning - manned machine guns
Lankeshi is multi purpose ship, but with enhanced combat capabilities against air and submarines.

Smaller ships:

Galathea OPV: is most advanced OPV in the world and definitly one of most armed ones. This ship is armed to the teeth's for its size. It carry's 1x OTO Melara 76mm gun
1x 20mm Phalanx CIWS
12-Cell VLS for 6x Anti-submarine missiles and 6x anti-air missiles (usually mix of RIM-162 ESSM and RUM-139 VL-ASROC missiles)
8x Harpoon launchers (usually only 8 missiles were on board, however there is space for another 8 missiles)
1x M245 Mk 45 Bushmaster canon
2x M2 Browning machine guns
(2x lightweight torpedo tubes can be installed, each tube can carry one torpedo + one additional )
Ship was in fact heavily upgraded variant of the Fearless class patrol boat that was built for Singapore navy. But far more sophisticated and armed.

First six ships (Batch I) were all built in United States (First ship launched in 2007), while the second batch is been built in Bengalore shipyards. Total of 14 ships were ordered, 7 already in service, 2 on sea trials, 2 under construction, one that is gonna start with construction, and two additional that were planned.

Lotus class: First class that enter service in 2000's. It was designed to replace older patrol boats. Cheap to build and maintain. Lotus despite not well armed as larger Galatea still carries good armament: 1x 45mm gun
1x 20mm Phalanx CIWS
4x MM-38 Exocet launchers (carrying four missiles in the launchers and four additional for reload)
2x 12.5mm machine guns

but taking that she was constructed for costal patrols (between islands) this was more then enough weaponary. Originally 15-16 ships were to be built, but it was cut to 11. All ships were in service.

Shailendra class: First ship launched in 1984, this is the first ship designed and built by the Bengalore (despite having some elements from some other ships). Its Armament: 1x OTO Melara 76mm gun
4x MM-38 Exocet launchers (carrying four missiles in the launchers and four additional for reload)
2x Sako twin-barreled 23 mm/87(AA guns)
2x M2 Browning .50 machine guns

was considered very good for its time, even today these ships still serve as fast attack boats, although been in part replaced by Lotus and Galatea. Total of 20 ships were built, 12 for the navy and 8 for coast guard. Remaining ships of Shailendra class are to be fully retired by the 2025-27. While Nicobar (the Coast guard variant) was to remain until 2030

Coast Guard:

Coast Guard evolved with every decade after independence. It become very effective, fast in both SAR missions and also interception of pirates or refugees.

Ships are modern and well armed and equipped for all kind of situations.

Benaelle class is the largest class in Coast Guard, named after capitol city of Benaelle. Ships have helipad for mid range helicopter, they carry weapons: 1x 57mm gun
1x Mk49 RAM CIWS
2x OTO RHMG 12,5mm MG's
1x Water Cannon (optional)

There is only two ships of this class in service, Benaelle and Azaphur (second largest city in Bengalore Republic).

Nicobar class. Less armed then Shailendra class but excellent and very capable ship. Despite carrying less weapons it is well armed even for a Coast guard ship: 1x 57mm gun
2x M2 Browning machine guns
1x FIM-92 Stinger MANPADS

This ships were to remain in service at least till 2030.

Chandra class: New and modern patrol boat for the Coast guard, smaller then Nicobar but still effective ship. It was designed to supplement and eventually replace larger Nicobar's. Sixteen ships were ordered at least ten of them were already in service. Due very good performances of this ship, additional fourteen to sixteen ships were to be built between 2025 to 2032, as part of second Batch. This second batch was to have some small differences.
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Air and Ground forces follows,

Last edited by Zagor01 on February 8th, 2017, 4:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post subject: Re: Bengalore RepublicPosted: November 26th, 2016, 8:56 pm
Posts: 1433
Joined: January 21st, 2014, 5:33 pm
Looks like a nice new AU looking forward to more,

On the detailed ships some of your 3D radars are rather 2D at the moment..(Lankeshi & Ganges class)

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Post subject: Re: Bengalore RepublicPosted: November 26th, 2016, 9:45 pm
Posts: 440
Joined: January 12th, 2016, 8:57 pm
Location: Wilmington, North Carolina
Beautiful ships and lovely backstory! Can't wait to see more. I especially like the submarines!

Best regards,


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Post subject: Re: Bengalore RepublicPosted: November 26th, 2016, 11:11 pm
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Joined: December 24th, 2011, 1:41 pm
Location: Free Planets Aliance
Thank you, il correct the radars on those two ships, i probably took wrong radar systems when i did these ships,

Now as far as the Air force and ground forces goes, i only have one chart for Air force, and still working on additional units, ground force will only be a list of units in service, nothing more, there is plenty of vehicles that are here on shipbucket that i could use, but only adjusting the camo, hope that i wll do that soon,

back to story:

(Bengalore do not use union jack as other countries that were former colonies use),
RBN (or Royal Benaglore Navy) is defensive oriented. All of its main ship classes have anti-air defenses, larger ships in form of anti-air missiles and CIWS, while smaller only CIWS. Anti-air protection as well Anti-submarine protection is very important for the RBN, taking surface combat to the second plan, but of course not forgeting that part either.

Air Force:

Bengalore Royal Air force like other branches had decent beginnings. Most of the early technology from 1965-2000 was of Soviet design. Mig-21 was the first fighter, brought in 1967 and retired in 1995. Mig-29 become primary fighter from 1991 2010 when they were retired. Su-25 Frogfoot was in service from 1986 to 2014 when they were placed in reserve.

However as Bengalore turn more and more towards west, it buys more and more western technology. Unlike navy, almost all air technology from planes itself to weapons and equipment comes from other countries with only one short range air to air missile was developed by the Bengalore.

BRAF (Bengalore Royal Air Force) current equipment is:

46x F-16 Block 50 (36x F-16C and 10 F-16D, these planes were brought from US between 2002 and 2005. Between 2014 to 2017, all planes received major modifications.
Falcons become the main attack fighters, however it is possible in future to be replaced by the F-35 Lightning II

15x F-15 Eagle (12x F-15C and 3x F-15D) brought from US in 2008, these planes form a fifth squadron, originally for forty years, there was always either two full squadrons or four in service. Now it was increased to five, and this five was attack-bomber squadron. F-15s serve as fighters but as bombers as well.

7x Su-25 Frogfoot are still in reserve, and were slightly modified in 2012. These planes are to be activated in case of need.

4x E-2 Hawkeye - AWACS plane

4x ATR-72ASW - for Anti-submarine warfare

6x C-130H Hercules - main transport plane
4x CASA E-295 - transport plane
2x Alenia C-27J Spartan - used by special forces
2x 737-800LE (Long Range) - VIP (one used by president)

6x Mil Mi-24D - Gunship
12x Bell-AH-1Z Viper - attack helicopter, brought new from US (between 2012-2014)
5x Eurocopter AS532 Cougar - transport plane (until recently they were part of Airforce, all five were transfered to the ground force)
20x NHI NH90TTH - main transport helicopter (12 used by Airforce, 6 by the ground forces an 2 for VIP services)
8x Sirkorsky UH-60V - transport helicopter (all 2x in service with Air force, 6 were in service with Navy (two reconfigured for ASW duties, rest as multi purpose ships, used on Anasan class. More to be ordered
6x Bell OH-58D Kiowa Warrior - Support/attack helicopter

24x Pilatus PC-9 - main trainer plane
2-4x Mig-29 - used for advance training

Last edited by Zagor01 on November 27th, 2016, 6:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post subject: Re: Bengalore RepublicPosted: November 26th, 2016, 11:30 pm
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Cool, but FD scale aircraft need to be in their specific templates with all crediting preserved. Only the smaller Planebucket scale can be listed in charts like that.

USN components, camouflage colors, & reference links (World War II only)

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Post subject: Re: Bengalore RepublicPosted: November 27th, 2016, 9:01 am
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Sry, i originally did this chart for deviant, i didn't plan to post it here, il do a smaller scale chart,

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Post subject: Re: Bengalore RepublicPosted: November 27th, 2016, 10:03 am
Posts: 10696
Joined: June 15th, 2011, 8:31 am
For the ATR-72 You ought to credit me, and I also made an updated version of C-295 (and CN-235): ... 53#p154553

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Post subject: Re: Bengalore RepublicPosted: November 27th, 2016, 10:09 am
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Yea i should, i forgot, , i did say "and everyone else i may forgot..." when i did this chart it was probably 0:20, so i guess i forgot to add you directly by name, however in general i did write and everyone else i may forgot.
Beside you dont need to worry, i am not kind of person that steals other work, if i use something that belongs to another i add in credits, a simple mistake like this, well i am sure you wont be angry, it was late and i was tired,

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Post subject: Re: Bengalore RepublicPosted: November 27th, 2016, 10:35 am
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Zagor01 wrote:
Sry, i originally did this chart for deviant, i didn't plan to post it here, il do a smaller scale chart,
please keep in mind that for shipbucket style works, the same rules apply on deviantart and shipbucket both. Credits have to be on the drawing itself, as images tend to be downloaded by people and descriptions and forum threads tend to get lost.

Drawings are credited with J.Scholtens
I ask of you to prove me wrong. Not say I am wrong, but prove it, because then I will have learned something new.
Shipbucket Wiki admin

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Post subject: Re: Bengalore RepublicPosted: November 27th, 2016, 10:39 am
Posts: 10696
Joined: June 15th, 2011, 8:31 am
1) Yeah, but here on SB we don't use the term "and everyone else i may forgot" in crediting and not allow to use it elsewhere for works originated on SB, as pointed out by Colosseum and Acelanceloet;
2) Remark about C-295 was that there is already new and IMHO better drawing of this plane.

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