In a little, maybe, too, enthusiastic spirit my friend Heuhen went ahead and posted my suggestions for a Swedish Blue-water Navy for the 21st c. Now, I don't oppose that. In fact it's nice to have your work appreciated, and since being forced to re-create these ships, many of whom were lost when I had a big computer crash, a year ago, I've been contemplating posting them, but never did - until now, that is! Anyway, viewers, please disregard, if it bothers your eyes, the two versions of the 'Tre Kronor'-class posted previously. Below are the more shipbucket-appropriate ones:
HMS Tre Kronor and her sister,
HMS Göta Lejon, were funded by a Riksdagsbeslut (decision; vote) on May 28, 2012, just shortly before the Parliamentary recess. It had been pushed through thanks to the increasingly deteriorating political and military situation in the Middle-East as well, as unrest in Asia, with the increase of rampant piracy in the Indian Ocean, rapidly spreading across the South Atlantic sea lanes as well. The funding was provided by a combination of the Nordic Military Assist Program, funded by Sweden, Denmark and Norway with Iceland as an observer. Much of the money for the destroyer-program, in fact, emerged from the vast Norwegian emergency-oil funds. A portion of it, though came through the West European Union Council, the successor of the WEU. Thus money was found for an extensive and expensive shipbuilding program.
Anyway, here are the two ships more properly presented: