@Darth Panda, Glorfindel
Great work!
Sadly, I have to say that this RA-5 needs to be improved
a lot.
First of all, there's way too much black there. Not only there are numerous double black lines, but also in numerous places You're not following the "one-pixel-corners" rule:
http://www.shipbucket.com/images/tip2_o ... orners.gif
(while SB rules can't be sometimes applied literally in FD, general idea is to follow them as closely as possible) and You're using black
the black-black in the paint scheme (letters, digits, outline of the yellow arrows on the canopies), while it ought to be used for contours
only and "black paint" ought to be represented by very dark grey.
Another thing that I think You were essentialy tracing the rescaled base (original) drawing. Unfortunately, because rescaling causes some distortions, the contours shouldn't be literally followed but You should rather try to draw the lines as they
should actually be. Most stark example is the "hump" above the wings and behind the cockpit, whose contour should be a smooth arch, and instead is a zigzag.