Ok, So I took the advise of starting from scratch. The second "from scratch" ship I drew, was ugly as sin, and im quite ashamed to post it, but I might just shallow my pride and throw it on later tonight or tomorrow.
My third ship, I think, is quite pleasing to the eye, but as is the case, a warship is designed to bring maximum violence to its enemy... not look pretty. It is also very barren in terms of life rings et cetera, but it is a work in progress.
I took the liberty of working out the dimensions and noting them on because my maths is... less than adequate and I cant scale things correctly, not only that but Ive detailed its hardware to the best of my knowledge + given props to the two main contributors to my... Well I would say masterpiece but I might be lying.
Anyway, enough rambling, as always, all feedback is appreciated, though constructive feedback would be welcomed dearly.
Ninja edit
Just noticed my RN flag is on backwards