First of all some more "formal" things: hull and superstructure etc. etc. should have
some color, secondly - even on such early-stage WiP using a proper template is suggested, and thirdly, the propeller You have used, while still wanders around the website, it's horribly outdated and rather don't use it, and lastly - bridge windows (as well as any other porthole) should have black outline and rather should be blue (unless there is a genuine reason for it not to be - and since it's beginner drawing there don't seem to be such reason).
And more to the point: that boat is too low (relative to waterline and to what would happen to it when ship is underway, esp. in rough waters), shape of the superstructure doesn't make too much sense, to be honest, and suggest it would be horribly top heavy, that crane is there... well... what for?, forward gun is rather too much forward, and generally You have one of the more advanced radars available for armament set that makes essentialy no use of it - while at the same time lack of any other aerial sensors (which in real world
would be there).
I suggest You try looking here, to a (sadly incomplete) guide prepared some time ago by Acelanceloet and me for just situations like these. Try to analize shapes and proportions of hulls and superstructures as well as equipment.
http://www.shipbucket.com/forums/viewto ... f=5&t=3743