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Post subject: Republic of Japan AUPosted: April 14th, 2016, 1:19 pm
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So this is my AU of Japan - il skip economy and that details as they were same as in real world (although i could say that Japanese economy in this universe is sightly stronger),


Japan was always considered isolated nation, many times invaded by Koreans and Chinese but never conquered. Nation open its doors to western countries like Portugal, Spain and UK during the 1840's and developed strong relationship with those countries. In 1880's United States tried to open relations with Japan, however it was done in rude way by commodore Perry who marched with small squad of ships right in Yokohama harbor which was considered a great insult. Commodore return later in persistent atempt to convince Japanese for open trade and safe harbor. Although his second expedition was larger, Japanese navy blocked it way to the Yokohama, and one Japanese ship even fired and warning shots which almost end in a war.

In the 1910 Emperor Mutsuhito wishing to strengthen position of the Japan, he renamed the Empire of Japan into the Empire of the Fuso, however its sucessor Emperor Yoshihito moved Empire of Fuso to the imperialistic ways. Empire of the Fuso conquer many other nations between 1920-1940 including parts of China and manchuira - which was been part of China for centuries. Western powers turn a blind eye on this expansions especially the Great Britain - the main military supplier of Fuso(former Japan) from 1860 to 1925). Fuso Empire continues to grow, economy was strong, military was growing exponentially, especially the navy. While Fuso signed Washington naval treaty from 1922, it didn't really obey the rules of it. Empire of Fuso rejected any other participation in any of upcoming naval treaties (including both London treaties), believing that this treaties were enforced by United States who wish to have dominant position especially in its naval power. Empire of the Fuso refused and continue heavy buildup of its forces, opening half dozen new shipayards and building large number of ships.

By the 1938 Empire of Fuso conquered lots of teritories in Asia and western powers finally start to take measures, first by placing economical and military embargo on the Empire. In 1939 Germany invade Poland and WWII started. Empire of the Fuso sign the three-pact with Germany and Italy, however since most of the war in early stage of the war was in Europe, empire of the Fuso didn't do anything to help Italian and German forces.

In 1940, United States start pressing Empire to stop its conquering ambitions. Realizing that United States were now the main enemy, which can interfere with Empires conquest, Fuso's High command start planning an attack on US.

Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, one of most respected officers in Fuso military objected the plan, but nevertheless help creating it.

Empire of the Fuso launched a large fleet towards United States in 1941, consisting of four battleships, ten carriers, four heavy and six light cruisers and twelve destroyers as well fifteen submarines.

On december the sixth Empire of the Fuso declares war to United States, on december the 7th Fuso's fleet launched massive air attack on Pearl Harbor, in four waves Fuso' bombers sunk four American battleships, two dozen cruisers,destroyers and other ships, devastates fuel reserves on the bases and air strips.

Fuso Empire continue attack against United States and its Allies.

In 1942 Fuso takes the Midway, losing only two destroyers and one aircraft carrier, Kaga. However Americans manage to recover enough to keep Fuso Empire at bay from further expansions.

By the 1945 Fuso Empire was exuasted, Italy capitulate in 1943 and join Allies, while Germany was defeated. Realizing that more Allied forces (GB,France and Soviet Union) would turn on Fuso, Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto and other officers create coupe de etat, emperor Hirohito was removed from throne (although he will assume his position in 1955), Empire of the Fuso was still managing to hold good part in Asia, although it was slowly pushed back. In order to preseve its forces Admiral Yamamoto (the acting leader of the Empire), offer peace to United States, and formal apologize. US at first refused it, demanind uncoditional surreder, however Yamamoto announce that Empire will not bow to anyone and that Fuso Empire under new government wish peace.

In Novermber of 1945 case fire was signed. Empire was reformed as Republic of Japan. New goverment decide to retire and scrap half of the remaining fleet and give some of the other surviving ships as reparation for all damage it cause. However some survivors like Yamato, Kongo, Kirishima, Nagato, carriers Akagi, Soryu, Unyru and Shokaku as well some cruisers and destroyers remain in Japanese hands. Most of those ships were scrapped latter with exception of battleships Yamato, Nagato, Kongo and carrier Akagi which remains as museums.

Newly reborn Japan grow fast. United States former enemy now become the closest ally. While Japanese people forever denounce war in 1947 constitution, it was added that in case of emergency large military buildup was alloved. Main enemy of the west become Soviet Union and China in less extent.


While Russian Federation become threat to European Union and United States, China become major treat to rest of Asian countries. From 1986 to this day, China grow exponentially, not only in economy but military as well. There were dozens of disputes between China and other countries, especially dispute between Senkaku islands where China even send military ships to take control of it, but stopped by Japanese-American flottila. China also start building two to three large aircraft carriers, dozens of, dozens of new destroyers and with already three dozen frigates dozens of new, not to mention its massive fleet of submarines with over seventy in active service.

Japan respond in kind of increasing its own forces.

By the 2022 Japanese navy consist of this ships:

Aircraft Carriers: 1(1 on trials, 1 under construction)
Amagi class:
JDS Amagi - on trials (expected to enter service in 2023
JDS Akagi - under construction

these two aircraft carriers were first real aircraft carriers in over fourty years since retirement of surviving WWII carriers. They were direct answer on Chinese carriers

Helicopter carriers: 5 (plus one under construction)
Izumo class:
JDS Izumo - in service, commissioned in 2015
JDS Kaga - in service, commissioned in 2017
JDS Iwate - under construction, to be commissioned in 2023

Hyuga class:
JDS Hyuga - in service, commissioned in 2009
JDS Ise - in service, commissioned in 2011

Shirane class:

JDS Kurama - in service as training ship

Landing ships: 4 in service (1 under construction)

Sagami class (Improved Wasp class):
JDS Sagami - in service, commissioned in 2020
JDS Tsushima - under construction

Osumi class:

JDS Osumi - in service, commissioned in 1998
JDS Shimokita - in service, commissioned in 2002
JDS Kunisaki - in service, commissioned in 2003

Destroyers: 34 in service (+14 on trials, under construction or planned)
Guided missile destroyers
Takao class

JDS Takao - under construction, to be commissioned in 2024
JDS Mogami - under construction, to be commissioned in 2025

Atago class

JDS Atago - in service, commissioned in 2007
JDS Ashigara - in service, commissioned in 2008

"Improved Atago" class

JDS Hiei - in service, commissioned in 2017
JDS Ishizuchi - in service, commissioned in 2018
JDS Settsu - in service, commissioned in 2022
JDS Suzuya - under construction

Kongo class:

JDS Kongo - in service, commissioned in 1993
JDS Kirishima - in service, commissioned in 1995
JDS Myoko - in service, commissioned in 1996
JDS Chokai - in service, commissioned in 1998

Hatakaze class:

JDS Hatakaze - in service, commissioned in 1986
JDS Shimakaze - in service, commissioned in 1988

multi purpose destroyers

Yukikaze class:

JDS Yukikaze - in service, commissioned in 2020
JDS Isokaze - on trials, to be commissioned in 2022
JDS Matsukaze - on trials to be commissioned in 2022
JDS Hatsukaze - under construction
JDS Soyokaze - under construction
JDS Makaze - planned
JDS Yakaze - planned
JDS Tachikaze - planned

Akizuki class:
Batch I:
JDS Akizuki - in service, commissioned in 2012
JDS Teruzuki - in service, commissioned in 2013
JDS Suzutsuki - in service, commissioned in 2014
JDS Fuyutsuki - in service, commissioned in 2014

Batch II:

JDS Hatsuzuki - in service, commissioned in 2017
JDS Niizuki - in service, commissioned in 2018
JDS Shimotsuki - in service, commissioned in 2019
JDS Otsuki - in service, commissioned in 2021

Batch III:

JDS Natsuzuki - under construction, to be commissioned in 2023
JDS Hazuki - under consturction, to be commissioned in 2023
JDS Urazuki - planned
JDS Mitchitsuki - planned

Takanami class:

JDS Takanami - in service, commissioned in 2003
JDS Onami - in service, commissioned in 2003
JDS Makinami - in service, commissioned in 2004
JDS Sazanami - in service, commissioned in 2005
JDS Suzunami - in service, commissioned in 2006

Murasame class:

JDS Murasame - in service, commissioned in 1996
JDS Harusame - in service, commissioned in 1997
JDS Yudachi - in service, commissioned in 1999
JDS Kirisame - in service, commissioned in 1999
JDS Inazuma - in service, commissioned in 2000
JDS Samidare - in service, commissioned in 2000
JDS Ikazuchi - in service, commissioned in 2001
JDS Akebono - in service, commissioned in 2002
JDS Ariake - in service, commissioned in 2002

Frigates: 12 in service (+ 7 on trials, under construction or planned)

Matsu class:

JDS Matsu - in service, commissioned in 2019
JDS Kashi - in service, commissioned in 2021
JDS Nara - in service, commissioned in 2021
JDS Yadake - in service, commissioned in 2022
JDS Sakura - on trials, to be commissioned in 2022
JDS Kaba - on trilas, to be commissioned in 2023
JDS Katsura - under construction
JDS Tsuta - under construction
JDS Yomogi - under construction
JDS Sumire - planned

Asagiri class:

JDS Asagiri - training ship, in service, commissioned in 1988
JDS Yamagiri - training ship, in service, commissioned in 1989
JDS Yugiri - in service, commissioned in 1989
JDS Amagiri - in service, commissioned in 1989
JDS Hamagiri - in service, commissioned in 1990
JDS Setogiri - in service, commmissioned in 1990
JDS Sawagiri, training ship, in service, commissioned in 1990
JDS Umigiri, in service, commissioned in 1991

Destroyer escorts: 6, all belonging to Abukuma class, all in service

Submarines: 26 in service ( plus 4 on trials, under construction or planned)

Oyashio class:

JS Oyashio - training sub, in service, commissioned in 1998
JS Michishio - in service, commissioned in 1999
JS Uzushio - in service, commissioned in 2000
JS Makishio - in service, commissioned in 2001
JS Isoshio - in service, commissioined in 2002
JS Narushio - in service, commissioned in 2003
JS Kuroshio - in service, commissioned in 2004
JS Takashio - in service, commissioned in 2005
JS Yaeshio - in service, commissioned in 2006
JS Setoshio - in service, commissioned in 2007
JS Mochishio - in service, commissioned in 2008

Soryu class:

JS Soryu - in service, commissioned in 2009
JS Unyru - in service, commissioned in 2010
JS Hakuryu - in service, commissioned in 2011
JS Kenryu - in service, commissioned in 2012
JS Zuiryu - in service, commissioned in 2013
JS Kokuryu - in service, commissioned in 2015
JS Jinryu - in service, commissioned in 2016
JS Sekiryu - in service, commissioned in 2017
JS Kairyu - in service, commissioned in 2018
JS Kenryu - in service, commissioned in 2018
JS Tenryu - in service, commissioned in 2019
JS Chiryu - in service, commissioned in 2020
JS Koryu - in service, commissioned in 2021
JS Kyuryu - in service, commissioned in 2021

Ryujin class:

JS Ryujin - in service, commissioned in 2022
JS Raijin - on trials, to be commissioned in 2023
JS Fujin - under construction
JS Tenjin - planned
JS Suijin - planned

This is for the start, several other classes of ships will be added to this list, before i post ships itself. Most of the ships i took from other people here, i did some changes on them to look more as i want them, of course, i credited every person from who i took ships.

“You are fighter pilots first, last, always. If I ever hear of any of you shooting at someone in a parachute, I'll shoot you myself." Gustav Rödel

Last edited by zagoreni010 on April 14th, 2016, 6:38 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Post subject: Re: Republic of Japan AUPosted: April 14th, 2016, 4:50 pm
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Since i first found this design i want to include it into my Japan Republic AU. It is by far one of best carrier design i find. Perfectly suit for Japan. Credit for this beautiful design goes to acelancelot,

Amagi class - Aircraft Carrier

Class overview:
Name: Amagi class aircraft carrier
Operators: Japanese Navy
Built: 2020-2025
In service: expected to enter service in 2023
Completed: Two on order, one completed - trials, one under construction

General characteristic:

Displacement: 87,000 tons (standard), 95,000 tons (full)
Length: 320 meters
Beam: 75.2 meters
Draft: 10.8 meters
Power: 280,000 ship (200,000 kW)
Speed: 34 knots
Range: Unlilmited distance; 30-35 years
Crew: 2200
48-cell Mk-42 VLS (22 on each side of front part of the ship) for mix of:
SM-2R standard missiles, SM-3 Anti-ballistic missiles, RUM-139 Vertical Launch ASROC(anti submarine)
6x 20mm Phalanx CIWS
Aircraft carried: 60x F-35 Lightning II, 25x various helicopters

Amagi class aircraft carrier was largest Japanese ship built since retirement of Hayataka class aircraft carrier in 1957. It marks first carrier in Japanese navy in over fifty years. Amagi was created as direct answer to Chinese Mei Long class super carriers.

F-35 Lightning II (VTOL) variant was to become mainstery on Amagi class carriers. Due its small size it is believed that more then sixty would operate from each Amagi class carriers.

Due heavy advancements and automatizations Amagi would operate smaller crews then American Nimitz class. However, like Hyuga and Izumo, it is expected that Amagi class would also be excellent platform whom it will be capable deploy large number of helicopters in case of natural dissasters like tsunamis, earthquakes and vulcano eruptions.

It is also believed that with launch of Amagi, Americans would no longer need to have carrier in Asia, as Japan would take over in providing cover with their own carriers. Although it was expected that elements of US battlegroup stationed in Japan would remain there.

[ img ]

Big thanks to acelancelot for such magnificent design

“You are fighter pilots first, last, always. If I ever hear of any of you shooting at someone in a parachute, I'll shoot you myself." Gustav Rödel

Last edited by zagoreni010 on April 14th, 2016, 9:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post subject: Re: Republic of Japan AUPosted: April 14th, 2016, 6:13 pm
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Wow, talk about a blast from the past

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Post subject: Re: Republic of Japan AUPosted: April 14th, 2016, 7:06 pm
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I would like to remind you of the correct way of writing my username, it is next to this post and also on the drawing you started out with.

that said, that version of the camelot was the second iteration of the design, and not one I have ever been happy with. keep in mind that the design does not work that well. in addition, the parameters set for this design were never to be equal to USN CVN's, so if that is your goal you will have to modify the design quite a bit. this ship makes sense in the AU setting I had at the time, but I don't think I can see it working in the setting you describe. in addition, your specs do not match what is possible on this hull, as far as I can see (and remember of 6 years ago)

so with all due respect, I have no issue with you using the vessel, but I doubt it would be unchanged, as you have shown it now. would it not make more sense for you to modify it to your needs and background story?

Drawings are credited with J.Scholtens
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Post subject: Re: Republic of Japan AUPosted: April 14th, 2016, 7:11 pm
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acelanceloet wrote:
I would like to remind you of the correct way of writing my username, it is next to this post and also on the drawing you started out with.

that said, that version of the camelot was the second iteration of the design, and not one I have ever been happy with. keep in mind that the design does not work that well. in addition, the parameters set for this design were never to be equal to USN CVN's, so if that is your goal you will have to modify the design quite a bit. this ship makes sense in the AU setting I had at the time, but I don't think I can see it working in the setting you describe. in addition, your specs do not match what is possible on this hull, as far as I can see (and remember of 6 years ago)

so with all due respect, I have no issue with you using the vessel, but I doubt it would be unchanged, as you have shown it now. would it not make more sense for you to modify it to your needs and background story?
sry for the name, il fix it:):),

about ship, well i didnt find any of the informations about this ship so i was forced to improvise, since its AU, i doubt it is really important, however i do plan to do moding on this ship, with your blessings of course, i really like ship design, but for some reason i find that bow section is wierd and need modifications, however ship itself suit very very well to my AU, so bridge section, and other parts i dont plan to change, (i especially like how you did the bridge windows),

i did change some things already, adding some more CIWS, color, in this AU i working all larger Japanese ships like carriers, helicopter destroyers and LHD's are darker while destroyers and frigs are in normal grey color that they use in real life, as i said before i will mod the ship especially the bow, about tech informations for now i will left them as they are until i figure whats best,

most of ships in this AU i take from other people from this forum, yea i am a bit lazy to do all of them from scratch, but some modifications and thats all it need, some on the other hand i will do from scratch,

“You are fighter pilots first, last, always. If I ever hear of any of you shooting at someone in a parachute, I'll shoot you myself." Gustav Rödel

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Post subject: Re: Republic of Japan AUPosted: April 14th, 2016, 9:17 pm
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If you really want a 37 knot (!!!!) carrier, you need to completely rethink the stern. You have no prayer of putting 140kshp into a screw of that size. Look at Alvama's excellent Emma Maersk to see the sort of scale you need for that amount of power.

Not that I think 280kshp would get you much above 33 knots, which is more or less what the USN CVNs can achieve on similar power.

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Post subject: Re: Republic of Japan AUPosted: April 14th, 2016, 9:27 pm
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Look up FastShip to see the kind of engineering it takes to get large-ish ships up to that kind of speed.

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Post subject: Re: Republic of Japan AUPosted: April 14th, 2016, 9:47 pm
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Ok, il add 34 knots its seems more resonable, i will modifiy the bow first, then rest of the Amagi, still working on Kaba class (finally close to finish),

for the next ships in the Republic of Japan navy, i chose Hyuga and Izumo, now i couldnt find Izumo anywhere on this forum, so i was forced to use Crazyhorse's Hyuga class. Well taking that Izumo was basicly enlarged variant of the Hyuga, i simply stretch it and modify it to look as close as possible (taking that most of the work on "so called Izumo" i did between 11PM and 1AM, it will hardly convince anyone that ship is Izumo, however it is closest think i could do.

In this AU, there is third ship the Iwate under construction, i will add the pics of that ship as well, becuase i did currently working on it, it will be slightly changed then Hyuga-Izumo hybrid.

[ img ]

“You are fighter pilots first, last, always. If I ever hear of any of you shooting at someone in a parachute, I'll shoot you myself." Gustav Rödel

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Post subject: Re: Republic of Japan AUPosted: April 15th, 2016, 9:12 am
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Atago class

I will say that Atago together with Kongo is my favorite modern destroyer, although i dislike Atagos high siluete, of course i know this was done to add more room for command as these ships act as squad command ships (correct me if i am wrong). In this AU, they still have that role, however taking that four additional ships were built they were simply large destroyers (only two original ships act as destroyer leaders).

So on this chart, original Atago that was done by MConrads, Acelanceloet ( i think i get your name right this time) and BB1987 i didnt change on it anything, it was original, but of course i must add it. (and of course why do something if that already exist, i know i know that would only lazy person say but hey:))

Improved Atago was slightly enlarged (between 2-5m longer), it features shorter mast, additional four Harpoon launchers, additional CIWS, tomahawk VLS (yes in this universe Japan use those weapons), i know that i may maybe ruin the ship in a way, but please this is alternative universe, everything is possible in it so lets left it that way.

I am once again sorry that i using your work guys and that i "butchering" it but i do not have skills to do these ships from scratch on my own (at least not for now) and i dont have time to do it (with all other personal things)

Also i will re-write the history, adding more important historical events that concerne Japan (and former Empire of the Fuso), so if you are interested in this AU, stay tunned,

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“You are fighter pilots first, last, always. If I ever hear of any of you shooting at someone in a parachute, I'll shoot you myself." Gustav Rödel

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Post subject: Re: Republic of Japan AUPosted: April 15th, 2016, 5:47 pm
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like with the Atago i did some changes to the acelanceloet's Kongo.

Taking that story of this AU is set in early 2022, i change few things like addition of hangar bay, while not added on pic itself i also give credits to MConrads and BB1987, as i took it from Atago. I believe that Kongo by the 2022 could recieve hangar so i add it. I replaced the old fashion vertical mast with that of Sloped mast of Atago, number of VLS launchers remain the same only aft ones were placed on roof behind helicopter hangar like on the Atago. Unlike "Improved" Atago, Kongo in this AU as in real life do not carry tomahawks. the main gun, i really wanted to add a new design, even a railgun on it, however i scrapped that idea as i think although is 2022, adding more futuristic weapons would not really work in this AU , at least not for now.

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“You are fighter pilots first, last, always. If I ever hear of any of you shooting at someone in a parachute, I'll shoot you myself." Gustav Rödel

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