well the worklists aren't that simple thing I agree. Many people here just pile up ships they like or like to drawn, without no means of beeing capable of completing them during normal human life-span...
Some try to rush drawing most of them, and it usually end up lot worse than good and carefull dedication to each ship at the time...
Alavama is one of the few whom seems to be able to keep up with his worklist and have skills equalent of his pace...I sometimes feel if others just think they have to compete with his productivity beyond the ones own skills.
Instead of promoting to people to make up a claim-grapping worklist, why would people to co-operate to make a communal worklist? sort of thread or set of threads to list up ships that needs to be drawn and allocating those for people who are intrested and ready to drawn them?
As for my own affairs, I have sorta "taken" over all of the Soviet warships, (I did this way before we even had any forum), and sofar I haven't regrected it, as Im finaly starting to close the ultimate situation where everything has been drawn... (only to realise that the past work of my early days needs desperate redrawing in most cases)
Same thing was with Finnish navy, though as small as it is, I've completed it long long time ago, with slowly improving the drawings as my skill evolps.
Some migth question this, but I say, question it with drawings better than I produce, and we have no proplems
Watching from aside the few non-gollevainen attempts to drawn soviet Warships have been sometimes fustrating face-palm experiences, as it seems that really really really few people actually has knowledge of the soviet naval matters beyond the Global-security and other assorted obsolete cold-war era information.
In future, aside the pr.30 destroyers and few minesweepers, I foresaw my worklist to be almost exclusively redating and improving my older drawings and AU stuff.