Since the changes in Adm. team I've been promising new faces to the forum leaders, but it nearly 3 months to get agreeing replies
from this date, by the powers given to me, our new moderators are:
Hood is one of the oldest members of the bucket and someone who has always reminded around from the various incarnations of our forums. Lazer is one of the most aknowlidged artist among us, a master of ice-breakers and weird looking tugs, his fame in the past in the "drawing of the month" competitions was so overwhelming that we almost stopped to organise them becouse he always won
Anyways, We in the team have discussed about good memebers to the task and these two where first to come into our mind.
But the joy doesen't end in here.
Following members are promoted to premium membership status:
These new artist have done great work with great enthustiasm and I except nothing less from them in the future. Heuhen has done great drawings for the Norse folders, Bezobrazov's Type 22 explains themselves alone for the promotion, WhyMe I would have wanted to make Elite member at single strike (but thougth best go with proper protocol) and KimWerner did show great devolpment in skill with the HMS Bulwark.