Rear large elevator like on the mistral, tandem coaxial rotors on the Chinook, large superstructure also accounts for accommodation, what's wrong with the bow and the azimuth propulsion is from the Canberra.
See, this is why I sometimes feel like giving you pointers can be frustrating. Rather than modifying your designs to fit a more realistic and reasonable approach, you just justify stupid stuff. This is the kind of stuff that is just one notch above turkishnavalguy and danzig.
A Chinook ALREADY HAS tandem rotors. Unless you're trying to make a super-heavy lifter of a class about x3 as large as what currently exists, you don't need four rotors. And no, toys do not qualify as a reference. Frankly I would think this would be intrinsically obvious.
Elevators need support structures. You can't just hang an elevator deck off to one side and hope for the best. You're imparting a huge moment force on that thing (if you don't know what a moment force is, then you better learn soon if you're serious about being an engineer). Look at the construction of the elevators of nearly every other ship that uses them.
And the superstructure is...almost comically huge, but I'll still give you that, though. On the other hand, what's with the external decks? Or are the lines just temporary? Either way, you better justify them, and I mean
really justify them. Like, Timothy Oliphant in that new FX show (which is really quite good) justified.
And "artifact" is a graphics design term for all that interference you have going around the picture. It means you saved it in a compressed format (.JPG). How many times has Colo been harping on that, since day 1 of the forums?