looks good. a few small comments:
- try to make the bends in the hull (represented with grey lines) darker then the shading (so lighten the shading grey or darken the bend grey) to make it look more pleasing to the eye and make the details visible
- wasn't there some paint on the bow?
http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb2013 ... Bardot.png
- try to tone down the shading a bit. it looks a bit weird with the large grey blob, although I think it is correctly shaped on first glance
- the mast might benefit from a bit more structure showing. antenna's can be done in dark grey, and there seems to be some frame to support the mast next to the structure
- the forward edge of the wing looks a bit off on your drawing
- try a bit more details. btw, these are quite hard to do as first drawing, so I think you are doing a really good job so far. the easiest ship size to learn shipbucket is around 100m
- I was about to say that an underwater hull might massively improve the drawing, but the best reference I could find for it so far is
http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/01/ ... 34x395.jpg since this is an unconventionally shaped ship, you cannot draw just from reason so I think it is indeed best to leave the underwater hull off.