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Post subject: Re: Republic of Rossiya, Beast from the SouthPosted: December 5th, 2014, 11:10 pm
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Now for a rewrite of World War 2

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Post subject: Re: Republic of Rossiya, Beast from the SouthPosted: December 7th, 2014, 8:32 am
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World War 2 AU Timeline

Spanish Civil War erupts between Left Winged Republicans and Right Winged Nationalists. Rossiya's Streitkräfte (Armed Forces) saw this as a perfect chance to test their new equipment and to gain some experiences for their armed forces. Rossiya sent a number of troops to Spain to assist the war on the Nationalist side. At the Rossiya was leaning to the Right Wing and was almost fascist. It was here where Rossiya took lessons from Nazi Germany. Here was also where Rossiya and Germany began their negotiations that led the Konigsberg Agreement where in exchange for license production of a number of German equipment and the knowledge of new tactics, Rossiya exported to German a substantial amount of resources for a number of years. Secretly Rossiya was establishing a soon to be very reliable spy network in Germany.
Rossiya at the same time could see the gathering storm clouds began to rearm herself; however she still remained isolationist.

Anschluss takes place. Rossiya doesn't take a stance on the situation.
Sudetenland Crisis occurs. Rossiya cuts shipments by half.
Second Sino-Japanese War begins. Rossiya and America condemned the Japanese for attacking their Gunboats RFS Harling and USS Panay respectively.

Second World War starts with Germany invading Poland. Rossiya steps up rearmament program.

Invasion of France, France falls to Germany. Rossiya still doesn't take part in the conflict.
Battle of Britain, Rossiya sends a number of 500 fighter pilots to take part in the battle as to gain more experience in dogfighting.
Rossiya, the USA, the UK and the Netherlands agreed to stop all trade with Japan. Rossiya also breaks the Rossiyan-Japanese 1925 Agreement.

Rossiya is still not assisting in the war. Massive Naval rearmament program began with the construction of new warships.
Operation Barbarossa, the invasion of the Soviet Union. Rossiya finally begins to take action, Rossiya begins sending aid to the beleaguered Soviets.
Attack on Pearl Harbour and the invasion of South East Asia. Rossiya begins to move into from at ease to high alert. Rossiya begins to assist the Americans fighting for the Chinese by sending two squadrons filled with their still capable FP-1938 Paryashchiy (Rossiyan Bf109 only slightly bigger) fighter planes. Here Rossiyan pilots encounter the vaunted Zero however, Paryashchiys were toe to toe with the Zeroes but the Rossiyan Air Force and Navy knew that they needed better planes so developments begin on new planes.

Eastern Zone, South East Asia
Attack on Svyatoslavovich Naval Air Base. It was a massive jolt to the Rossiyan Streitkräfte. Rossiya joins the war on the Allies side with America, UK & Soviet Union. Rossiya declares war on the Axis Powers and rips the Konigsberg Agreement apart. Rossiya activates her established spy network in Germany.
Rossiya signs the Treaty of Pearl Harbour with the United States.
Rossiya begins assisting the United States in their lend lease program.
Rossiya's first action to defend Java from falling out of Dutch hands. The Rossiyans and the Dutch stood fast and Java was free from Japanese control however the rest of the Dutch East Indies fell to the Japanese. This was because the Rossiyans had a limited number of troops to send to assist at first.
Western Zone, Atlantic
Rossiyan sends ships to safeguard the vital convoys heading for the UK. Rossiya operated her surface vessels, her submarines and planes to search and hunt for U-boats. The Kriegsmarine were stunned to hear reports of sightings of Rossiyans warships patrolling the Atlantic. Worst of all, the Rossiyan submarines of the Doppelganger class submarine which were designed with the capability to hunt other submarines in mind were also spotted.
Western Zone Europe
Rossiya stations two strategic bomber wings in England to support the bombing campaigns over Germany. Along with them were three tactical bomber wings, three close air support wings and four fighter wings as well.
Western Zone, North Africa
Rossiya after 77 years once again allowed British troops on their soil as the Allies were to use Rossiya as a staging ground to assault Vichy French Madagascar. Japanese submarines that were sent to attack the Allied invasion fleet were either sunk or scared off by the Rossiyan Navy and Rossiyan Coast Guard and Rossiyan National Naval Guard.
Rossiya also took part in the Battle for El Alamein and made the push further south just to pull most of Rommel's forces to defend against the attack. She also took part in Operation Torch. Rossiyan Naga Elite Guards assaulted the Vichy French Naval Base in Algiers with the US Rangers.
Rossiya, however refused any suggestions from Britain to recapture the rest of South East Asia as Rossiya has already committed large portions of their forces to different theatres. Rossiya used a ratio to distribute her forces which was 1:2:2:5 for the Mediterranean, European, Russian and Pacific theatres respectively.
Rossiya being unorthodox as she is, (she is the only allied nation to have "proper" cavalry units as main fighting units [The USSR has cavalry units but the soldiers dismount from their horses before engaging targets, Rossiyans charge on their horses]), helped establish the secret Free German Army made up from German POWs from the Eastern and North African theatres. This army was deployed in North Africa.
Western Zone, Eastern Front (Western Russian Front according to the Rossiyans)
Rossiya sent two armies consisting of 9 corps each, two air force commands both to assist the Soviets. Their first major action is the Battle of Stalingrad, here three infantry divisions and one Okhranniki (Rossiya's Elite Infantry) division fought alongside the Soviets to hold the city which they held onto tightly until relieved in 1943.
Eastern Zone, North Pacific
Doolittle Raid, the Rossiyan Navy, wanting to boost the morale of the people decided to work with the US Navy in conducting the Doolittle Raid. Since the Rossiyans already operated twin engine bombers from their carriers, they had no problems undertaking this task. The Rossiyan Navy sent two carriers, RFS Rusefin and RFS Vostok to accompany the USS Hornet and USS Enterprise. Even with the Rossiyan Navy's presence, the attack had to be launched earlier because of the radio message sent by Japanese picket boat No. 23 Nittō Maru, a 70-ton patrol craft. The combined might of the Rossiyan and American bombers caused substantial damage to Japanese factories in Tokyo. This will lead to decision to attack Midway. However prior that the Battle of the Coral Sea took place where the Rossiyan Navy, the US Navy and the Royal Australian Navy worked together to engage the Japanese task force that was searching for them. Here, Rossiya was able to bring out their newest boats such as the RFS Ungeheuer (CL), RFS Zmeya (DD) and RFS Morskaya (DD). Unlike the Americans who had the F4F Wildcats and F2A Buffalos, the Rossiyans had the CFP-1938 Ptitsa Voyny (Basically Carrier version of the Paryashchiy) which on par with the Zero. However the Rossiyans and Americans lacked skills in air to ship combat so for the most they damaged one carrier, sunk two destroyers, sunk a light carrier, damaged two destroyers and 104 aircraft. However the American Navy and the Rossiyan Navy failed to work together properly so the Rossiyan ships left the USS Lexington to defend the RFS Karsk. In this fight Rossiya loses RFS Okhranniki and RFS Kunetova suffers damage.
Later, learning the lessons from the Battle of the Coral Sea, Rossiya and America worked together properly this time and took part in the Battle of Midway. Here the Rossiyans and the Americans were able to destroy all four of the Japanese carriers that attacked Pearl Harbour. They also sank two cruisers although the Rossiyans managed to salvage one of them. At the same time, both Rossiya and America lost a carrier in this fight, USS Yorktown and RFS Rusefin with 406 killed.
Battle for Guadalcanal, Rossiyan and American marines fought hard to capture the island. Meanwhile at sea, both navies of the nations fought desperately to hold the Japanese Navy. After the Guadalcanal campaign, Rossiya lost 500 marines, 2 light cruisers, 5 destroyers and 5 transport ships. Also by the end of 1942, all of Rossiya's new warships were completed and were already heading for war.
Western Zone, Europe
Rossiyan, US and British troops land in Sicily, here General Katherine Hatarov, General George Patton and General Bernard Montgomery (The Allied Generals of the North Africa) worked together to liberate the island. Later, landings were made on Italy proper. Rossiya's spy network in Germany was doing its intended task with full effect, stealing and capturing German technology and blueprints while finding out about the Germans had planned every once in awhile. Rossiya's main aim was to rob the country blind of its technology.
Western Zone, Eastern/Western Russian Front
Soviet and Rossiyan forces press hard, pushing the Axis powers back. During the Battle of Kursk, Soviet T-34s, KV-1s, SU-85s, SU-100s and SU-152s fought alongside MT-1942 Uhlans (Rossiyan medium tank), HT-1943 Cossacks (Rossiyan heavy tank), MTD-1943 Attentaters (Rossiyan medium tank destroyer) and HTD-1942 Snaypers (Rossiyan heavy tank destroyers) to crush the German offensive. At the same time the Rossiyan Air Force and the Soviet Air Forces battled for supremacy against the Luftwaffe over the battlefield.
Eastern Zone, Pacific
Rossiyan and American forces push through both in the Central Pacific and Southern Pacific Campaign at full steam.
With the assistance of the Rossiyans, the heavily defended bases such as Rabaul were captured. Rossiya again being unorthodox captures all the warships moored in Rabaul and tows them all back to Rossiya where they were fixed up, restored and sent towards the Atlantic, just to cause confusion amongst the Kriegsmarine. The Royal Navy and the US Navy were informed of this repeatedly. However that did not prevent the RFS Amagiri being fired upon by a British destroyer.
Central Zone, Middle East
In agreement in Moscow, Rossiya, Britain and the USSR agreed to work together to invade Iran to prevent a fascist takeover. Rossiya didn't want to go through British India so they had a amphibious landing which lessons from Torch were remembered and new vital lessons were learned on how not to screw up an amphibious assault, which will come in handy for later military operations. Then came the Tehran conference and it was agreed that a second front will be opened in 1944 and the Soviets will push from the east. Rossiya will support both endeavors.

Western Zone, European Theater
The Western Allies and Rossiya launched Operation Overlord. Rossiyan and American were to land in the western beaches of Normandy, Omaha, Utah and Viktor (Further north than Utah by three miles). The Rossiyan Navy gave the coastline a heavy pounding and the Rossiyan Air Force disregarded safety and flew lots of low-level ground attack missions. They succeeded but Omaha was bloodbath with a high causalities, 15000 dead or wounded. Soon Rossiya and the Western Allies broke out of Normandy and raced inland. At the same time Rossiya launched a daring raid, in the heart of Germany. The objective, capture Rommel before he is informed of his arrest. The Rossiyan Naga Elite Guards succeeded in not only capturing Rommel but at also evacuating his family out of Germany. Rommel was then put in command of the Free German Army, now serving in Europe. Operation Market Garden failed even with Rossiyan support. Battle of the Bulge took place, encircling the US 101st Airborne Division, Rossiyan 3rd "Victory" Okhranniki Division and the Rossiyan 4th "Threads on Fire" Mechanized Infantry Division in the city of Bastogne. The Americans and the Rossiyans held the city until they were relieved by Patton's army.
Western Zone, Eastern/ Western Russian Front
The Soviets and the Rossiyans press hard against the Axis Powers out of Western Russia and by the end of 1944, they were already in Poland. Meanwhile to the south, the two superpowers steamrolled into the Balkans.
Eastern Zone, Pacific Theater
US and Rossiyan forces continue steamrolling through the Japanese strongholds. By now, the Rossiyan and American navies were far more capable than the Japanese could even dream of catching up. This was truly seen in the Mariana Turkey Shoot when Rossiya and America were busy assaulting the islands of Saipan, Guam and the Palaus when the Japanese Navy came to throw a wrench into the Allies' advance. The Japanese fail horribly. Then came the liberation of the Philippines with the landing at Leyte. The Americans and Rossiyans ships guarding the waters around Leyte soon found themselves fighting for their lives. Admiral William Halsey of US Third Fleet and Admiral Gerhard Steinbach of Rossiyan Second Fleet fell for Ozawa's decoy force and headed straight north to attack the carrier taskforce. This allowed for Kurita's Centre Force to pass through the San Bernardino Straits without interference. Thus setting the stage for the biggest mismatched battles of all time. Centre Force encounters a group of ships thought to be Halsey and Steinbach's carriers. However, the ships they see are all part of a supporting fleet called Taffy 3 made up of 3 Rossiyan destroyers, 1 Rossiyan Light Carriers, 6 US escort carriers, 3 US destroyers and 4 US destroyer escorts. The Allied ships were stunned but they fought hard against the Japanese warships. All 3 Rossiyan destroyers, 2 American destroyers, 1 destroyer escort and 2 escort carriers sank beneath the waves, while taking out three heavy cruisers, damaging four more cruisers and leaving two destroyers with a lot of holes but still afloat.
Western Zone, European theater
The Western Allies were pushing into Germany by mid 1945, American, British and Rossiyan armies were sweeping into Germany and Austria. As agreed in Tehran, The Allied Forces coming from the west were to halt at the River Elbe while the Allied Forces racing from the east halt at the said river.
Eager to end the war early, the Rossiya launched Operation Grand Slam which was the mass amphibious landings on Germany proper. The landings were success and the Rossiyan Army were soon in control of almost all Germany's naval bases and northern airfields. Now Germany was facing a war on four fronts and it didn't have the resources to do so. Hitler was enraged that the Kriegsmarine allowed the Rossiyans to land on their shores. The British, Americans and Soviets were surprised by the victory achieved by the Rossiyans but not the operation as they were informed prior to this. With these landings, the Rossiyan Army was able to liberate Denmark and with little damage as most of the Germans trapped in Denmark were more than happy to surrender to Rossiya. Rossiyan forces then pushed south in a concentrate axis of attack down the centre of Germany.
Western Zone, Eastern/ Western Russian Front
The Soviets and Rossiyan forces blitzkrieged their way into Germany. They were soon fighting it out in the streets of Berlin while at the same time, pushing farther into Czechoslovakia. Germany was soon gone and during the Potsdam Conference, it was decided that Germany will divided into five sectors; American, British, French, Soviet and Rossiyan sectors. This how Germany now looked liked after September 1945.
[ img ]
Eastern Zone, Pacific
The Rossiyans and Americans were now edging closer to the home islands of Japan as they land on Iwo Jima and Okinawa. The Japanese for the last time attempt to inflict massive damage on the Allied invasion forces by sending what few ships they could spare to attack the invasion fleet but the Allied forces were ready for them and when they came in range, a massive aerial strike force was sent to engage the Japanese taskforce but after an discussion between the Republic of Rossiya and the United States of America, the pilots were given strict orders not sink the ships as the Rossiyans wanted to capture the pride of the Japanese Navy and any ships that was there. So the super battleship, IJN Yamato and any ships in the area were crippled so much so that the Rossiyan Navy was able to board the ships and in act of vengeance for the attack on Svyatoslavovich Naval Base, every survivor on the ships were shot or thrown overboard. Later, the US bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki with atomic bombs after discussing with the Rossiyan Streitkräfte about an actual invasion of Japan which the Rossiyans disliked because it will cost a lot of lives and equipment. Rossiya did send observers to document the atomic bombing.
The Japanese surrendered and it was signed on the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay. World War 2 was over, now for the reconstruction and returning to normalcy. Rossiya and America agreed to work together to rebuild Japan. Rossiya after World War 2 decided to become more internationalist than before but still isolationist which meant Rossiya will be more active in world affairs if they affected Rossiya directly.

"Lead me, follow me or the get the hell out of my way!" -George S. Patton
"A ship is referred as a "she" because it takes so much powder and paint to maintain her"- Chester W. Nimitz

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Post subject: Re: Republic of Rossiya, Beast from the SouthPosted: December 7th, 2014, 9:03 am
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One thing I have not seen anywhere in your thread is a map of Rossiya, and where it is situated in the world.

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Post subject: Re: Republic of Rossiya, Beast from the SouthPosted: December 7th, 2014, 2:11 pm
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Oh thanks for reminding me, here is the map of where Rossiya is in the world
[ img ]
And this is the flag of the Republic of Rossiya
[ img ]

"Lead me, follow me or the get the hell out of my way!" -George S. Patton
"A ship is referred as a "she" because it takes so much powder and paint to maintain her"- Chester W. Nimitz

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Post subject: Re: Republic of Rossiya, Beast from the SouthPosted: December 7th, 2014, 2:36 pm
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forget your influence on the washington treaty. that landmass would influence everything from the first europeans sailing around africa. colonial development would be different, ships would be less time out of sight of land on the east-indies trading, australia would be found earlier......... so the entire indies would be completely different, and with that in mind WW2 would be completely different.....

Drawings are credited with J.Scholtens
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Post subject: Re: Republic of Rossiya, Beast from the SouthPosted: December 7th, 2014, 2:46 pm
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I will do a background story later

"Lead me, follow me or the get the hell out of my way!" -George S. Patton
"A ship is referred as a "she" because it takes so much powder and paint to maintain her"- Chester W. Nimitz

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Post subject: Re: Republic of Rossiya, Beast from the SouthPosted: December 7th, 2014, 9:18 pm
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This is the point to where no credible AU should go. .. I'm with ace on this one. The whole world history will have to be rewritten substantially, lending lesser and lesser credibility to the entire plotline.

My Avatar:Петр Алексеевич Безобразов (Petr Alekseevich Bezobrazov), Вице-адмирал , царская ВМФ России(1845-1906) - I sign my drawings as Ari Saarinen

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Post subject: Re: Republic of Rossiya, Beast from the SouthPosted: December 7th, 2014, 9:57 pm
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I would suggest holding off on the history writing at the moment, and focus on the ships for the time being. Learning about how to design a ship is much easier than learning to write plausible alternate history scenarios, and we are, after all, a forum of shipdrawers.
I'm not saying you shouldn't try to make an AU scenario, quite on the contrary. But you need to have read a fair bit about history, and how countries are created and evolve as time passes. Ship designing is something you can learn to some degree by trial and error. Alternate history writing, not so much.

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Post subject: Re: Republic of Rossiya, Beast from the SouthPosted: December 7th, 2014, 10:20 pm
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Personally I would start by deciding on a style of ship (each nation/time had/has styles that link different ships) for you Rossiya (you have already started developing one with your ships) and then design some ships that are equivalents of OTL ships at the same time period.

Build a ship with the same date and displacement for the same mission and if its massively better/worse you know something is wrong.(unless you are cheating with hindsight)


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Post subject: Re: Republic of Rossiya, Beast from the SouthPosted: December 7th, 2014, 11:03 pm
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Alright, next up are the Cold War ships and the Rossiyan influenced Republic of Germany's Navy as well

"Lead me, follow me or the get the hell out of my way!" -George S. Patton
"A ship is referred as a "she" because it takes so much powder and paint to maintain her"- Chester W. Nimitz

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