Small addition from me.
As - at least some of - You know, PierreDeveaux prepared B-52 drawings (in FD scale but not FD style) which I'm due to adapt to our style. But unfortunately since I moved to UK my time management skills (at least when the
spare time is concerned) got somewhat lacking, this - and many other projects - are rather dragging on.
So here's something that was due to be posted only with B-52 but I'm posting now as stand-alone. To show that I'm still doing
something and that my promises of drawing this or that aren't just empty threats.
USA, North American X-15
Note, that in the course of their operational lives all three X-15's underwent many minor (or not so minor) changes, both regarding equipment and paint schemes. Also it should be noted, that various sources give rather conflicting data about plane's dimensions.