Periodically while visiting the Main Site to look for examples to emulate or simply to find out if a ship has been done I've wished there were a better way to locate specific ship types.
I'd like to hear what people think and maybe start some discussion.
First, a couple threads to reference:
New File name rules (April 2013) ... =10&t=4165
Hull Classification (November 2011) ... f=5&t=2188
Merchant ships in the main site archive (May 2011)
Maybe a partial solution would be a readily accessible or drop down "Key" under a button accessible from every country's page. Handy for dummies like me who doesn't know an AF from a ZN.
Maybe a site search engine would be the solution. That would require tagging images and maybe a uniform tagging system. A huge project that might require everyone to help out on (to do their own drawings where possible). I helped out a railroad archive when they developed one: call numbers, dates, key words for loco names, numbers, elements visible in the images....
In this case it could include the existing hull classifications, launch date, country, sail, steam, whatever seems useful.
Is it technically possible to do with the existing skill sets within our community?
Does the site (phpBB) support such a function?
Would it even be handy to have?
Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!