Thanks all for your contributions along this line of thinking, For my part (as original author of the thread and the Falklands AU)
Do tell me to stop if you don't want random ideas
With a bit more thought I think my idea doesn't really work
(it would have been built if it did
1) I think 4 guns doesn't give good salvos (especially 1/2 salvos, or if one turret is out) this really hurts it as it cant range properly.
(This doesn't totally kill it as it would still probably win v a AMC)
2) it still uses stuff that needs a real military shipyard (turrets, armour, directors) so it cant be built as well as other CLs but instead of them (and cant be built in the FI
(This will stop it as the RN will not post 37 prioritise a none multi use ship)
So next (s****) idea,
I Think a destroyer based ship,
1) might be buildable in FI (with a few parts from UK)
2) Thinking a large destroyer with 8 x 4.5 or 4.7s +light AA
Does anybody have a shipbucket of an Abdiel class such as HMS Manxman ? (or will I have to do it from scratch