This shouldn't be here, as it was not build yet, or am I wrong?
BTW a very nice drawing of a ship which in my eyes doesn't look so much as a ship.
she's ugly, but an cool concept, and she will be floating next year, so it is very likely that it will be build.....
and as the holland class OPV was already in the real designs section before they started building it as far as I know, so ......... but that raises a question: should 'future build' be submitted to 'never build' ?
I doubt anchors are really needed
That would imply this ship does two things: be docked, or be in a constant state of motion.
it will mostly be those 2..... and I have no idea where to place the anchors, as you can't add them to movable structures or mount them underwater, so the only place they could be placed is on the large structure, near the lifeboats. as far as I know, this would give as much problems as it would solve.......
btw, when do merchant ships use anchors these days? when they are waiting to enter an harbor, when they are waiting for something in general..... I don't see much use for them on a ship like this, but I can be wrong, of course.