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Post subject: Re: design 1047 battlecruiser, as finished postwar.Posted: April 29th, 2014, 7:38 pm
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I commend you on the drawing, a very nice on, and very realistic.
Two points now
1 you may consider moving the aft mast in front of the the funnel as was done in real life to the cruisers. Nothing wrong in that.
2 you wrote that the Dutch didn't use helicopters until the Van Speijk class which is not true. The destroyers Piet Hein (D805) ex-HMS Serapis had a platform built on her after torpedo tubes for the use of helicopters (no hangar), Kortenaer and Evertsen also former S class destroyers had that platform. Granted it was not a permanent use, but it paved the way for small ship operations with helicopters.

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"Never fear to try on something new. Remember that the Titanic was built by professionals, and the Ark by an amateur"

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Post subject: Re: design 1047 battlecruiser, as finished postwar.Posted: April 29th, 2014, 7:40 pm
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acelanceloet wrote:
helicopters are not used for the reason that the dutch did not field helicopters other then on the carrier until the van speijk class was commisioned. the cruisers could certainly have fitted helicopters, but it was chosen not to do so.
Ok, matter of choice
But in the 1950s, do not put a lightweight (fragile) helicopter on the aft of this LARGE warship, it is a lack of flexibility (Com/SAR)
[ img ]
[ img ]
acelanceloet wrote:
the 'what is this' is the lichtraketwerper illumination missile launcher. fitted as on the cruisers.
Ah, Ok, thank you, I did not know this system
Is a missile illuminator/director or a"Flash/light" rocket (to illuminate the night, a "starshell-rocket" ?). I do not understand well :?
acelanceloet wrote:
you have crossed out all the 120mm directors and replaced them with an wrongly drawn 120mm director. note that these directors were dual purpose and were used for both the cruisers and destroyers (150mm and 120mm). the only difference here is that the fore and aft one have more range, as in the cruisers.
acelanceloet wrote:
the mast setup is exactly as on the zeven provincien class, with the difference that it is modified along the lines for larger funnels and an bigger ship, as is the case here. the masts are setup somewhat heavier then that of the zeven provincien for again, bigger ship et all.
Here, I do not agree with your choice
Looking closely the 1948-1957 Dutch designs, they often merge both funnels & radar-mast.
Your aft radar-mast should be merged with the aft funnel and the forward radar-mast should be merged with the forward funnel & the bridge.
LOL, your forward tripod mast look "1930s style"
acelanceloet wrote:
I have chosen for 2 turrets for some reasons:
* the P class would have used only 2 each.
* one of the turrets was broken up and all 3 guns used separate in real life. this would also have been the case in this AU
* if you read the storyline you see where the 2 turrets come from.
I concur
acelanceloet wrote:
the 152mm were not considered AA capable. they were somewhat, just like the british guns, but never used as such because...... well, it just did not work very well. there is also literally no reason for this ship to be completed without the main guns.
The problem is that in your scenario, you'll bring 11"in guns on your ship, during 1946-1952 rebuilding. A 11"in gun with some flaws (very "crew-expensive", single-purpose & slow-firing) on a ship that may confront Soviet jets, mines, submarines, MTBs, destroyers, cruisers...
A 6"in gun HA with a fast RPM (10 to 15 rounds per minute) is better than a 2/3 rounds per minute for a 11"in guns
acelanceloet wrote:
I have chosen to fit 120mm as secondary and 40mm as tertiary guns. I don't see the need for 57mm guns.
Yet, the Dutch cruisers of this era have...4 twin mounts...
acelanceloet wrote:
seeing how much more capable the guided 40mm guns and 120mm guns were, the AA is upgraded from the original design. these all also served dual purpose role.
Ok, this is your choice
acelanceloet wrote:
you have included an small drawing of the old 40mm gun turret I just have replaced with an new drawing.
acelanceloet wrote:
the ship is literally littered with the 40mm directors. I do not know why those question marks are there. there are no 57mm directors because there are no 57mm guns.
This is your choice, ok
acelanceloet wrote:
I have not included the liferafts on the turrets because I have included inflatable liferaft containers, as were introduced about this time.
acelanceloet wrote:
the boats are aft because otherwise they would interfere with the director, guns etc amidships. an huge crane could fix this, but has it's own set of problems. there is some space where they are now, and they are exactly where they were on the original 1047 class (I had not even seen that before now) so I don't see why not.
Here, I do not agree with your choice.
Your ship is very wide in the center, it can carry utility-boats here.
It is better to put utility-boats amidship and put severals AA guns toward forward & aft the superstructures.
To deal with Soviet jets during 1950s, think Arc of fire & responsiveness of your AA guns (radar controlled)
acelanceloet wrote:
think zeven provincien class cruiser "influence" ... look how much unlike their british counterparts these ships ended up looking.
Your large mast aft look more closely same as similar (large) mast onboard some 1950s british carrier...
acelanceloet wrote:
and the missile conversion? well, the cost would be just as astronomical as the conversion of the actual zeven provincien cruiser, which was costly enough to not do it to the De Ruyter, but not costly enough to not do it.
Think cost-effectiveness...
At a time when 35% of the Dutch fleet could be destroyed in a few hours .....with 2 or 3 soviet atomic bombs
acelanceloet wrote:
so yeah, a bit wondering, if you go ahead and make an reply like this, kind of bashing the entire design, would you be so kind to research the idea behind it a bit? or maybe keep an eye on what all those parts are?
acelanceloet wrote:
please comment
Roooooooooohhh !
You asked for comments
I give you my opinion

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Post subject: Re: design 1047 battlecruiser, as finished postwar.Posted: April 29th, 2014, 8:16 pm
Posts: 762
Joined: January 1st, 2012, 7:01 pm
Location: Germany
The project looks interesting so far. I can't comment on the technical side, but it looks interesting. Will we see an updated version of the 'original' 1047 as well?
acelanceloet wrote:
as there seems to be some kind of battleship/cruiser arms race going on on the bucket at the moment, and the dutch had nothing to answer that
Hmm, the last there was such a race, I drew the Drache as a response. I wonder what I can do this time...

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Post subject: Re: design 1047 battlecruiser, as finished postwar.Posted: April 29th, 2014, 8:32 pm
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Novice wrote:
1 you may consider moving the aft mast in front of the the funnel as was done in real life to the cruisers. Nothing wrong in that.
I considered that. liked this better though :P
Novice wrote:
2 you wrote that the Dutch didn't use helicopters until the Van Speijk class which is not true. The destroyers Piet Hein (D805) ex-HMS Serapis had a platform built on her after torpedo tubes for the use of helicopters (no hangar), Kortenaer and Evertsen also former S class destroyers had that platform. Granted it was not a permanent use, but it paved the way for small ship operations with helicopters.
nice to know, never heard of that. my statement should have been 'no ships designed for use of helicopters before van speijk class' then.


of course, many ships did tests. however, no ship of this era was designed with helicopters in mind.
Ah, Ok, thank you, I did not know this system
Is a missile illuminator/director or a"Flash/light" rocket (to illuminate the night, a "starshell-rocket" ?). I do not understand well :?
star-rocket or illumination rocket is the descriptions in english that seems to fit it best.
Here, I do not agree with your choice
Looking closely the 1948-1957 Dutch designs, they often merge both funnels & radar-mast.
Your aft radar-mast should be merged with the aft funnel and the forward radar-mast should be merged with the forward funnel & the bridge.
LOL, your forward tripod mast look "1930s style"
1948-1957 dutch designs= the destroyers, the van speijk, the carrier (when looking at commissioning dates, only the holland class destroyer). all of them have separate funnels and masts. the holland and friesland class destroyers have the foremast on top of the funnel, but this is for an good reason (the machinery reaches very far forward, the A class having the entire boiler room in front of the funnel and the B class having one boiler forward of the funnel and one underneath it) which in case of this ship is not neccesary.

the forward radar mast is an tripod mast, as it is on the zeven provincien. only, in case of the one on the zeven provincien, it is locked into the superstructure and funnel a bit. I think this has more to do with the larger then designed superstructure then with any design choice. look at the british proposal for this ship, with exactly such an mast as I have.
The problem is that in your scenario, you'll bring 11"in guns on your ship, during 1946-1952 rebuilding. A 11"in gun with some flaws (very "crew-expensive", single-purpose & slow-firing) on a ship that may confront Soviet jets, mines, submarines, MTBs, destroyers, cruisers...
A 6"in gun HA with a fast RPM (10 to 15 rounds per minute) is better than a 2/3 rounds per minute for a 11"in guns
yes,but I bring these guns on board as the ships raison d'etre. without those guns, it would not have been worth it to rebuild the ship. I agree that the 150mm bofors would have been more capable, but that is not the point of this ship. the only real targets for these guns would be enemy cruisers, and land attack. these ships were developed against those enemy cruisers, so while outdated in design that should still work. and for land attack it quite an power. the jets, mtb's and destroyers are an good reason for the quite strong secondaries.

of course, the ship would have been outdated fast, but that goes for every big gun ship, including the eendracht class cruisers.
Yet, the Dutch cruisers of this era have...4 twin mounts...
yes. but the dutch cruisers of this era have no DP main guns. the 57mm's take the place of the 120mm's here. also, 3 main gun calibers on a ship seems enough.
Here, I do not agree with your choice.
Your ship is very wide in the center, it can carry utility-boats here.
It is better to put utility-boats amidship and put severals AA guns toward forward & aft the superstructures.
To deal with Soviet jets during 1950s, think Arc of fire & responsiveness of your AA guns (radar controlled)
and that is exactly why I haven't put my boats over there, the arc of fire forward and aft on the guns placed quite far out to the beam is excellent, but would be quite restricted when placed on the forward and aft superstructure. as a result, there is an space between the midships directors on this ship that cannot be reached very well, but where I would otherwise have placed the boats.
Your large mast aft look more closely same as similar (large) mast onboard some 1950s british carrier... ... 201971.png
it also looks quite similar to the radar mast added here on the very same position on the zeven provincien, with the difference that there is an secondary conning position underneath it.
Think cost-effectiveness...
At a time when 35% of the Dutch fleet could be destroyed in a few hours .....with 2 or 3 soviet atomic bombs
as could the netherlands itself. and britain, for that matter. makes more sense to me to spend money on good air defence so that doesn't happen, don't you think? and history says that we converted an ship to missile cruiser, and had plans for another. so why would it not be this ship instead?
Roooooooooohhh !
You asked for comments
I give you my opinion
not going to reply to this.
Will we see an updated version of the 'original' 1047 as well?
most likely not. I have completely worked from gollevainens hull, so any faults in that one are in this one as well. I really lack the knowledge of prewar ships to do that one, but I will gladly advice anybody who wants to.

thanks for the comments everyone!

Drawings are credited with J.Scholtens
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Post subject: Re: design 1047 battlecruiser, as finished postwar.Posted: April 30th, 2014, 9:05 am
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Very interesting work.

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Post subject: Re: design 1047 battlecruiser, as finished postwar.Posted: April 30th, 2014, 10:56 am
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Very nice work, and considering the firepower of those swedish turrets alone, she's a total monster.

My biggest concern is the height finding radar. I'd think it's arc would be a bit restricted, placed so close to the forward mast.

Would you please not eat my gun...
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Post subject: Re: design 1047 battlecruiser, as finished postwar.Posted: May 1st, 2014, 8:33 am
Posts: 493
Joined: February 20th, 2014, 7:46 pm
Location: Germany
Great work! Indeed, it looks like an updated "Kreuzer P" with substantially more AA-firepower. I like it!

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Post subject: Re: design 1047 battlecruiser, as finished postwar.Posted: May 1st, 2014, 4:07 pm
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MihoshiK wrote:
My biggest concern is the height finding radar. I'd think it's arc would be a bit restricted, placed so close to the forward mast.
Lousy arcs of height-finding radar don't really concern me a ton, not in this era. I'm much more perturbed by the low level of the main battery directors, which are going to seriously hamper long-range action. I'd probably trade the position of the height-finder and the forward director, raising the latter as far as possible, and raise the after one a fair amount as well.

This will clear up the height-finder arcs too, although I think that is of secondary importance.

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Post subject: Re: design 1047 battlecruiser, as finished postwar.Posted: May 1st, 2014, 4:12 pm
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erik_t wrote:
MihoshiK wrote:
My biggest concern is the height finding radar. I'd think it's arc would be a bit restricted, placed so close to the forward mast.
Lousy arcs of height-finding radar don't really concern me a ton, not in this era. I'm much more perturbed by the low level of the main battery directors, which are going to seriously hamper long-range action. I'd probably trade the position of the height-finder and the forward director, raising the latter as far as possible, and raise the after one a fair amount as well.

This will clear up the height-finder arcs too, although I think that is of secondary importance.
I chose this arrangement following that of the cruisers. on those ships too the main battery director got lowered quite a bit, while on this ship the director is actually lowered less (only one deck level) and the aft one being the same height as on the original design. the heightfinder can rotate at least about 100 degrees from the forward position, and has (according to the sb drawing) an less restricted arc in vertical direction as well.

erik, any idea why the directors were lowered on these ships?

Drawings are credited with J.Scholtens
I ask of you to prove me wrong. Not say I am wrong, but prove it, because then I will have learned something new.
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Post subject: Re: design 1047 battlecruiser, as finished postwar.Posted: May 1st, 2014, 5:26 pm
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Not offhand. I know you get a bit better horizon range with radar than with optical gunlaying. When the Alaskas were wiggling between 8" and 12" main armament, you see this reflected in the height of the main battery director in the Spring Styles. Anything with 8" or smaller mains doesn't need to worry about this problem nearly as much.

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