inspired by
FFG-500 -- USS Fletcher -- Frigate Design for the US Navy by dwightlooi
Didn't know if it would be rude just to fill up his thread with my half baked take on the same ship (and I hope he thinks Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery )
My take on a frigate for the USN (AU built instead of the LCS's).
Gone with a slower and fat ship (for more space for my helicopters 2+2 drones).
May not fit strike length MK41 or full number of cells (and have added RGM 84's to it as well
well they might fit ?).
Not sure on what to fit radar/etc wise gone with SPY-1F (please tell me why that will not work as I have no idea about radars, I wanted a small cheap one for a FFGX).
Fitted with 'pop' up Sea Ram and 30mm (How to show that ?)
Should I go to 1 screw to save cost ?
How to make the 'stealth' middle bit look nice ?
Edited with slightly better version.