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Post subject: Commonwealth of New Cromer AUPosted: March 31st, 2014, 2:28 pm
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A Brief Dive into the History of New Cromer

New Cromer Is 2 large Islands separated 25miles off the East Coast of Somalia East Africa by the Ajuuraan Channel, its Southern island has been continually inhabited island since at least the Middle Ages, when current records of its history began it was part of the Somali Empire up to the early 19th century and originally was known as Ajuuraan Region and was mainly an Arabic state with most in habitants of Muslim faith. The island is rich in natural resources and has large Natural Ore, Diamond and Gold reserves. Which have made it a prime target for take over since these reserves were discovered and the Somali Empire has had to fend of Invaders and Attackers on many occasions. The Climate for the region tends to be hot all year round with periodic monsoon winds and irregular but heavy rainfall, slightly increased compared to that of the mainland as it is more exposed during monsoon season.

Prior to current history archaeological evidence has been found on both islands from the Sebeaans, finds matching artifacts found in modern day Yemen, Etheopia and Eritrea. Later finds show influence from the Himyarite Kingdom and later 4th century AD Christianity. The first Islamic finds date to the 7th Century and traces of the early islamic conquests have been found showing that at some point the southern island was home to some form of Yemenite army garrison and a number of towns had sprung up. From the 9th to 16th Century history is vague an finds are rare prompting beliefs the islands for some reason were abandoned by the Yemeni’s sometime in this period. The historical finds then seem to back the Islands or at least the southern island being partly re-occupied by the Ajuran Sultanate sometime between the 14th and 16th Century. Ruins have been unearthed on the West Side of the southern island putting the earliest arrivals to the mid 14th Century.

In the mid to late 17th Century as the Ajuran State began to Disintegrate into several successor Kingdoms which was the beginnings of the Somali Kingdom. The islands would fall under the rule of this Kingdom and the population and settlements on the southern island began to rise. The islands were quite rich and fertile and the discovery of diamond and other commodities on the islands led to rapid expansion and the attraction of several unsavoury states to try to take over the islands although the Somali’s were able to defend the islands and remain in control until the mid 19th Century, when the British Empire arrived.

In the mid-19th Century the Islands were conquered by the British Empire along with the attempted take-over of Somali main land through a number of treaties by both the Italian and British Empires. The British took over in 1864 and it became a part of the British Somaliland with the mainland split between British Somaliland and Italian Somaliland and despite the British and Italians wrangling for control of the Main land, Ajuuraan Region remained under British control, the empire using brutal forms of control and a number of large scale public executions of dissidents kept the populace in check. The British renamed the island and its uninhabited northern island New Cromer in 1891 as part of its efforts to assert full control of the islands, during this time many Muslim mosques and other important buildings were demolished and in an attempt to force convert the populace to Christian religions churches were built and schools provided for the native Somalis living on the island along with the 45,000 garrisoned British soldiers and their families totalling 126,000. Towns were renamed and given more British sounding names the largest town on the island was renamed Cromer and was quickly expanding in size becoming a large thriving city by the early 20th century.

Cromer and the second largest town now called Victoria, grew rapidly over the decades between 1899 and 1959 and were thriving cities with large industrial centres by the time New Cromer became an independent state. The independent government was set up in Cromer and at first used buildings built by the British for the imperial consulate. Election campaigns for New Cromer's government began in 1957 two years before independence and the new president was sworn in three weeks before the Islands were granted independence meaning the transition would be easy with little disruption. By 1968 the government was established in new buildings in the centre of Cromer and these have been the seat of government since.

During the 19th century the British fought 3 wars on Ajuuraan between 1864 and 1901. All were fought between the British army and the Native Somali residents of Ajuuraan. On all three occasions the British army won and the death tolls from the first two wars at least proved how ferocious fighting was, but in the end the British having a technological advantage and better weapons were able to stop the uprising effectively, by the third war a large number of native Ajuuraan Somalis were fighting alongside British soldier in a counter insurgency war which lasted 76 days and ended the Ajuuraan wars. By 1910 the islands inhabitants were beginning to see some of the benefits of being part of the British Empire as slowly living standards and education were becoming more and more available to the native population as more and more immigrants arrived from Britain and a number of Natives were able to move to Britain or other parts of the Empire for a better life.

The first war known as the “Arafa Uprising” followed the Islamic Holy day in 1864 and was fought between the garrisoned British forces and the Somali’s, the war ended after 32 days of bitter fighting leaving 433 dead British soldiers and 3,200 Dead Somalis. After the war another 2,000 people were executed as a show of what would happen to any dissidents. the Second Known as the Easter Uprising was fought after the first Christian Easter holidays were held on the Island in 1887 and again was a bitter power struggle the war ended after 45 days and again the Somali death toll was great compared to the British figure of 239, no official records of Somali dead were given for this war but after accounts of the fighting estimate put the toll at between 3,000 and 5,700. Again a large number of executions followed the war and these total approximately 2,700 and were of suspected dissident’s families. The third and final war was fought in 1901 and again the two belligerents fought a bitter campaign lasting 76 days, again the British forces quashed the uprising the death toll was smaller in this war despite it being the longest and around 189 British and Somali dead were recorded with around 900 Somali insurgents dead. No executions followed this war but after this 1901 war no more uprising began and by this point most of the inhabitants had seen improvements in the standard of living and most in habitants were now on the side of the British some by this time were actually serving alongside the garrisoned British Army in the final uprising.

By the time of the First World War New Cromer was a major part of the British Empire and was providing large quantities of Coal, Gold and Diamonds to the Empire, it was behind India known as the “Second Jewel of the Empire”. Large reserves of Iron Ore and other natural resources were also presents and provided the materials the help the British Empire fight the First World War. Being far more exposed than the Somali mainland the climate of New Cromer also land well suited to the growing of certain fruits and other foods stuffs and with large irrigation projects started by the British in the late 19th century compared to mainland Somalia and other countries in the region New Cromer is quite a fertile land.

The north island is mostly savannah type terrain with brush and scrubland with to its west scattered low trees and a number of rivers and swamp land. The rivers are almost dry for 1/3 of the year but following monsoon season can be raging torrents and flow for considerable periods afterwards. In the late 19th century the British introduced Gazelles, Springbok and Wildebeest to the islands and by 1915 numbers were flourishing and the island is used for hunting and alike and provides meat for sale in New Cromer and Export to the Empire. A large swath of the western most part of the island is a nature reserve and is protected by international consensus.

The British brought many other things to the islands and from 1910 railways began to connect the various towns and fledgling cities. Between 1910 and 1940 some 8,000km of railway lines were built linking every major town, city and industrial area to the various ports and so on across the southern island. The railways built to the British loading gauge and on standard 4foot 8 and a half inch gauge track have grown into an efficient and capable commuter and freight network and are one of the prime movers on New Cromer for people and freight. Motorways began to appear from the mid 1950’s when cars became available through the booming import markets. By 2014 it was estimated that 85% of the islands population between the age of 17 and 65 had or had access to a car or motorcycle.

During WW1 around 120,000 to 200,000 New Cromer soldiers’ men and boys aged 17 to 45 served with the British army alongside British Raj troops in India playing a major roles in the defeat of the Axis. Soldiers from New Cromer found themselves as far away as the Somme and all over France and soldiers from New Cromer served in many different regiments during the conflict in Europe. By the end of WW1 approximately 64,000 men were listed as dead or missing a number of monuments and cenotaphs were erected on New Cromer to commemorate these fallen heroes not a single town or village didn't have a casualty listed. Some of these men even received honours as high as the VC.

Between the world wars New a Cromer flourished as it's wealth of natural resources made for an ever increasing and highly profitable export market. The Islands population rose with immigrants from all over the Empire and with better living standards, health and education higher birth rates and much lower infant fatality rates meant New Cromer had at the time one of the fastest population increases between 1920 and 1935. This slowed as it became clear that Europe was about to descend into another bloody war and once again New Cromer's natural resources would find their way being channelled into the war effort for the Empire. Following the start of WW2 New Cromer once again found itself involved.

The outbreak WW2 New Cromer played an even bigger role than WW1 providing troops and basses east of Africa to allow forces to travel to the East to Fight the Japanese and to the west to provide forces in Africa it is estimated up to 1 million men from New Cromer were drafted into the British army and fought for the British in both the East and Africa and finally in Europe and helped in the defeat of both Nazi Germany and the Japanese. Despite playing such a key role New Cromer avoided any attempts to attack it. However shipping to and from New Cromer carrying vital war resources was heavily attack travelling both west to the UK and East to British forces in the East.

After WW2 the British Empire began to retract as Britain pulled its resources back West of Suez. As colonies and overseas territories were given up New Cromer was given Independence in 1959 and became part of the British Commonwealth. By now New Cromer’s population was around 22 million made up of approximately 57% were Native to New Cromer, 22% were immigrants from Africa, 11% from Britain and 10% from other British Empire regions or Europe. At this time New Cromer was still dependant on Great Britain for protection and the Royal Navy, RAF and British Army still operated 3 Naval Bases, 6 Air Bases and 4 Army Bases on New Cromer. Over the next 10 years as New Cromer Built up its own Military trained by the British and mostly supplied by the British these bases were transferred over to the New Cromer Navy, Army and Air-force and still form the back bone of New Cromer’s military today.

New Cromer also provided soldiers during the Korean War between 1950 and 1953 and the Interim Government at the time as New Cromer was going through the process of independence at the time was quite vocal and very public about support for the American General McArthur who had pointed out no fewer than 13 targets in china that he wanted to use Atomic Weapons against to end the war. New Cromer was very vocal in showing its support for the plans. Up until the 1990’s did this cause severe tension between communist China and New Cromer throughout the 1960’s, 70s and 1980’s? it was these relations that pushed New Cromer to strive for its own independent Nuclear deterrent and you could say a state of Cold War also ensued between New Cromer and China as did between the US and USSR. It was due to its close ties with the UK and eventually the US New Cromer got its deterrent. When India and then Pakistan gained Nuclear Weapons New Cromer was seen as a power balance in the Middle East and through the doctrine of deterrence probably helped keep the peace.

The Army, Navy and Air force of New Cromer fall under a single command known as Joint Force Command or JFC, equipment is mainly sourced from the UK or US. The serving president is also the commander in chief of the military and below him are various generals responsible for the effective deployment and operation of the Army, Navy and Air force. New Cromer has a Defence company which since 1999 is owned by Bae Systems and is known as Bae Systems New Cromer. Land vehicles and weapons are produced by this company which until 1999 was called New Cromer Defence Systems and was founded in 1962. The company was bought out by Bae Systems in 1999 and is also responsible for refits and upgrades on Ships, Aircraft and Army equipment and recently began building ships itself for the Navy based on designs of its parent company in the UK. Mainly the company licence builds land equipment designed and built in the UK and US. Aircraft, most Ships and Weapon systems such as Tomahawk, Storm-shadow and Trident are supplied from overseas direct from the supplier i.e. Boeing, Lockheed, Bae Systems UK, and MBDA, EADS or other. A number of overseas contracts have been completed by the company too, including upgrade work for a number of Middle Eastern and African customers.

Founded between 1954 and 1959 (Various elements were started before independence to smooth the transition) the New Cromer Military consists of an Army, Navy and Air Force all linked together under the JFC. The islands military from the outset has been a conscript Army, Air force and Navy with national service providing the men and women (women since 1978) for the forces. Eligibility is based on age, citizenship, time in the country on residential visa and in some cases people can be exempt depending on qualifications gained in higher education or certain careers are considered as being more important to state than service. Men aged between 17 and 35 are eligible (19 if in higher education and rising to 24 if in university) for women it is 17 to 30, again if higher education is entered or college and university ages rise, pregnant or women with children by the time they are eligible are exempt, women are also not permitted in the front line army but can serve in active Air Force or navy units. Certain professions if the person leaves school, college or university are considered more important than service and these people are exempt. For people moving to the country if they are resident in the country for over 5 years and they are below the age limit for service on the fifth anniversary of their arrival are eligible, likewise anyone who gains citizenship who is under the age limit is also eligible unless they work in the health, engineering or banking industries and hold relevant qualifications. Upon leaving the forces most people who have served do leave with a set of useful qualifications to get careers in many occupations.

In 1980 the European Space Agency looking for a new launch site chose an area to the east of New Cromer’s northern island after long talks with the Government of New Cromer. An agreement was signed in 1986 and construction began on the North Bay space centre in 1990, funding was provided by the European Space Agency, New Cromer and the United Kingdom. Operations began in 2006 and since then 32 launches have taken place, placing telecommunications satellites, GPS satellites, orbital research satellites and various other items in orbit. A number of satellites have also been built in New Cromer and have been sent to orbit on French made rockets. Along with the space centre a large town with a large port by the name of North Bay grew up just 50 or so miles down the road, this has become home to many of the scientists working at the facility and is also home to CromerSAT an aerospace company run by the Government of New Cromer that produces satellites and some other components used in the various European and recently Japanese sponsored projects. a second port and airstrip are located close to the space centre and is used to bring in the equipment manufactured across the world.
In 1983 tension arose between New Cromer, Oman and Yemen over Oil reserves located north of New Cromer, a number of skirmishes occurred in the area between 1983 and 1984 between the navy’s of New Cromer, Oman and Yemen and the Air Forces of all three nations, UN Intervention brought the crisis to an end in 1984 after New Cromer fighter jets shot down 4 Yemeni aircraft in October of ’84 the last of several encounters denied by both sides. The UN gathered the three countries around a peace table in November of ’84 and the crisis was resolved New Cromer gaining the Oil Field but paying compensation to Yemen for the losses as well as compensation to Oman for loss of GDP following ports being blockaded for a 4 month period between September ’83 and January ’84 and to families of a number of Pakistani civilians killed when an airliner was mistakenly downed. Later in 2010 records were released form the crisis that the revealed losses to all sides over the 14 month period in which the Crisis accounted for 101 deaths (64 of which were civilian on a civil airliner on route from South Africa to Pakistan shot down in a case of misidentification).

In 1991 the Somali Civil war broke out on Mainland Somalia, with a large portion of the resident of New Cromer descendants of the former Somali people of New Cromer. New Cromer intervened in the civil war but due to UN wrangling the support was very limited and as far as military aid was concerned New Cromer’s hands were tied by the UN. By 1992 the UN did allow peacekeepers in and the US formed UNITAF to which New Cromer provide air and land assets when the task force was landed in 1993. Lasting for 2 years resulting in a number of charters. However in March 1995 the UN withdrew after a number of peacekeepers had been killed and fighting again broke out. This civil war would rage till 2009 with New Cromer still tied by UN indecision. By 2011 the Government of New Cromer had decided enough was enough and together with Kenya, New Cromer threw its military at the Al-Shabaab group. By 2012 Al-Shabaab was brought to its knees and Somalia was in the process of rebuilding after 23 years of civil war. The Al-Shabaab group is still in existence but attacks are now rear in Somalia with pirates suspected of being there main link. The group does now operate in other African countries and since 1994 New Cromer has been constantly involved in African wars.

New Cromer has also participated in several other wars, New Cromer provided forces in the first Gulf war of 1991 providing air and land assets toward the coalition forces, most of the Balkan conflicts between 1990 and 2000 Kosovo war has seen New Cromer provide air power alongside NATO allies. In 2001 New Cromer provided Air, land and Sea capability’s toward NATO operations in Afghanistan, in 2003 New Cromer forces were again involved in the Iraq war providing land, air and sea forces. In 2011 New Cromer air assets fought alongside French and British forces in Libya. And in 2012 new Cromer intervened in Egypt’s civil war despite UN warnings not to do so. In 2012 New Cromer being close to Yemen provided the Yemeni Military with support to bring down Ansar al-Sharia and recapture the Shabwah Governorate.

In 2014 New Cromer once again found itself involved in Egypt and Libya this time without allied support only that of the Egyptian Government and the Elected Libyan Government this time against ISIS supported factions. Egypt quickly stabilized and New Cromer was able to concentrate force in Libya and offer greater support to Nigerian and Chad forces fighting Boko Haram. 2014 also saw New Cromer offer full support to the Iraqi Army against ISIS and was carrying out air strikes in Iraq and Syria and a daily basis from later in 2014 at the request of the Iraqi Government New Cromer deployed some 40,000 ground forces against IS to work alongside Iraq and Kurdish forces.

New Cromer has also participated in several other wars, New Cromer provided forces in the first Gulf war of 1991 providing air and land assets toward the coalition forces, most of the Balkan conflicts between 1990 and 2000 Kosovo war has seen New Cromer provide air power alongside NATO allies. In 2001 New Cromer provided Air, land and Sea capability’s toward NATO operations in Afghanistan, in 2003 New Cromer forces were again involved in the Iraq war providing land, air and sea forces. In 2011 New Cromer air assets fought alongside French and British forces in Libya. And in 2012 new Cromer intervened in Egypt’s civil war despite UN warnings not to do so. In 2012 New Cromer being close to Yemen provided the Yemeni Military with support to bring down Ansar al-Sharia and recapture the Shabwah Governorate.

The islands currency is the Cromer Pound and was introduced by the British in 1890, it was retained after independence and as of 26th March 2014 was on the world markets £1 New Cromer pound was worth £1 sterling or $1.66 USD. The islands predominant language since the British took over is British English but with an accent akin to South African English Speakers but Arabic and Somali are still spoken by some descendants of the natives before British take over, but as new generations are born the use of these languages is fading. GDP as of 2013 estimate is £750bn 1/3 of that of the UK.

Another key deference is in public spending allowing a greater percentage of GDP to go towards defence. For instance the benefit system in New Cromer is considered extremely poor and people out of work receive little in benefits bar pure basic living costs. A similar situation exist with a state pensiion system with little to no money available unless a private personnel scheme is set up only the very poor and disabled are eligible for any decent benefits or state assistance. There is no NHS in New Cromer either health care is fully private with people having to pay for all but basic medical treatments, either through health plans or pay as you go. However most major industries ie Power, Mining, Railways etc are state run but subsidised through private franchises, with private companies operating services and paying government premiums and percentages of profits.

Politically the islands are a democracy with free elections held every 4 years, being ruled by the British Empire for nearly 100 years it's no surprise that the government is based on British practice. Differing only in that the elected party’s leader is called a president not a prime minister. Four major parties exist and there are also local bi elections held every two years to determine which parties have control over the various constituencies. Party leaders are also elected by in party votes every 4 years normally the year before a general election. The parties are also similar to the British parliament with the main 4 being a Labour government a Conservative a Democratic and a Nationalist party. The Labour and Conservative can be considered the top two and have shared power since independence. The current Labour Party has been elected to power for the last 3 terms and is favourite to win the next general election in 2015.

Football is the premier sport on the Islands and the Island boast 3 leagues made up of a Championship, Divisions 1 and 2. Victoria Athletic Football Club or Victoria AFC, is the islands top team and is to New Cromer what Manchester United, Chelsea and Real Madrid are to their home countries. The team is regularly the winner of the Championship and has won Africa’s equivalent of the European Champions League several times. A number of European teams have visited New Cromer to play Pre or Post season friendlies and tours, the biggest including the likes of AC Milan, Chelsea, Real Madrid and Barcelona. Football is big business in New Cromer and is estimated to add almost £2.5Bn to the country’s economy per annum.

Due to the hot climate most stadiums are covered with air-conditioning to maintain a comfortable playing environment, some of the stadiums feature roll out pitches or opening roofs to ensure top quality pitches and FIFA have rated these stadiums on par with those found in the English Premier league, Germany’s Bundesliga and Italy’s Sierra A. A number of big name players have also come from New Cromer and play for various teams across Europe. The Country has since 1966 had a national team and has competed in the African Nations Cup and World Cup, its best finish’s so far being winning and runner up in the Africa Cup and the 2 Semi Finals in the World Cup. The Nations National team have their home ground in Cromer and this 120,000 seated stadium with roof and roll out pitch was built in 2010 replacing an original stadium built in 1960 it is called to “The Theatre”.

Rugby Union, Base Ball, Cricket, Horse Racing, Snooker and Motor sports also feature heavily with a number of word known names hailing from the country. Apart from Base Ball most of these sports were introduced by the British over the early years. Base Ball became popular in New Cromer after the Second World War. The US opened its Bases on New Cromer during the Second World War and it is believed the US service men used to play there games in local parks and the locals would often get involved and the game spread from there. Although not as big as in the US or Japan New Cromer does have its own small league with some pretty impressive stadiums.

The Country has sine 1956 competed in the Olympic and Commonwealth Games and has over the years collected a number of Gold, Silver and Bronze medals. Like Kenya and Nigeria a number of world class long distance runners have hailed from New Cromer. New Cromer has applied on more than 1 Occasion to host a race’s in the Formula 1, World Super Bikes and Touring Car seasons, but has so far not been successful there is a number of drivers in the sport’s from New Cromer. New Cromer has also bid for the Olympics, Commonwealth Games and World Cup but has so far not been successful, however in 2014 FIFA was considering Qatar’s Bid for the 2022 World Cup and New Cromer is Selected as one of the alternatives if Qatar’s World Cup is revote on.

In the late 1960’s and early 1970’s large oil reserves were found off New Cromer’s north and west coasts and by 1980 no fewer than 30 drilling platforms and oil rigs were pumping from these fields and although New Cromer had since the 1960’s been keen to adapt Nuclear power as its main supply for electricity the prospect of Oil and Natural gas for both its own use and export drove the government to invest heavily and by the early 1990’s was supplying 7 million barrels a day with reserves estimated to last for at least another 50 to 60 years at these levels.

New Cromer and a Nuclear past.

Nuclear Power…..

New Cromer’s foray into the Nuclear Age began in the early 1960’s shortly after independence from the British Empire and enrolment into the Commonwealth. It was in 1965 that the first Nuclear Power plant began construction on New Cromer, built to a similar design as Dungeness B in the UK. From 1969 – 1990 10 more plants were built all twin AGR reactor sites with approx. 1200 Mwe output each, these have been the basis of New Cromer domestic and industrial power supplies with Gas and Coal providing the remaining 35%.

The plants are built on what is called the A and B basis. All 11 plants are built on 5 separate Coastal sites with each site split into A and B sites the exception being Victoria NPP which has sites A, B and C. Each site has 4 reactors in total 2 per building at each facility. The A plants were built first and were built between 1965 and 1976 with the B plants following between 1977 and 1983 Victoria C was completed in 1990. Victoria apart each Facility has 2 600Mwe AGR reactors meaning each site has 4 such reactors giving each site 2,400Mwe output, Victoria having 3 facilities producing 3,600Mwe output.

In 2011 plans were put in place for 5 new plants to replace the 11 AGR plants due to retire from 2024 onwards, these will be built by a consortium of New Cromer, UK and French companies and plans are for the 5 sites to have 4 PWR reactor and each site should be capable of at least 3500Mwe each increasing New Cromer’s Nuclear share to 73% lowering its reliance on Coal and Gas. The plants are to be built next to the existing plants, the first was given the go ahead in 2013 and construction is due to start in 2015 for completion in 2023 and will replace Cromer NPP the first of the AGR plants to become operational in 1970.

New Cromer has also a nuclear reprocessing plant and a nuclear waste treatment and HLRW store, often referred to as little Sellafield. The plant consists of facilities to reprocess spent fuel and to produce new fuel for the AGR reactors both on New Comer and for plants abroad. Facilities for the enrichment and extraction of weapons grade materials although it is believed the last materials for weapons were produced in 1996 since then all materials have been for civil reactors or for New Cromer’s nuclear submarine fleet. A waste Verification plant for encompassing HLNW in Glass for storage in the repository or return to its origin, as well as other facilities for decontamination of materials and sea water used at the plant.

The 4Km sq. plant is located at the mouth of New Cromer Sound 35mile from New Cromer’s second largest city Victoria. Unfortunately its reputation is also on par with Sellafield in the UK which is probably how it got its nickname as Little Sellafield! In 2001 the Government of New Cromer had to pay the Government of Somalia the equivalent of $120m Dollars in compensation to families (although it is unsure as to whether this money went to these people) after a court ruled that an Accident and subsequent release of water and steam from the plant following a fire in the Verification plant in 1977 (INES level 5 accident) had been potentially responsible for at least 300 excess cancer cases in Somalia after winds blew the steam cloud out over the sea and radioactive rain fell over the Somali coast and water used to put out the fire washes into the sea and currents took it in the direction of the East African Coast accounting for the discovery of a number of so called hot particles on the Somali coast. The resultant clean-up operation after the accident was reported to have cost almost $8bn over 15 years and saw most of the eastern half the plant waste treatment plant closed from 1977-1980 while contamination was recorded and cleaned. By 1982 radiation levels were back to back ground levels. The accident had been kept a secret only being revealed after the Chernobyl accident in 1986.

Nuclear Weapons…..

As a key ally to the UK and to a lesser extent the US east of Suez and being in close proximity to the Gulf area New Cromer was seen by the UK as a key ally and a strategic placement for Nuclear weapons. That would give the UK more political bargaining power in Middle Eastern affairs having a nuclear armed ally in the area. In 1967 the Navy was equipped with the UK Built Sea Slug GWS 2N a nuclear tipped version of the sea slug anti-aircraft and with a limited anti-ship capability the same year the UK provided New Cromer with the first of eventually 100 WE177B freefall Nuclear Bombs these were assigned to both the Navy and Air Force and could be deployed by the Canberra, Buccaneer and Vixen and would also later arm Jaguar, Harrier and Tornado aircraft the same warhead was also used in a Nuclear Ikara. Although withdrawn from service in 1998 by the UK the WE177B is still a very much active part of New Cromer’s Nuclear arsenal and the 100 weapons supplied by the UK in 1967 were supplanted with 40 Ex UK weapons in 1998 in an under the table agreement that if made public shows both the UK and New Cromer were in Violation of the NPT, bringing New Cromer’s stockpile to 140 weapons which are maintained by New Cromer’s Atomic weapons Establishment. Some of the Warheads have been used on the Storm Shadow ALCM.

Following China’s arrival into the nuclear fold in 1967 New Cromer was keen to maintain an independent nuclear deterrent (relations between New Cromer and Communist China were not great during the 60’s and didn’t really thaw until the late 90’s, these relations stem back to the Korean war when although under the British Empire the Government of New Cromer had been pushing publicly for the UN to attack targets in China to stop supplies reaching the N. Korean forces) The US and UK already in a special agreement decided to enrolled New Cromer in 1967 and New Cromer was allowed access to the US Polaris programme and it ordered and received it’s first of 2 SSBN‘s built in Britain the first NCNS Vigil was laid down as the Resolution Class Ramillies but was cancelled by the UK New Cromer funded finishing the vessel and it became a Resolution 2 Class boat and featured a slightly improved Reactor and some systems that were designed for the new Swiftsure class. New Cromer then purchased a second in 1970. Both were capable carrying 16 Polaris A-3 missiles with 3 MIRV’s and ran routine patrols in both the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal.

These were upgraded in 1982 to Trident 1 C-4 Missiles each with 8 Warheads, the warheads for which were built in New Cromer this meant a much wider patrol area could be run maintaining a constant range on china if anything was to occur. Things became more of a concern for New Cromer following first India then Pakistan’s entry into the Nuclear fold, following this alongside New Cromer’s own SSBN’s the US deployed SSBN’s to New Cromer on a regular basis since N. Koreas apparent arrival on the scene New Cromer has been seen as an additional strategic base and the US maintains 2 patrols in the Indian Ocean at all times.

The trident 1 was withdrawn form US use in 2005 and New Cromer is the last operator of the missile, the missiles are maintained in the US similar to the agreement the UK has with the US over its Trident 2, but as there are only 32 missiles left all owned by New Cromer 16 for deployment 8 per boat, 8 in Storage and 8 as maintenance spares. New Cromer can’t deploy the subs fully armed and in 2006 it was decided to reduce the number of missiles carried to 8 and convert 8 tubes to carry the SCALP Naval cruise missiles 8 per tube. This allows 16 missiles to be deployed, 8 in storage and 8 in the US undergoing maintenance at any one time.

Following the Nuclear Summit held in the Netherlands in 2014, the major Nuclear powers of the world all agreed to reduce the number of deployed nuclear weapons to make the world more secure and a safer place. Along with the major powers the US and Russia reducing their active stock piles, New Cromer took this opportunity by making the decision to decommission by 2017 it’s Trident 1 nuclear missiles and submarines. This is the first steps towards the Nuclear Disarmament Treaty many world nations are pressing for but is still a long way away.

The decision to retire the Ballistic Missile deterrent was one based around cost and operability. Replacing the old Resolution 2 class boats was estimated at between £10bn and £15bn a cost the government could not warrant. (the navy could build 2 more CVN’s for this price) add to this with such a small stockpile of missiles available the last test firing of a live missile was back in 1998 no other missiles were deemed expendable for test firings so the system is untested and therefor can’t really be classed as fully operational. Another key factor in the decision was relations with china had also improved significantly since the mid 1990’s and china was no longer perceived a threat. Also as since 1998 the US was maintaining a Southern Ocean patrol using modern Trident 2 boats and as New Cromer was used as a base for these the US was seen as a power balance against India, Pakistan and N. Korea.

New Cromer would still maintain a nuclear capability but would be basing its nuclear doctoring around that of air launched cruise missiles and new build versions of the WE177 able to be deployed by its Air Force and navy carriers. The cost of maintaining the existing submarines or building new ships and public opinion towards nuclear weapons saw the government of New Cromer take a big step in reducing its nuclear capability. Add to this the improving relations with China and both countries reaching a memorandum of understanding of a no first use policy.

Also Nuclear Ikara and indeed the whole Ikara system is in the process of being decommissioned and the W59 warheads will be recycled as ALCM warheads. This would see New Cromer’s active stock pile reduced from 288 warheads to approximately 140. New Cromer has operated the Ikara in its conventional and nuclear version since taking delivery of the Type 21’s in the late 80’s and constant improvements and increases in its effectiveness have kept it viable, but now with the Merlin and Lynx Wildcat ASW Helicopters and there anti-submarine weapons which have much greater range and effectiveness than the Ikara system’s obsolescence is beginning to show. So the decision has been made to retire the system along with the Type 21’s which themselves will be replaced from 2018 onwards, a number of the Type 21’s have already had the system removed as of 2014.

As of March 2014 New Cromer’s Declared Nuclear Stockpile is as follows 95 WE177b Free fall Nuclear Bombs yields of approx. 450kt, 15 Ikara N (Converted using WE177b warheads yield reduced to 125kt), 30 Storm shadow N (Again using converted WE177b Warheads reduced to 220kt). 148 warheads for the Trident 1 missiles (128 deployable, 20 in storage) based on the UK Chevaline with Yields of approx. 225kt. Total 288.

Decommissioned weapons include 34 UK Built versions of the US W44 10kt (were the warheads for the Sea Slug N), 116 warheads for the Polaris A3 missile 225kt all returned to the US and dismantled in 1983). Total 150 (not included in the figure but of note were up to 40 US B61 bombs supplied in 1980 as part of NATO Nuclear Sharing but these were removed in 1992 when the US pulled out of one of its bases on New Cromer and replaced the Bombs with 2 SSBN’s)

Nuclear Weapons Testing….

New Cromer has carried out 8 test of its own, 6 atmospheric and 2 under the sea. The first atmospheric test was carried out in July of 1969 following the reverse engineering of the US made W44 warhead of the Sea Slug N and was estimated at 15Kt. The test was carried out in the southern ocean and was an air dropped device delivered by a Canberra bomber. A second more powerful test was carried out in 1973 using the W59 warhead and knowledge gained from the UK this test had a yield of 350Kt. This test was supposed to yield 750Kt but the weapon was scaled back on request of the Government who wanted to hopefully minimise outside knowledge of the test.

New Cromer’s first true indigenous test was in 1974 and it was a weapon designed by scientist at the New Cromer Atomic Weapons Establishment, again with limited help from the UK and the US. A series of 6 test 4 atmospheric and 2 under sea tests the largest 400Kt. New Cromer’s final nuclear test took place on the 22nd September 1979 and took place near Prince Edward Island in the southern ocean. It would appear the Israel and South Africa also were involved in the test.

The 22nd September test at the time caused some tension between New Cromer the UK and the US but this was quickly resolved and New Cromer’s place in the Special agreement with the UK and US was maintained. The agreement was reinforced when although never tested New Cromer provided design schematics and theoretical designs for multi megaton weapons proving New Cromer had reached a similar level of understanding to the US and UK on nuclear weapons. Some of these theories were later explored in the US’s more extensive test programme and were proved valid.

New Cromer has never signed the PTBT (Partial Test Ban Treaty), LTBT (Limited Test Ban Treaty) or CTBT (Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty often referred to as the NTBT), TTBT (Threshold Test ban Treaty) or the NPT (Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty) but it’s last test was the 22nd September test and New Cromer seems to have complied with these treaties despite not being signatory since and as part of the UK, US and New Cromer special relation has like the UK access to US test data negating the need for any further tests of its own. The last test involving scientist from New Cromer in the US was the combined UK/US Julin Bristol test in 1991 which was believed to be a proving test for the UK’s Chevaline warhead.

Last edited by shippy2013 on November 30th, 2015, 9:19 pm, edited 20 times in total.

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Post subject: Re: Commonwealth of New Cromer AUPosted: March 31st, 2014, 2:29 pm
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Anthem:- God Save the Queen Adopted after 1864 also as God save the King.
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Position on the Globe
Capital:- Cromer. Renamed from Alhuanaar in 1876.
Largest City:- Cromer (population 1,254,864 2014).
Cities with Populaions of >500,000:- 6.
Official Language(s):- Pre 1864 Somali & Arabic, Post 1864 English & Somali.
National Language(s):- English & Somali.
Ethnic Groups:- Black 35%, White 43% mostly of British origin, 10% Asian, 11% Mixed 1% Other.
Demonum:- Post 1864 Cromian, Pre 1864 Ajuraanian.
Government:- Parliment (currently a Labour Government since 2003).
Recognised Monarch:- Elizabeth II.
President:- Maria Portrei (2007-Present).
Legislature:- Parliment.
Upper House:- Government House of Parliment.
Lower House:- House of Local Councilers.
Independence form United Kingdom: 29th July 1959.
Area:- 274,652m2 (land Only) (75th in the world).
Population:- 29,181,774 (2013 Census).
GDP:- £968bn (18th in the world).
Military Budget 6% GDP, £58bn. (6th by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute).
Currency:- New Cromer Pound £ (NCP).
Time Zone:- UTC +05:00. (No adjustment for summer time).
Drives on the:- Left.
Calling Code:- +281.
ISO 3166 Code:- NC.
Internet TLD:- .nc.

Last edited by shippy2013 on September 24th, 2014, 5:34 am, edited 9 times in total.

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Post subject: Re: Commonwealth of New Cromer AUPosted: March 31st, 2014, 2:29 pm
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Navy Of New Cromer Make Up

The Navy of New Cromer was founded in 1959. The year New Cromer became an independent state. Independence had been talked about as long ago as 1948 and with the British Empire retracting after the Second World War New Cromer was one of the territories Britain was looking at letting go. So in 1950 the British created the Royal Navy Detachment New Cromer. Basically a training school for the future officers of what in 1959 would become the Navy of New Cromer. The first ships ordered were frigates and these were to be built in the UK and would be delivered and handed over to what by then should be a trained Navy in the making in 1959. The Royal Navy would still maintain a presence and this would remain until the RN called home it final ships a handful of patrol and minesweepers in 1980 following another round of cuts to Britain’s armed forces.

For its first ten years the Navy of New Cromer was trained by the RN and together with a number of officers and crew that had served with the RN over the years was moulded into an effective fighting force and by the end of the 1960’s even boasted 2 aircraft carriers. Being an island nation like Great Britain the Navy was seen as the primary defender of state.

All ships are named by the prefix NCNS (New Cromer Naval Ship) as a tradition started in 1968 carriers, Destroyers and Frigates follow a certain naming series, all other classes names are arranged by top official in the New Cromer Ministry of Defence NCMoD. As a former part of the British Empire and then as an independent state but part of the British Commonwealth since 1959, New Cromer as always had strong ties with the UK on defence contracts and a lot of the islands military hardware and indeed roles is tied closely to the UK.

New Cromer does have a large defence company located on the north east of Cromer Bay. New Cromer Defence Systems was founded in 1960 and has been busy license building land vehicles, aircraft and ships. It has a large factory that covers over 4 square miles and is home to New Cromer Defence Systems Naval, New Cromer’s main military ship yard. The yard saw huge investment in the mid 1980’s when the two new CVN’s were being designed and had two huge dry docks built to allow the construction of these two ships. There is also an undercover frigate complex and two smaller dry docks large enough to dock the Oceanic class and Support ships.

New Cromer Defence Systems was bought out by Bae Systems in 1999 becoming Bae Systems New Cromer. Work lately has involved the building of the 2 CVN’s, license building of Hawk and Tucanno Aircraft and lately the License building of the Boeing McDonnell F/A18E,F and G these aircraft are being supplied as kits to be assembled here and are powered by a licence built version of the EJ220. Upgrade and development of the Tornado and Euro Fighter Typhoon Aircraft, and a number of upgrade and refurbishment work for both home and foreign contracts. Future plans should see the F35B license built on the site. The company works closely with its parent company Bae Systems UK as-well as Airbus Industries, Lockheed Martin and Boeing.

Aircraft Carriers. Named after New Cromer’s Biggest City’s.

The Navy of New Cromer received its first Carriers from 1964 and they comprised two Centaur Class vessels that were part of the Royal Navy’s original order for 8 that was eventually cut to 4, New Cromer received what would have been ships 5 and 6 and funded there completion. Cromer was completed to the same design as Hermes and Victoria to a modified design. Operating an air-wing of Buccaneers, Vixens, Gannets and Wessex Helicopters. Cromer was refitted in 1992 to a similar configuration to Hermes in the 1980’s and operated Harrier GR5/7 till decommissioning in 2002. The refit was forced following delays to two new CVN carriers being designed at the time between New Cromer, The UK, France and The US the Vixens and Buccaneers could not be extended any further and the limited size of carriers severely limited the choice of replacement aircraft. The carrier operated in this configuration for 8 years when she finally bowed out after numerous and regular equipment failures in 2002, she was not scrapped and is currently moored alongside the cruiser Blake at Cromer naval Station. This left New Cromer with just the two Oceanic class LPH's till 2004. Victoria was decommissioned in 1991 following a fire in her hanger severely compromising structural strength she too was planned to have the same conversion as Cromer but following a survey after the fire plans to convert her were dropped.

Two LPH’s were ordered in 1996 based on the UK’s HMS Ocean but with some elements of the Invincible class added to allow them to operate the Harrier GR7/9 this being namely a 12’ Ski Jump this was added as two new CVN carriers were falling further and further into delay,. Named NCNS Oxley and Mexworth, They arrived with the fleet after numerous delays in 2002 and also operated Sea King helicopters and are used as LPH and Marine Attack Carriers. They have recently operated Merlin and V-22 Osprey following modifications to the deck after a small fire on Oxley during initial V-22 testing. They also deploy with the Army’s Chinook and Tiger Helicopters.

In 2006 the Navy finally got the first of its 2 Cromer Class CVN CATOBAR carriers that were ordered in 1991, built by New Cromer Defence Systems and Bae Systems New Cromer, with design help from the United States and France the two new carriers are in the CDG class size range. The carriers had been ordered in 1991 following plans the replace the two Centaur carriers by 1999. However delays and cost over runs delayed there entry into service till 2006. With the Centaur class carriers Victoria and Cromer having been decommissioned in 1991 and 2002 respectively from 2002 to 2006 the Oceanic class were the only carriers available. By 1999 a competition was held for a new aircraft for the Navy, Boeing, Bae and Dassault entered, in the end Boeings F/A18E/F Hornet was selected with AEW and ASW being Helicopter and Tilt Rotor based.

In 2012 an order was placed for 2 ships to replace the 2 Oceanic class vessels, built to merchant standards the 2 ships were only ever meant to last 20 years or so. The 2 new vessels based on a slightly enlarged Cavour will be in service in 2019 with steel cut for the first ship in 2014. able to act as CVS and LPH with vehicle ramps in the stern and port side to allow carriage of vehicle up to the weight of MBT's they are very versatile ships and will be valuable additions to the amphibious assault forces and as additional projectors of airpower along side New Cromer's 2 CVN carriers.

Cruiser's/Helicopter Cruisers. (3 Ex RN Cruisers retained there RN names bar the HMS being replaced by NCNS)

The 1961 Helicopter Cruiser design or Courage Class Through Deck Cruiser, Commissioned in 1971, 3 of these ships were planned, they would provide ASW capabilities and as escorts for New Cromer's 2 Centaur Class carriers. Ships 2 and 3 were cancelled shortly after the first was started due to budgetary constraints meaning NCNS Courage was a unique vessel. The design stems from a RN helicopter cruiser study from 1961 that was not pursued in the UK but New Cromer’s showed considerable interest. The ships were the first large military ships built in New Cromer by the then New Cromer Defence Systems. Electronics and weapons system sourced from the UK. Construction began in late 1963 and the ship was launched in 1967 and was commissioned the same day NCNS Victoria also arrived with the fleet in 1969 the 2 would see there careers somewhat linked till Victoria was decommissioned in 1991. Armed with Sea Slug and a twin 4,5in turret the ship took the place of a County Class destroyer when working with a carrier group but offered much greater ASW capability with up to 6 Helicopters, sea slug was withdrawn in 1994 along with the counties and the aft area of the ship was rebuilt. Other missions which the ship saw regular work included insertion of Marine commandos and Humanitarian aid work. After the fire on NCNS Victoria in 1991 there was consideration to fit the ship with a 12’ ski jump to allow Harriers to be operated as an interim short term solution to New Cromer's carrier problems but these plans were dropped when the Oceanic Class LPH ships were finally ordered with ski jumps to fill in till arrival of the much delayed CVN’s. The ship was retired in 1999 after 30 years hard service and was scrapped in 2002.

New Cromer purchased HMS Lion in 1972 when she was retired by the RN, she was commissioned in 1975 and was the only true cruiser in the navy until the arrival of Blake in 1983. her main roles were fire supports for Marine operations and as a fleet flag ship, she was also used by the navy as a show of colours during any diplomatic visits to foreign ports, she was retired in 1987 and became a source of spares for Blake.

To bolster the abilities of the Marines in 1983 the Navy bought the mothballed HMS Blake from the UK at the time the navy was going to also buy HMS Tiger too but out of the two ships blake was seen as being in a better condition. The Cruiser had had some work carried out on it by the RN in 1982 as there was rumblings about re activating the two ships for the Falklands War, the war ended before the ships could be readied and both ships were again mothballed and awaiting disposal. With the Centaur class carriers only being able to operate a small conventional air-wing and by now almost exclusively operating as a two ship formation, the idea was to off-load some of the rotary wing assets to a large Helicopter cruiser to free up space on the Carriers.

The Deal was complete in late 1983 with Blake selected over Tiger on condition, Tiger was scrapped and any spare parts shipped to New Cromer, Blake was made sea worthy in the UK before travelling under tow to New Cromer for refit. She became operational as NCNS Blake in 1986. Later that year she was involved in a collision with a USN Destroyer whilst on her first deployment during a training exercise with the RN, USN and Italian Navy. Extensive damage was caused to the ships port side which resulted in 6 months out of action whilst undergoing repairs. the opportunity was taken to give her a moderate electronics and defensive upgrade. She recommissioned in late 1987.

She would serve as a Flag ship, Commando Cruiser, ASW Cruiser and after having a small hospital fitted in 1994 as a causality reception vessel. She was decommissioned in 2008 when NCNS Eggerton Bay and Hexford Bay were deemed operational with there much more advanced facilities. She is currently Moored alongside the Centaur Class Carrier Cromer in Cromer Naval station, both ships are planned to become museum ships and there owners the National History Foundation New Cromer are currently raising funds for there cosmetic restoration.

Amphibious Warfare.

2 amphibious warfare ships built to a modified Albion design entered service in 2004 they were built in the UK and have most of what the UK's HMS Albion has but has a number of modification unique to New Cromer's requirements Phalanx in place of Goal keeper, a large hangar, hanging points on the side for Mexi-Floats and the side access door is a larger version of the door fitted to the Bay Class. Named NCNS Delnor and NCNS Halifax. The ships are used as an amphibious assault ships, ASW platforms for ASW Helicopters, Humanitarian aid missions, a fleet flag ships and as a support ships for both mine hunting operations and as support ships for smaller vessels involved in anti piracy and smuggling operations. They have a large rear dock capable of holding a number of landing craft and/or two large hover craft and a large vehicle deck, normally deployed with 4 LCU Mk10 (internal) and 4 LCVP Mk5 (divats). alternatively they can hold 2 LCAC (internal) and 4 LCVP Mk5 (divats). being an island nation amphibious capability's are important to the operation of the armed forces hence the large investment in the Oceanic Class, Bay Class and Albion Class vessels.

Destroyers. Named after Southern Ocean Birds.

Being a key ally east of Suez to the UK, New Cromer has since 1960 tried to field a Destroyer force of at least 4 ships, in 1964 it received the first of 5 County Class destroyers, built in the UK to the Batch 1 design and equipped with Sea Slug Mk1 anti-aircraft missiles. These were replaced in 1966 with Sea Slug Mk2 which provided a limited anti-ship capability, also in 1970 the Sea Slug Mk3N was introduced cancelled by the UK but continued by New Cromer these carried a modified US W44 warhead and were envisaged to take out large bomber formations (China being the feared foe due to poor relations) or fleets of ships it is believed each ship routinely carried 4 warheads stored on board while deployed but this has never been officially agreed or denied. In 1975 the ships were refitted and the B turret was replaced buy 4 Exocet launch boxes giving the ships a similar appearance to the UK’s Batch 2 vessels. They provided protection for New Cromer’s carriers up till 1990 and were decommissioned from 1990 (NCNS Bongo was decommissioned in 1987 following a major fire) with the last leaving the fleet in 1994.

They were replace by 4 Type 42 Destroyers the reduction in 1 hull was apparently offset by the capability increase in the new ships, although it should be noted the Sea Dart also had very limited Anti-ship capability leading New Cromer to design its own Anti-Ship missile able to use the same Launcher the Sea Arrow. It was in 1985 that the UK was approached about the purchase of 4 Type 42 Destroyers, making New Cromer the 2nd export customer after Argentina for the type, 4 ships to a slightly altered Batch 3 design were delivered from 1987 to 1991, the changes included more strengthening and a few minor alterations and became Batch 4, the 4 ships are among the hardest worked of all of New Cromer’s navy and have been used heavily on anti-piracy patrols off the East Africa coast for which the ships received minor refits loosing there torpedo launchers for 2 RIBs.

Plans for new air defence destroyers were announced in 2000, 6 vessels were planned and talks began with the UK government over a Type 45 derivative in 2002. New Cromer’s requirement includes the aster 15 and 30 missiles SCALP naval and Harpoon. Preliminary design studies began in 2003 an order for 1 ship was placed and steel cut on what was dubbed type 47 in 2008 after an almost 66% increase in cost a decision was then made in 2011 to cancel the remaining 5 ships not of which had been begun after the 90% completion of the first ship. Instead 4 ships were ordered in 2011 these ships basically the same as the UK’s Type 45 but equipped with the full 64 cell A70 VLS the UK ships are fitted for but not with. Instead the UK opted for 48 cell A50 VLS. The single Type 47 will commission in 2014 and the first of 4 Type 45 are expected from the beginning of 2015 a fifth vessel was added in 2014 due to ever increasing commitments the navy is having to fulfil. The single Type 47 named NCNS Diligent will become the fleet admirals flagship its main saving grace is a 80% parts commonality with the type 45’s.

Frigates. Named after Sharks and Whales found in the Southern Ocean.

After independence in 1959 New Cromer was dependent on Britain’s RN for its protection, it gained its own navy in 1960 and it having close ties with the UK ordered its ships from there at the time the RN was receiving the Type 12 Whitby Class frigates 11 of these were ordered and built and were the backbone of the fleet until 1985 when the new Type 21’s entered service the last leaving the fleet in 1991, 3 Type 81 Tribals were also order and the last of these was withdrawn in 1995.

New Cromer’s frigate force is a currently made up of 14 hulls.

The backbone of the fleet is 6 Type 21 Batch 2 frigates ordered from Vosper Thorneycroft UK in 1983 they are built to an enlarged improved design. Armed with the venerable 4.5in mod 0 gun, Harpoon ASM, Seawolf AAM, torpedoes and Ikara. Delivered from 1985 they were commissioned in 1986. To increase the effectiveness of AA protection and to allow the final retirement of the last Whitby’s.

4 Ex RN Type 12l Leander Class frigates, Charybdis, Jupiter, Scylla and Hermione joined the fleet in 1991, 1994, 1995 and 1995 respectively all were RN Seawolf conversions and received extensive but controversially costly refits before being commissioned. Their purchase was highly controversial as the ship were fairly old and needed a costly refit, also apart from 20mm guns they were all missile armament. And to top this of they had Exocet and as the Navy was already using two different types of anti-ship missile already Harpoon and Sea Arrow adding a Third was seen as a costly enterprise.

In 2012 4 Ex RN Type 22 Batch 3 frigates were purchased and refitted at Devonport Dockyard UK and entered commission in 2013. This was the third attempt at purchasing second hand type 22’s and New Cromer had lost out on the batch 1’s in the 1990’s the batch 2’s in the early 2000’s and finally secured these in 2013. Originally these were supposed to see the retirement of the Type 12l Leander's, as this along with the Type 42’s loosing Sea Arrow was supposed to save cost and reduce the navy to just 1 ASM, Harpoon. However increases in anti-piracy work saw the Leander's retained. Although the Exocet boxes remain the Navy has removed its Exocets from service and the Leander's are mainly used for patrol duties.

New Cromer announced it was working with the UK as part of the GCS Type 26 programme with a view to buy 10 hulls, these would replace the type 21 from 2018. The 4 Leander class frigates are due to retire by 2014/5 these are to be replaced by 4 OPV’s larger and more capable than the River class but not as large as a frigate and are based on a Bae Corvette design from 2003.


4 new ships delivered in 2009 based on the RN new River class OPV HMS Clyde. 3 more are in the process of commissioning and will become operational within 2014. These will also help reduce the workload on the Type 12l Leander's to which serviceability is becoming shocking.

4 larger OPV’s or Corvettes as they are classified are due to enter service in 2014/5 are to replace the Leander class frigates, based on a Bae design sold to Malaysia in the 2000’s they are more capable than the Rivers Named as Neptune class they are armed with a 76mm gun, 2x 20mm guns, 2 twin Harpoon launchers and CAMM quad pack missiles in a 2x4 Sylver A43 VLS system as well as the ability to operate a Lynx Helicopter with a retractable hangar and 2 Armed RIB boats for anti pirate work. They also are fitted to allow a Phalanx gun to be rapidly installed for other duties were CIWS may become a necessity. Being built at Bae Systems New Cromer, the first two are nearly complete as of May 2014 with boats 3 and 4 laid down in July 2014.

A further 6 Neptune class Batch 2 were ordered in 2014 and are equipped with US mk38 guns and will be used as patrol ships in and around the Gulf Areas and as oil field protection vessels. they are due to enter service fro 2017 and won't replace any existing vessels but provide additional assets in what is proving to be a more and more unstable area.

Mine Sweepers.

New Cromer didn’t order its first vessels designed for mine hunting and sweeping until the 1980’s. As until it found itself becoming more involved in NATO and UN activities. The RN had maintained a number of its own Patrol vessels and Mine sweepers at Cromer Naval station since 1959 and it was following the UK removing this capability in 1980 that New Cromer looked at purchasing its own assets.

8 Ships 4 based on the UK’s Hunt class delivered in the late 1980’s, 4 based on the UK’s Sandown Class delivered in the early to mid-1990’s. Together they provide a full spectrum of Hunting, Sweeping and Disposal they are also accompanied by either a Fort class or Bay class mother ship with Ariel sweeping capability provided by Merlin Helicopters.

Submarine forces.

New Cromer Operates 3 EX RN Churchill class SSN attack submarines, bought in 1991-93 and given full but costly overhauls, theses replaced 6 Oberon Class SSK’s in service since 1968 but were in need of replacement by the early 90’s. New Cromer was considering an order for 4 Upholder class vessels for delivery in 1994 but decided to go Nuclear. Talks had been underway for a purchase of Trafalgar based boats in the mid 1980’s but no price could be agreed. 4 Astute class SSN will replace these from 2017 and will be built as a direct follow on to the RN vessels. New Cromer added a fifth vessel to the order in 2014 and all 5 shall be in service by 2021, the vessels will be armed with torpedo's, Sub Harpoon until a anti ship version of Scalp Naval is available and Sub Scalp Naval in both conventional and Nuclear options.

There are also 2 ships of a modified Resolution Class they were built from 1969 in the UK and at first were armed with 16 Polaris A3 missiles each these were converted to Trident 1 in 1982. In 2006 along with new improved Reactor cores the ships were modified to combined SSBN/SSGN with 8 of their missile tubes converted to launch Scalp Naval Cruise Missiles and the added ability to fire the sub Harpoon missile from the torpedo tube. They still retain 8 Trident 1 missiles. These ships are due to decommission in 2017 and will be replaced by the Astute class thus ending New Cromer’s ballistic missile era. New Cromer will then rely on Air Launched nuclear armed Cruise missiles used by the Navy and Air Force.

Support ships.

2 fleet tankers based on the RN Wave class were the first RAS ships the New Cromer navy received in 2005 giving for the first time true independent blue water capability without relying on UK or US ships on UN and NATO operations. The Ex RN supply ship Fort George joined the fleet in 2012/3 and not only is used for supplying combatants is used as a support ship for Minesweepers. 4 new ships ordered in 2011 based on the RN Mars AEGIR 18 tankers were delivered to New Cromer in January and March 2014 with full commissioning is expected in late 2014......

The navy also operate 2 ships based on the RN Bay Class LSD’s built in 2006 these too have secondary roles as Mine sweeper support vessels, disaster relief ships and can be equipped with a modular hospital on part of the flight deck to be used as hospital ships. these can also deploy with Mexi-Float rafts hung on the side and 2 LCVP Mk5 or 1 LCU Mk10 in there well decks.

Commercial shipping.

A number of carriers operate from new Cromer using a variety of types of vessel, New Cromer has two major shipping Companies and various other small operators, Cromer Lines is a Ferry/Cruise company operating routes all over the world some of it smaller ferries are built locally other larger ships are sourced from abroad. Cromer Seaways is a freight shipping company and deals in containers, raw minerals etc. and operates a range of vessels from small coastal freighters to bulk carriers and medium to large container ships smaller ships up to 150meters can be built locally but larger vessels use established builder in S. Korea and Japan.

BNFL a British company has a port on New Cromer and operates a single vessel which transports new and used Nuclear Fuel and Waste to and From New Cromer and the UK (New Cromer has been 65% dependent on Nuclear power since 1990 when the last of its current 18 Reactors went online all are built to the British AGR design the remaining 35% comes from Coal and Gas but Wind and Wave is being considered for the future along with the replacement of current Nuclear facilities with newer ones). New Cromer has a HLNW repository run by The New Cromer Atomic Energy Establishment (NCAEE) and BNFL and both British and New Cromer waste is held as well as waste from other countries for a price.

Gulf Sea Ways is a fishing company that operate a number of deep sea fishing vessels out to a range of 250miles. New Cromer has to its east and north east large offshore oil fields and these are operated by BP from a port on the east coast of New Cromer, several Drilling Platforms and Rigs are serviced by a fleet of vessels operated by BP from its port most locally built. An Offshore wind farm consisting of 46 turbines to the north built in 2007 is services by a ship owned by Air Power NC, this ship is able to drill foundations, lay cables, erect the turbines and service them and was built locally. a second vessel is under construction as plans for Upto 600 wind turbines have been put forward over the net 3 decades.

New Cromer Air Force

The Air-Force of New Cromer was founded in 1954 five years prior to independence it was initially formed when the interim government of New Cromer was given the go ahead by Great Britain to buy its own aircraft and begin to set up its own air force following discussion regarding independence when talks began back in 1949. The RAF had maintained a presence on New Cromer since the end of the Second World War. 6 air bases had been built during the war and had been used by RAF bomber, fighter and maritime aircraft to protect shipping in and out of New Cromer and as a base for long range sorties into Africa and as a stopping off point for forces heading East. At the end of the Second World War the RAF had around 12 squadrons operating off of New Cromer as part of its Middle and Far East Air force. They included Lancaster later Lincoln bombers, Spitfire and later Tempest fighters, Mosquito reconnaissance planes and a number of other types.

By 1950 the first jets began to arrive in the RAF squadrons. The RAF had reduced its number of squadrons to 6 and moth balled 2 airfields by 1953. These 2 airfields became training bases for the fledgling air force of New Cromer in 1954. The first jets to arrive for the RAF were Gloster Meteor and Dehaviland Vampire fighters by 1952 the first Canberra bombers had arrived. Great Britain supplied 22 Canberra bombers and more than 50 Hawker Hunter fighters to New Cromer in 1957. RAF maintained a presence on New Cromer till 1971 when the last of the RAF’s 4 airbases transferred to the Air force of New Cromer.

The USAF had also had a presence on the island and 2 wings of B29’s were stationed at a USAF base’s at New Bakewell and Hexford over the years these were replaced by B47’s and finally F15’s, F111’s, F117’s and B52’s the last leaving in 1992. Hexford base was at its busiest during the 1991 Gulf war when the US stationed B52, F111, E3 and KC135 aircraft during the war. Hexford base shut down the following year. In 2001 Hexford base was temporarily re opened to support US activity in the Middle East, but the reprieve was short and it was shut down again in 2008 till reopening in 2011 this time for the RAF. New Bakewell base remains active and is the property of the US and is part of the New Bakewell Naval station and is now run by the USN a number of US submarine and surface ships are stationed at the base this base is also used by any visiting foreign ships.

Great Britain's RAF returned to New Cromer in 2011 taking over the USAF's closed Hexford base, the RAF use the base for operations in the Middle East as an option to RAF Acritori in Cyprus. The base has seen increased used recently for Tornado and supply aircraft for operations in Iraq.

The New Cromer Air force

In 1957 the newly formed Air Force consisted of 50 Hawker Hunter fighter/Ground attack aircraft and 22 Canberra bombers. A furthur 50 Hawker Hunter were on order and would be in service before 1960. A number Chipmunk and Jet Provost training aircraft had also been supplied by the RAF. The Air force consisted also of 64 Ex RAF Tempest fighter and 25 Ex RAF DC 3’s. 8 AVRO Shackleton MR Mk3 arrived in 1958 having been ordered in 1957. these were joined in 1964 by 5 Ex RAF Mr. Mk3 that were subsiquently upgraded to phase III before delivery. The Air Force trained alongside the RAF units on the Island and by 1960 was declared operational. At this time having become independent the RAF was withdrawing and the New Cromer Air Force was expanding to fill the void. In 1959 the newly set up Navy having set its sights on operating aircraft carriers having purchased 2 partially complete Centaur class carriers and was funding there completion, had signed a deal to buy 50 Dehaviland Sea Vixen aircraft and 14 Fairy Gannet Aircraft 5 As.4, 5 AEW.3 and 4 COD.4. Also in 1959 the Air force received 3 Beverly transport aircraft from the UK on loan. 1960 saw the retirement of the old Tempest fighters and the Air force received its final 50 Hawker Hunter aircraft. By 1960 the airforce had the Hunter in use as an air defence fighter and as a ground support aircraft, the Canberra as a bomber and would soon acquire a nuclear role, Chipmunk and Jet Provost were the main training aircraft with the Provost a closer equivalent to the Strike master also used in ground support and light attack. Transport was in the hands of the venerable DC.3 and Beverly.

In 1964 talks were underway for the purchase of the Blackburn Buccaneer and both New Cromer's Air force and Navy were interested eventually 108 Buccaneers would serve with both the Navy and Air force. The arrival of the Buccaneer would spell the end for New Cromer’s Canberra bombers, all but a handful being retired by 1967, those that survived were used as high altitude recognisance aircraft and would survive till the mid 80’s having there bomb bay’s converted to carry a ventral camera pack. Also in 1964 Westland Wessex and Wasp helicopters also joined the fleet and by the time the carriers entered service in 1968 having trained aboard RN carriers the Navy was a very competent force.

In 1965 the Government was in talks with Great Britain about a possible future buy of TSR2 aircraft as a replacement for its venerable Canberra aircraft in the long range Nuclear Bomber role the cancellation of the project in the UK put paid to this and New Cromer was forced to look for alternatives the air force showing interest in the US McDonald Douglas F4 Phantom but in the meantime the Buccaneer would take on the air force’s nuclear role, an order was eventually placed for 50 F4C Phantoms in 1966 these would eventually replace the Hunter in the air defence role. Also in 1968 the Air force began to receive the first of eventually 55 C130E aircraft from Lockheed some of these would be delivered as KC130 and would full-fill tanker duties for the short term until a more suitable platform could be found the F4 Phantom required a boom refuelling system and the Hunters, Buccaneers and the Navy’s Vixen hose and drogue. This meant the Phantoms were limited to the own fuel capacity till a suitable type was found. 1968 saw the end of the venerable DC 3’s and 3 Beverly aircraft loaned of the UK since 1959.

The Hawker Hunter aircraft gave way to the McDonald Douglas F4C Phantom from 1969 and eventually 76 were delivered. This would be the start of a long association with the type lasting till 2013… although many of the original C models would be scrapped earlier…. The last remaining Hunters used in the Ground attack role were to soldier on a bit longer however in 1969 an order was placed for 50 Harrier GR1 aircraft and these would arrive from 1972. The Hunter would be completely phased out by 1975…..

The Navy began to receive its first Sea King helicopters in 1970 and a number of the Wessex helicopters were transferred to land based SAR duties. These particular Helicopters would remain in service till 2008 giving way along with their supposed successor the Sea Kings. The Sea kings also replaced the Gannet COD.4 aircraft.

The Air force received more F4E Phantom aircraft in 1974 along with a smaller number of RF4E, these along with the newly delivered Harrier and jointly operated Buccaneers would form the backbone of New Cromer's strike aircraft until 1981 the F4E/RF4E was also tasked with RECCE and Tactical Nuclear strike duties together with both the Harrier and Buccaneer using WE177b Nuclear Bombs. Some F4E/RF4E aircraft would survive till 2013 after modernisation and rebuilds in the late 90’s.

In 1974 the Airforce ordered 5 KC135 Aircraft, the jets were equipped with centreline Boom refuelling equipment and Wing mounted Hose and Drogue units purchased from the UK. For the first time New Cromer now had the capability to deploy its Phantoms, Buccaneers and Harriers Globally.

In 1975 the first of an eventual 12 Lockheed P3 Orion’s arrived into the Navy’s fleet and took up duties on maritime patrol, fisheries protection, work for the boarder agency and ASW duties. The aircraft were not owned by the Navy and were in fact on a lease lend arrangement with the US. At the time the Government and indeed the Navy had expresses interest in the UK’s Nimrod programme but the cost was to great and the number of aircraft that would have been able to acquire too small to full fill all the needs the Navy wanted. they became operational in 1979 allowing the 7 surviving original Shackletons to be replaced 1 having crashed in 1973 in the Ajuuraan Channel killing all but one crew member, the 5 phase III aircraft surviving till 1981.

Arrival of the first batch of Lynx helicopters for the Navy saw the Gannet AS.4’s bow out in 1980 and the Wasp helicopters began to be phased out, a couple managed to soldier on till 1992 but were mainly assigned to land based training roles.

1979 saw the Air Force beginning to receive the first of eventually 55 F15C Eagles ordered in 1974 to replace the F4C in the Air Defence role from the early 80’s. Some of the newer F4E/RF4E would remain in service with the Air Force till 2013 although most would be replaced by the Tornado in the 80’s. The F15C equipped 3 squadrons plus and OCU from 1983 onwards and would serve with the Air Force till 2008/9 when the Euro Fighter Typhoon FGR4 started to arrive in service…

In 1983 following a tendering competition begun in 1978 that saw the US send two F111’s and the UK two Tornado IDS prototype aircraft to New Cromer in 1979, After the winner of the competition was announced in 1980 the Air force of New Cromer began to receive its first of 74 Panavia Tornado GR1 and later 16 GR1A aircraft these would eventually replace the Buccaneers and some Phantom F4E’s used by the Air force the best examples of the Buccaneer fleet would be transferred fully to the navy whilst not the end of Buccaneer operations for the air force the rundown of the type did begin. 1985 also saw the Canberra’s leave service, Arrival of the Tornado saw Phantom’s fully take over Recognisance duties as they were freed up from the attack duties. The arrival of Tornado GR1A aircraft later saw them completely eradicated by 1989.

in 1986 6 L1011-100 aircraft were purchase from the national airline New Cromer Airways, these were used as transports for troops, aid and other supplies they were designated Tri-Star C.1 and were used extensively in the 1991 and 2001-2003 middle eastern wars as well as humanitarian aid work in Africa and Indonesia. they finally bowed out of use in 2010/11 when the new A330 C.1 arrived.

1987 finally saw the last squadron of Buccaneers used by the air force phased out after the Tornado was now cleared to use the Bae Sea Eagle ASM these were quickly broken up and used as a source of spares for the Navy’s remaining aircraft. This year saw the first AEW variant of the Sea Kings enter service allowing the Gannet AEW.3 to retire.

In 1988 the air force received the first of 66 Harrier GR5’s these replaced the Harrier GR1 operated since 1973. The navy showed a strong interest in the air forces New more capable Harriers and began to consider replacements for it ageing Vixen and Buccaneer aircraft, the Navy had considered the Harrier earlier but the limited capabilities of the original harrier put the Navy off, the new Harrier II was an entirely different beast). At the time the Navy was considering converting it’s 2 carriers Cromer and Victoria to STOVL operation the Navy had been looking for new aircraft for a while but due to the limited size of the Centaur class carriers no suitable replacements had been found only the American Skyhawk and French Etendard IV at a push would possibly work and both were rejected this forced some rather ingenious methods to keep the Vixens flying. Two new nuclear powered carriers were in the process of design but were years from existence, a serious fire following a fuel leak on a Sea King on board Victoria that caused extensive structural problems forcing its decommissioning in 1991 forced this decision more, so eventually only Cromer was rebuilt.

The decision was made in 1991, since the late 70’s the carriers had almost always operated as a pair with one providing CAP and air defence while the other provided an effective strike package, the loss of Victoria meant a single carrier was deemed not to offer and effective air-wing. This left the Navy with only a single carrier until 2002. This was also in part due to continual delays over design to the navy’s two new CVN’s. These being built by New Cromer Defence system and the design hadn't even been finalised on paper by 1990. The fire on Victoria forced the navy to transfer to STOVL operations until 2006 when the first carrier finally entered service.

In 1992 the navy having committed to converting the carrier Cromer to STOVL operation took delivery of 42 additional harrier GR5, Naval Air Station Victoria had a mock-up of Cromer’s Deck painted on one of its auxiliary runways and a 12’ ski hump built. All air force Harrier squadrons were transferred to the air station and became part of the Joint Force Command. One the other hand the 12 P3 Orion’s were transferred from the Navy to the Air Force and the Air Force took over all Maritime patrol duties. Plans had been to repair Victoria’s flight deck and add structural supports in the hangar but this was deemed too expensive and the mock-up was chosen instead Victoria’s Deck Pennant was painted on the Mock up!

The Vixen, and Buccaneer bowed out of Navy use in 1992 following Cromer’s entry into refit before recommissioning in 1994. 1992 also saw the last of the Navy’s Wessex and Wasps replaced by a final batch of Sea king and Lynx helicopters, 6 Wessex helicopters used for SAR duties would remain in service till 2008 and were retired alongside there SeaKing Successors. The Air force began to receive the first of 22 Boeing Chinook helicopters in 1992.

From 1994 both Navy Harrier GR5 and Air force Harrier GR5 which both were now in the process of being upgraded to GR7 were being operated from the deck of Cromer. A major deal was struck in 1995 with the UK’s Mod to Deploy a single E3 sentry to New Cromer the RAF rotating the E3 and its crew every 6 months, this deal would run until 2010 when the first of 4 A330 AWAC’s arrived in New Cromer’s inventory.

1996 saw a number of the F4E/RF4E fleet start to go for a full modernisation and rebuild programme that would see them remain in service in the ground support and SEAD role till 2013, having received structural and systematic modifications and strengthening. The arrival of the Typhoon finally ended New Cromer’s 47 year association with the type.

1997 saw the first steel finally cut on the navy's two CVN's the design heavily influenced by the French carrier nearing completion Charles de Gaulle. With help from the UK, France and a little from the US progress was proceeding at a steady pace. By 1999 a tender was put out for the navy’s next generation of fixed wing aircraft to operate off the new carriers due to commission between 2002 and 2006.

In 1999 the air force received its first of 74 Bae Hawk 127 and 44 Shorts Tucanno T1 training aircraft and was able to phase out its Jet Provost and older Chipmunk propeller training aircraft which had served since the mid 1950’s. The first 4 Hawk 127 aircraft were built in the UK but the remaining 70 were sent as kits to Bae System New Cromer for assembly locally, a similar arrangement was used for the Tucanno with Shorts contracting final assembly work out to Bae Systems New Cromer.

The 2000’s saw massive investment into the New Cromer armed forces and a mass modernisation plan was began. The Tornado GR1 force was upgraded to GR4 standard and 60 of the remaining 68 aircraft after losses in accidents etc., were converted and had Storm Shadow and Brimstone missiles integrated. The 16 Tornado GR1A were given overhauls and became GR4A and 16 Squadron assigned as the dedicated RECCE and SEAD unit, the 8 un-modified GR1’s were stored as a spares pool.

In 2001 the Navy, The Air force and Army having been searching for a replacement for its Sea King helicopters all selected the Augusta/Westland Merlin and an order was placed. 2002 saw the arrival of the Navies new Oceanic class LPH’s NCNS Oxley and NCNS Mexworth following the fire on Victoria and navy being left with the single now STOVL Cromer the decision had been taken in 2000 to fit the two LPH with 12` ski jump so that the Harrier could be operated.

2002 saw the first of eventually 52 Merlins of 4 different types began to replace the venerable Sea kings the SAR and AEW aircraft were the last to retire in 2008 this included the last 6 Wessex in service. The air force received the first of 7 Raytheon sentinel aircraft in 2002 and the first of 18 A330 transport aircraft these would eventually replace the 6 Lockheed Tri Star aircraft purchased in 1986 1 of which would be lost in 2004 in an accident.

2003 after subject to further delays the navy selected the Boeing F/A18 E/F and EA18 G as it's future planes with the in service dates of the carriers now slipped to 2006 and 2009. An
order was placed for 62 F/A 18E, 40 F/A 18F and 10 EA 18G. The aircraft are to be supplied in kit form to Bae Systems New Cromer for final assembly and will be powered by the more powerful EJ220 engine currently in development for the Eurofighter Trench 3 aircraft replacing the GE F414 used in the USN variants.

Lessons were being learnt from New Cromer’s involvement in the Balkan’s conflicts of the 90’s and later Afghanistan and Iraq from working alongside the UK and US and these lessons were being quickly applied. In 2004 the first of 8 A319 MPA arrived and began to replace the 12 Lockheed P3 Orion’s these were returned to the US on termination of the lease deal in 2009 minus 1 aircraft lost in an accident involving a mid-air collision with an air force Phantom In 1999 killing both Phantom crew and all 11 on the Orion. Later investigation placed the blame on a newly qualified controller working in the tower at Victoria Naval Air Station who misread radar readings and gave the Phantom crew the wrong altitude in bad weather. The Phantom should have been 2,000ft higher when joining a stack of air-craft waiting to land in the severe fog but due to an error was given the height of a plane the controller wanted them to avoid the two air-craft collided at 10,000ft the P-3 being broken in two and the Phantom losing a wing and tumbling out of the sky. Both air-craft coming down over the New Cromer Straight’s. 12 of the 13 crew were recovered, a memorial to the men and the still missing 13th man was created on a cliff top as close to the crash site as possible.

2006 saw the first of 74 Eurocopter Tiger helicopters delivered and in 2007 the Air force leased 2 RC135’s off the USAF for ISTAR work in Afghanistan, the aircraft also saw use over Africa in Libya and Egypt. In 2008 the arrival of the first of 72 Eurofighter Typhoon FGR4 and these began to rapidly replace the F15C Eagles (withdrawn by 2010) and eventually the F4E Phantoms the last being withdrawn from service in 2013. Also in 2008 60 of the Jiont force commands 102 surviving Harrier GR7’s were given their final upgrade to see them out until 2019 and were upgraded to the RAF’s GR9a standard. Unlike the RAF examples though all but Storm Shadow has been cleared on these aircraft additional avionic an electronic Upgrades allowing the carriage of ASRAAM.

2006 finally saw the arrival of the first of the long Delayed CVN’s NCNS Cromer, deliveries of the F/A 18’s had proceeded un effected and a number of navy pilots had been transferred to the USN for training. The second carrier NCNS Victoria, arrived in 2008. The final batch of EA 18G’s should be delivered in 2014.

2009 saw NCNS Cromer declared fully operational after 3 years of intensive sea trials, crew training. She would see her first action alongside the French Carrier CDG in Libya in 2011. NCNS Victoria was declared operational in 2011 and both carriers saw action in New Cromer’s involvement in the Egyptian civil war and in aid of Yemen in its civil war. NCNS Victoria happened to be on training duties in the southern ocean off Australia in 2014 when flight MH370 went missing her rotary wing assets helping in the fruitless search.

2010 saw the arrival of the first of 4 A330 AWAC’s aircraft to replace the single aircraft deployed by the RAF since 1995. Also in 2010 New Cromer started to receive the first of an eventual 25 reaper drones the last of which arrived in 2014. 2012 saw the arrival of the first V22 to the Navy delivery of the type proceeded quickly and by 2014 they were in service as transport and tankers for the Navy. The First A330 MRTT was delivered as the C130 and KC130 fleet was slowly wound down. Arrival of the last of these in 2014 saw the KC-135's retired too.

2013 saw the Air-force bid farewell to the McDonald Douglas Phantom. The last squadron No’4 was disbanded and it’s RF4E Phantom’s were removed from service. No’4 squadron reformed 6 months later equipped with Hawk 127 aircraft as a close air support squadron tasked with close air support for Army operations, the Hawks cleared for 500lb bombs, Brimstone missiles etc., have seen increasing use in African conflicts in Mali, Niger and so on often supporting foreign troops too.

Still going on into 2013 more modernisation, as 6 C17 Globemaster III joined the air force along with the Watchkeeper drones. An order was placed for 16 A400M aircraft in late 2013 and these are expected in 2015-16 along with 2 A330 based aircraft to replace the loaned RC135’s. 74 Lynx Wildcats were ordered to replace New Cromer’s original Lynx AH.7 fleet and the eldest of the HAS.3 fleet, the first arriving in 2014 all should be delivered by 2019. 2013 also saw 2 RQ8 fire scout drones trailed aboard one of New Cromer’s type 22 frigates although the project has since been cancelled and the two drones returned to the US.

Talks with Boeing were started in 2014 for 8 AEW V.22 aircraft to replace the Merlin AEW delivered in 2004, the Merlins will be converted to HC.4 transport helicopters when the Osprey AEW are delivered hopefully in 2016. 2014 also saw the F35B selected as replacement for the Harrier and Tornado fleets from 2019. Plans were originally to see 120 F35B to replace the two fleets however cost increases currently put the number at 80 with a further 40 Typhoon FGR4 likely to replace two Tornado squadrons. Tests aboard the LPH’s Mexworth were carried out in the US with the F35B, although these ships are destined to be replaced in 2020 by two ships of a design based on a heavily modified Mistral Class with Ski Jump.

Future planning has seen interest in the Bae Systems Taranis system and this may be selected as a future replacement for the MQ9 Reaper at some time in the future. Upgrades are planned for the Typhoon force with plans to integrate conformal fuel tanks and the Meteor missile from 2015. Meteor, Storm Shadow and Brimstone are also being integrated onto the F/A18E&F fleets.

Personnel levels of New Cromer’s armed forces

The Army of New Cromer was founded in 1949 10 years prior to independence, although New Cromer had provided troops to the British Empire since the late 1800’s. The islands military from the outset has been a conscript Army, Air force and Navy with national service providing the men and women (women since 1978) for the forces. Eligibility is based on age, citizenship, time in the country on residential visa and in some cases people can be exempt depending on qualifications gained in higher education or certain careers are considered as being more important to state than service. Men aged between 17 and 35 are eligible (19 if in higher education and rising to 24 if in university) for women it is 17 to 30, again if higher education is entered or college and university ages rise, pregnant or women with children by the time they are eligible are exempt, women are also not permitted in the front line army but can serve in army logistics, active Air Force or navy units. Certain professions if the person leaves school, college or university are considered more important than service and these people are exempt. For people moving to the country if they are resident in the country for over 5 years and they are below the age limit for service on the fifth anniversary of their arrival are eligible, likewise anyone who gains citizenship who is under the age limit is also eligible unless they work in the health, engineering or banking industries and hold relevant qualifications. Upon leaving the forces most people who have served do leave with a set of useful qualifications to get careers in many occupations.

New Cromer’s army as of 2014 the Army (not including the Navy, Airforce and Marine divisions) is 305,000 strong. Of these 95,000 are considered Regular Army, Regular Army are the professional element of the Army of New Cromer and consist of people who have remained in the army after there 3 years national service has ended and chose a career in the army or people who joined the army before they were conscripted as volunteers or non nationals who have joined the army voluntarily. Personnel who join the Army as volunteers have to commit to 5 years service once they have completed there 6 weeks basic training. After 5 years they are allowed to leave or extend there service by 3, 5 or 8 year extensions the only limit to the number of extensions is they cannot exceed there 55th Men or 50th Women birthday depending on there role. Army pay is considered a very good income with salaries ranging from £25,000 to £55,000 per annum, with sign up to the Regulars is popular. Reservists are paid less approx £19,000 per annum but the wage is still considered a good income while undertaking national service.

140,000 are classed as Reservists and are people currently serving there 3 years national service. Reservists are trained to similar levels as the Regular Army completing the same 6 week basic training coarse and are deployed as such as standard military units when required. On completion of there 3rd and final year of National Service they are given the option to extend and become a regular or leave the army with there gained qualifications. On leaving service they are asked if they want to join the Home Guard or are selected for the Home Guard based on there service records. This means they are added to a list of personnel who can be recalled to active duty in the event of a major situation or emergency. Those who do not put there name down or those not considered return to civilian life.

The Remaining 70,000 are classed as Home Guard and are enlisted men/women who have completed there 3 years national service and have selected to join the Home guard or have been chosen based on there service record. Unlike the Regular or Reservist army who are billeted or barracked the Home Guard live fairly normal civilian lives. They are eligible for re activation if a surge in troop numbers is required (Conscripts are eligible for Re Activation up to 3 years after completing there national service, but these units will only be re activated at times of emergency and very few have been recalled once there service has ended). They are required to attend training on various weekends but are basically civilians the Home Guard

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The current JFC Air Command is made up of 43 active squadrons, 18 are Air-force. 12 are Navy/Air-force Joint. 13 are Navy. There are also 2 Army Air corps and 1 Marine air corps. Here is a full list of Past and Present Squadrons. 203 Squadron is New Cromer Air Sea Rescue and has 18 Aircraft assigned and they are split into No’1 through to No’6 flight, and stationed at various bases around the coast.

Since the reorganisation to the Joint Force Command in 1992 Squadron numbers have been allocated as follows. No’s 1 to 99 Squadron, Air Force with 90 to 99 reserved for special use. No’s 100 to 199 Squadron, Air Force and Navy combined. No’s 200 to 299 Squadron, are Naval Air Squadrons. The original plan in 2014 was that the Air-force and the Joint Air-force and Navy squadrons will reduce in 2019 when the Tornado 5 Squadrons and the Harrier 6 Squadrons are replaced with the Lockheed F35B these will take over the 5 Tornado squadrons but will be deployed on the Navies CV/LPH carriers. No’ 104(R) squadrons Hawk 127 and Tucanno T.1 aircraft will transfer to 201(R) Squadron. Meaning in 2019 there will be 12 Squadrons Deactivating of which only 5 will re activate...

Plans were changed in 2015, following the rising instability in the Middle East a full review was carried out of how many squadrons it would be deemed necessary to maintain the current and possible future increase in capability. The 2015 SDR brought about the following changes. Due to the ever increasing cost of the F35 programme a decision was taken to reduce the expected number of aircraft from 120 (90 of which had been ordered) to just 80. An order was placed for 40 Typhoon FGR4 aircraft (34 single and 6 two seat) to cover this shortfall. The frontline typhoon squadrons would see there squadrons reduced to 14 aircraft (13 single and 1 two seat) and the typhoon OCU will lose 5 FGR4 single seaters together with the 40 new airframes form 4 squadrons of 14 aircraft, this will replace the Tornado GR4 from 2019. The Tornado OCU will convert to the F35B in 2018 taking the first 14 aircraft delivered. The remaining 66 F35B will be formed into 4 squadrons of 14 aircraft (56 aircraft) replacing 4 of the 6 Harrier squadrons. The remaining 10 split between the OCU and the Weapons centre. This will result in a reduction of only 2 squadrons by 2022 1 frontline Harrier unit and the Harrier OCU. No’ 104(R) squadrons Hawk 127 and Tucanno T.1 aircraft will transfer to 201(R) Squadron.

Legend. If simply squadron number is given for example No’ 1 Squadron, this squadron is an active front line unit, if (R) is shown after squadron number for example No’ 7(R) Squadron, this squadrons primary role is training and it officially is a Reserve Unit but could be brought up to front line operating capability if needed and lastly if (AC) is shown for example No’ 3(AC) Squadron, these squadron work closely with the army and provide air support for army operations and are known as Army Co-operation Squadrons.

Air Force. 18 active Squadrons, 5 Past Squadrons.

1 Squadron, Operates the Eurofighter Typhoon FGR.4. 16 single and 1 twin seat.

2 Squadron, Operates the Eurofighter Typhoon FGR.4. 16 single and 1 twin seat

3 (AC) Squadron, Operates the Panavia Tornado GR4. 15 aircraft. Due to disband in 2019 will reactivate as Typhoon FGR4 unit.

4 (AC) Squadron, Operates the Bae Hawk 127. 17 aircraft. Army Co-operation Squadron operates in a ground support role. Originally Disbanded in 2012, was last operational McDonald Douglas F4E and RF4E Phantom Squadron. Reformed in 2013.

5 Squadron, Operates the Eurofighter Typhoon FGR.4. 16 single and 1 twin seat.

6 Squadron, Operates the Panavia Tornado GR4. 15 aircraft. Due to disband in 2019 will reactivate as Typhoon FGR4 unit.

7 (R) Squadron. Operates the Bae Systems Hawk 127. 22 aircraft. As the Flight Training School.

8(R) Squadron. Operates the Bae System Hawks 127. 22 aircraft. As a Flight Training School and Lead in Fighter and Ground attack unit.

9 Squadron, Operates the Panavia Tornado GR4. 15 aircraft. Due to disband in 2020 will reactivate as Typhoon FGR4 unit.

12(R) Squadron, Operates the Typhoon FGR4. Is Typhoon OCU. 12 single and 9 two seat.

13(R) Squadron, Became 104(R) Squadron after formation of Navy/Air-force JFC.

14(R) Squadron, Operates the Panavia Tornado GR4. 15 GR4, 2 GR4A, Is the Tornado OCU. Due to disband in 2017 will reactivate as F35B OCU in 2018 taking over aircraft from 199 Squadron. The Squadron will Then Re-number to 114(R) Squadron as F35B OCU.

15 Squadron. Disbanded 1995 was Harrier squadron that re-numbered to 101(AC) Squadron in 1996.

16 Squadron, Operates Panavia Tornado GR4A. 14 aircraft. Due to disband in 2020 will reactivate as Typhoon FGR4 unit.

17 Squadron, Operates the MQ9 Reaper. 25 air vehicles and 5 command stations.

18(R) Squadron, Operates the Shorts Tucanno T.1, Is the Primary Flight Training School. 38 aircraft.

19 Squadron, Signals and Intelligence Squadron. Operates the A330 AWACS, RC135 and Sentinel R1. To receive 2 A330 RC.1 soon. 4 A330 AWACS, 2 Boeing RC135 and 7 Sentinel R1.

20 Squadron, Transport Squadron Operates A330 C.1, Boeing C.17 and Lockheed C130E, will receive A400M to replace C130’s soon. 18 A330 C.1, 6 Boeing C.17 and 36 Lockheed C130E (26 A400M will replace 36 C130E).

21 Squadron, Tanker Squadron, Operates Lockheed KC130 and A330 MRTT. 12 Lockheed KC130E and 10 A330 MRTT.

22 Squadron, Operates Boeing Chinook HC.4 and Merlin HC.2 and HC.4 when V-22 AEW delivered. 22 Chinook HC.4, 20 Merlin HC.2 soon 4 Merlin HC.4.

99 Squadron, was assigned to RAF deployment of an E3D AWACS. Disbanded 2010. Was based at New Halifax.

Navy and Air Force JFC. 12 Active Squadrons, 1 past Squadron.

100 Squadron, Disbanded 2004 Aircraft and Staff Merged with 200 Squadron, Former JFC Rotary wing school.

101 (AC) Squadron, Operates the Harrier GR.9A. Former 15 Squadron. 17 aircraft. Will disband in 2020 and re activate as F35B unit.

102 Squadron, Operates the Harrier GR.9A. Former 10 Squadron. 17 aircraft. Will disband in 2021 and re activate as F35B unit.

103 Squadron, Operates the Harrier GR.9A. Former 11 Squadron. 17 aircraft. Will disband in 2021 and re activate as F35B unit.

104(R) Squadron, Operates the Harrier T.12A, and GR.9, Harrier OCU. Operates a limited number of Hawk 127 and Tucanno T1 as Naval Aviation Training School. Operates 1 Harrier GR9A, 10 T12A, 6 Hawk 127, 10 Tucanno T.1. Will disband in 2020 Hawk 127 and Tucanno to transfer to 201(R) Squadron.

105 Squadron, Operates the Harrier GR.9A. 17 aircraft. Will disband in 2021 and re activate as F35B unit.

106 Squadron, Operates the Harrier GR9A. 17 aircraft. Will disband in 2022.

107 Squadron, Operates the A319 MPA. 8 aircraft.

108 Squadron, Operates the Lynx AH.7 and will receive Wildcats and Merlin HC.4 when V.22 AEW delivered. 17 Lynx AH.7, 4 Lynx Wildcat and soon 4 Merlin HC.4.

109 Squadron, RWTC (Rotory Wing Training School II), Operates 12 Eurocopter EC135 and 16 Bell 412 Griffin. Basic and advanced training.

114(R) Squadron, Number reserved for use later.

191 Squadron, TWQU (tactical weapons qualification unit) Operates 2 Tornado GR1(Modified), 2 Eurofighte Typhoon FGR4 and 1 each Boeing F/A18E and F.

197 Squadron, WSaMU (Warm Storage and Maintenance Unit) Technically operates no active aircraft but is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of stored aircraft that could be brought into service if required. Assigned aircraft, 8 Tornado GR1, 48 F15C Eagle, 4 RF4E Phantom, 10 F4E Phantom, 4 C130E, 2 KC130, 5 KC.135. (Note these aircraft are not immediately airworthy).

199 Squadron, set up in 2014, took delivery of 2 F35B aircraft and is the F35 Test and Evaluation Squadron based in the USA at Edwards Air Force Base. the first 14 F35B will be delivered by 2017/18 to this unit. The unit will then re locate to News Cromer and transfer to 14(R) Squadron as F35B OCU becoming 114(R) Squadron.

Naval Air Squadrons. 13 active Squadrons. 6 past Squadron

200(R) Squadron, Naval Rotary Wing training school, Operates Lynx AH.7 and HAS.3, Merlin HAS.2 and V.22 Osprey HC.3. 5 Lynx AH.7, 4 HAS.3, 2 Merlin HAS.2 and 2 CV.22 HC.3.

201(R) Squadron, Operates the Hawk 127 and F/A18E/F and EA18G as Hornet OCU. 7 Hawk 127. 10 F/A18 E, 6 F/A18F and 1 EA18G

202 Squadron, Operates Merlin HAS.2, Lynx HAS.3. 14 merlin HAS.2 and 22 Lynx HAS.3.

203 Squadron, Operates Merlin HAR.3. New Cromer Air Sea Rescue. 18 aircraft.
No’1 flight. 3 Merlin HAR.3. 3 aircraft.
No’2 flight. 3 Merlin HAR.3. 3 aircraft.
No’3 flight. 3 Merlin HAR.3. 3 aircraft.
No’4 flight. 3 Merlin HAR.3. 3 aircraft.
No’5 flight. 3 Merlin HAR.3. 3 aircraft.
No’6 flight. 3 Merlin HAR.3. 3 aircraft.

204 Squadron, Disbanded 2005. Former P.3 Orion Squadron, became 107 Squadron with JFC.

205 Squadron, Operates Merlin AEW.3, wll soon transfer to ECV.22 AEW.1 if deal goes ahead. 8 aircraft soon to receive 8 ECV.22 AEW.1.

206 Squadron, Operates the CV.22 HC.3. 12 aircraft.

207 Squadron, Operates the CV.22 KC.3. 9 aircraft.

208 Squadron, Disbanded 1992, Former Buccaneer Squadron. NCNS Cromer. Became 106 Squadron.

209 Squadron, Disbanded 1992, Former Sea Vixen Squadron. NCNS Cromer. Became 105 Squadron.

210 Squadron, Disbanded 1991, Former Buccaneer Squadron. NCNS Victoria. Most staff and Air craft transferred to 208 Squadron.

211 Squadron, Disbanded 1991, Former Sea Vixen Squadron. NCNS Victoria. Most staff and Air craft transferred to 209 Squadron.

212(R) Squadron, Disbanded 1992 Former Sea Vixen and Buccaneer OCU. Became 201 Squadron in 1992 which in turn became 104 Squadron.

212 Squadron, Operates the F/A18E. 17 aircraft. Operated Fairy Gannet AEW.3 until 1990 when the Squadron was disbanded before reforming in 2013.

213 Squadron, Operates the F/A18E. 17 aircraft. Operated the Fairy Gannet COD.4 till 1990 then the SeaKing and Wessey Till they transfered to 202 and 203 squardon, Squadron Disbanded in 2006 till Reforming in 2014.

214 Squadron, Operates the F/A18F. 17 aircraft. Operated the Fairy Gannet AS.4 till 1988, the SeaKing AEW till 2008, Disbanded in 2008 and reformed in 2013.

215 Squadron, Operates the F/A18F. 17 aircraft. Operated several variants of Westand Wessex and Sea Kings till 2004 when the squadron was disbanded to reform in 2014.

216 Squadron, Operates the F/A18G, Split into 1st, 2nd and 3rd Tactical Wing.
1st TFW. 3 aircraft.
2nd TFW. 3 aircraft.
3rd TFW. 3 aircraft.
Squadron was former Fairy Gannet OCU and operated all 3 variants and wound down as the Gannet was phased out, was disbanded in 1989 and reformed in june 2014.

217 Squadron, Operates the F/A18E. 17 aircraft. Formed January 2015 naval squadron but mainly land based took over maritime anti shipping role from tornado squadron allowing it to re role to a normal attack squadron, also deployed to carriers and can undertake other strike and fighter roles.

Army and Marine Corps Flying Units. 3 active Units.

1st Army Air Corps, Operates the Tiger ARH, Lynx AH.7, Watchkeeper Drones and soon Wildcats. 13 Lynx AH.7, 15 Drones and 23 Tiger ARH.

2nd Army Air Corps, Operates the Tiger UHT+, Lynx AH.7, Watchkeeper Drones and soon Wildcats. 13 Lynx AH.7, 15 Drones and 28 Tiger UHT+.

Marine Aviation Corps, Operates the CV.22 HC.3 and Tiger ARH. 8 CV.22 HC.3 and 23 Tiger ARH.

Squadron Locations. Bases in Green are Tri Service Bases dubbed super bases. The two biggest are Victoria and Cromer home too many squadrons each with multiple runways and facilities they are very large bases…..

Victoria Naval Air Station and Air-Force Base.
101 squadron, 102 Squadron, 103 Squadron, 104(R) Squadron, 105 Squadron, 106 Squadron, 200(R) Squadron, 203 Squadron No’ 2 flight, 206 Squadron, 207 Squadron and 1st Army Air Corps.

Mexworth Air-force Base.
1 Squadron, 2 Squadron, 3 Squadron, 9 Squadron, 16 Squadron, 17 Squadron and 203 Squadron No’ 5 flight.

Cromer Naval Air Station and Air-Force Training School Base.
7(R) Squadron, 8(R) Squadron, 12(R) Squadron, 14(R) Squadron, 18(R) Squadron, 107 Squadron,201 (R) Squadron, 203 Squadron No’ 4 and No’6 flight, 211 Squadron, 212 Squadron, 213 Squadron, 214 Squadron, 215 Squadron, 216 Squadron, 217 Squadron and the Marine Aviation Corps.

Creswell Air Force Base.
197 Squadron.

Delnor Air Force Base.
22 Squadron and 203 Squadron No’1 flight.

New Halifax Air Force Base.
19 Squadron, 20 Squadron and 21 Squadron.

Oxley Naval Air Station and Air-Force Base.
5 Squadron, 6 Squadron, 108 Squadron, 202 squadron, 203 Squadron No’3 flight, 205 Squadron and 2nd Army Air Corps.

There are also a number of smaller bases located around New Cromer for personnel training and there are 3 training areas that are also given base names.

1. Trenton Range. A hilly valley stretching for 14 miles located in the south west of the country, it is used as the primary training area for low level flying. Visits by foreign aircraft are common. The area is used also for the training of fighter pilots and is used as the main training area for New Cromer’s Fighter School.
2. Bay of Broughton. This is a live weapons test range and is located to the south east of New Cromer covering an area of Ocean 1,150square miles it is used for weapon training, testing and weapon development. The range is used by the Air Force and Navy and sees air launched and ship launched weapons tests.
3. Northern Bay Range. This is another live weapons test range this time located on land. It is located on the Northern Island and covers a large area. It stretches form th east of the North Island to the start of the national park approximately 100miles and stretches from the north coast to the south coast. There is a 150mile no fly and restriction zone around the north bay space centre and town.

A Brief dive into New Cromer’s aircraft colour schemes…

When the Air force of New Cromer was provisionally set up in 1950 as a separate detachment of the RAF it consisted of a number of aircraft transferred directly from the RAF, so at first new cromer used the same grey/green scheme as the RAF of the United kingdom introduced during WW2, mainly as this is where most of its first aircraft came from and were Ex RAF aircraft. New Cromer simply changed the national insignia when these aircraft were transferred.

From the mid 50’s as New Cromer began to receive its own new Jets i.e. the Hunter’s and Canberra’s the air force had settled on two basic colour schemes, the first, a two tone grey camouflage with light grey undersides this was designed to blend in with the sky and was used for fighters and medium/high altitude bombers some Canberra bombers had there undersides dark grey for night operations, later this scheme would evolve and was changed to a wrap around two tone grey scheme for fighters and ground attack air craft such as the buccaneer. The second was a scheme used for aircraft assigned/deployed to conflicts in Africa and units assigned to train alongside European air forces in the UK and Europe and was mainly applied to strike aircraft and ground support aircraft. This at first was a two tone sand and brown camoflage scheme applied to Hunters and a few Jet provost aircraft used in a number of Conflicts in Africa during the 1960’s, this changed to a three tone green/green/brown scheme and was also applied to the first 22 Tornado GR1 and 8 GR1A aircraft. This final scheme is still used on some Tornado, Hawk and has been applied to the first 6 A400m aircraft delivered.

From 1966 fighter aircraft and starting with the newly delivered F4 Phantoms carried the US style Grey toned scheme, this was carried on with the F15 in 1979 and as since been used on the Tornado, Harrier GR9a and Eurofighter Typhoon, This has become the standard colour scheme for New Cromer’s combat aircraft and has been carried by all aircraft delivered recently.

From 1990 support and transport aircraft have carried an allover dark grey scheme exceptions being the A319 MPA that are light Grey and Hercules aircraft on long term deployments in Africa and the first 6 A400M. before this a grey and white scheme was standard across the support fleet.

Army Aviation has always been green the exception being the new Tiger attack Helicopters which have the three tone Green/Green/Brown scheme however Tiger's delivered to the 1st Army aviation unit were delivered in the Marine grey livery as the 1st Army division does regular deployments to sea alongside the Marine division. Exceptions have occurred for instance during New Cromer’s involvement in a number of African conflicts have seen a few Helicopters painted in a desert sand colour when operating over African Savannah and Desert.

The Navy at first used an almost 50/50 Dark Sea Grey and Light Grey scheme and overall Dark Sea Grey for Helicopters, from 1980 all aircraft were allover dark grey. From 1994 the harrier introduced the US style Grey toned scheme and this was followed on by the FA18. Helicopters also began appearing in light grey from 1994.

National insignia have always been applied in full colour Blue and White and aircraft carry a tail flash, Blue and White chequer board and blue and white glif, most also carry the legend “New Cromer AirForce” or “NCAF”, Naval Aviation carries the Legend “MARINE” this replaced the legend “NAVY” in 1992 when the JFC merged the Navy and Marine force into 1 combined force. From 2003 aircraft deployed on NATO/UN missions have had there colour insignia replaced with low visibility white markings, White replacing the Blue and the Blue areas uncoloured…. Since 2015 this white insignia has become a standard across the fleet full colour insignia only being used on special schemes and training aircraft. Some squadrons have adorned there aircraft with tail art but most units simply carry tail flash, NCAF legend and Aircraft Serial Number. And a small Squadron insignia located on the nose or tail.

Last edited by shippy2013 on May 3rd, 2015, 10:08 am, edited 26 times in total.

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Post subject: Re: Commonwealth of New Cromer AUPosted: March 31st, 2014, 10:31 pm
Posts: 1630
Joined: July 23rd, 2011, 1:46 am
Am very much looking forward to this AU, especially with the possibility of maybe seeing an FD scale C17 Globemaster III and Boeing Osprey.

With kind regards Shippy mate,


ps. Love the maps!

My artwork is posted here:

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Post subject: Re: Commonwealth of New Cromer AUPosted: April 1st, 2014, 1:19 am
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Joined: April 15th, 2011, 10:57 pm
Location: Jerusalem, Israel
Pretty nice start!
but i gotta ask why you have two citys named New Oxley and two named Hexford on the map :?

- - -> My Worklist! <- - -

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Post subject: Re: Commonwealth of New Cromer AUPosted: April 1st, 2014, 7:28 am
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Posts: 658
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Location: Nottingham. United Kingdom
My boob, never noticed ha!! I'll sort it soon as...

Edit:- Map corrected....

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Post subject: Re: Commonwealth of New Cromer AUPosted: April 1st, 2014, 11:09 pm
Posts: 247
Joined: August 2nd, 2010, 6:12 pm
Location: Montreal, QC
Regarding your use of Airbus A310s in the AWACS/Electronic Warfare role, you have aircraft coming into service in 2010 and 2016 respectively, whereas at least in our timeline Airbus stopped producing the A310 in 1998. This means that you would have to convert older airframes at great expense - probably not the most cost-effective option if you're going to be installing millions of dollars of specialized electronics.

These airframes are limited in the amount of hours they're certified to fly, meaning you're going to be receiving airframes that have much less life in them. You're probably best off basing your aircraft on ones that are produced now, such as the Boeing 767 or Airbus A330, or changing the in-service dates of your aircraft. Japan operates an AWACS variant of the Boeing 767, so that is one existing solution.

You also have your refueller labeled as the Airbus A340 when in fact the Voyager is based off of the A330.

Sorry for nitpicking - otherwise this seems like a pretty interesting and well thought out AU in terms of equipment, very UK inspired.

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Post subject: Re: Commonwealth of New Cromer AUPosted: April 2nd, 2014, 7:44 am
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Location: Nottingham. United Kingdom
Really I wanted to have a support air force based around airbus on maintenance cost grounds. So although they'll be larger aircraft I'll change my AWACS and my transport A310's to A330's along with fixing the tag on the voyagers. Dont no were I got A340 from.... unless I can find a similar sized airbus to the A310.
adenandy wrote:
Am very much looking forward to this AU, especially with the possibility of maybe seeing an FD scale C17 Globemaster III and Boeing Osprey.

With kind regards Shippy mate,


ps. Love the maps!
My intension in FD SCALE is to hopefully do each aircraft type of the joint air command, possibly also in the respective squadrons too, I am also considering a civilian airline company as well as some past aircraft types including RAF and US aircraft stationed on New Cromer since 1945.
In SB scale thee be the navy and a merchant navy. Possible including ships from 1959 my AU's independence to present day.

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