Ok, here is the first update of the IJN parts sheet.
Weapons parts:
-Added the IJN Taiho 10mm/65 Type 98 guns.
-Slight mod to the 155mm/60 Type 3 guns.
Miscellaneous parts:
-Added the Type 94 director of the IJN Oyodo.
-Added extra views for the Type 94 HA directors.
-Added IJN Taiho Type 95 machine gun directors.
-Added the unshielded Type 95 machine gun director.
-Updated the Type 21 Radar model 7 antenna.
-Added the top view fo the Type 21 Radar model 6 antenna (done by Raxar).
-Added the top viwe of the 9m whaleboat and the uncovered 8m motor launch.
-Added the side view for the uncovered 8 and 12m motor launch.
-Updated the Kure Type 2 Model 1/3/5 catapult.
-Updated the Kure Type 2 Model 10 catapult.
I'm planning for a further update somewhere in the future (with unknown deadline) to possibly add something more and rearrange the general layout in order to make the sheets smaller.