Mike, I know English is not your first language, but can you please try that again? I assume you're trying to communicate with me, but all I see is a pile of HTML and a pile of smiley faces that don't have any intrinsic or explicit meaning.
PS: instantly edited...(comments deleted, for "peace" in this forum)...
...forget any 33 knots HMS Tigers
any good reasons why? the japanese did it with their Kongo class (well, they went for 30+ knots on an increased displacement and an less ideal hull shape)
of course, the japanese had an completely different reason to do so (rebuilding these was a lot cheaper then building new ships in the low-resource Japan) but I'd like better reasoning then 'too expensive' when somebody at least thought it doable. trying out for the sake of experiment seems a good thing, we can keep in mind that it would never happen in real life but it is not impossible.