EVERY ship in the world needs the Scout(Or other brand, since scout is from thales
) navigation radar.
This radar shows the name, the world code etc etc of the ship.
Without this, you get the navy on board or coast guard etc etc. Because then you are or an terrorist, or an pirate.
The DECCA is not used anymore, they are replaced with Kelvin Hughes Navigation radar.(Can somebody approve this? I read this somewhere, but my guts say it is probaly not true. Decca and KH practicaly looks the same...)
The scout is WHITE in the dutch navy, and i thought every scout(Or other brand, since scout is from thales
) in the world is.
And the Kelvin hughes is grey.
The scout is always the same size. But the Kelvin hughes variates in size.
The LCF has the biggest in the dutch navy. Then the LPD's/AOR's/M frigates. And ofcourse the alkmaar class as last.
So just adjust the KH, and the scout should be fitted.
Also there is an intake between the Vins on the hull.
On the other side the Vin is one piece, but on the starboard side it isnt because of it.
Fryssian AU with Lt.Maverick 114
Embarked on: HNLMS Karel Doorman A833
To do list:
-Zeven Provincien class cruiser
-Joint support ship all sides
-F124 Sachsen class frigate
-F125 Baden-Württemberg class frigate
-Clemencau class aircraft carrier
-Zeven provincien class frigate
-Poolster class AOR
-Amsterdam class AOR
-Minas Gerais aircraft carrier