Kattsun, please change the "gay" remark to something else, such as "the ones I think are cool and not ones I am not a personal fan of" or "the ones I think are cool, and not the ones that I think suck". We try to keep things PC around here and respect others. If I have to, I can and will change it myself, it's one of my abilities as a Moderator. I am giving you the option to change it, I'd take it before a warning and changing it for you are done.
Other than that, nice work on the vehicles and troopers.
It's an ironic juxtaposition of two definitions of gay: "happy" and "bad". If you cannot understand this sort of humour then why are you posting in my thread?
It's not my fault you're reading it in the overly sensitive manner typical of the types of men who put L before G in GLBT, perhaps you should consider embracing your masculinity like I have. Part of that means brushing off minor things that would offend others, and being offended for others, as the latter is often more offensive than actual insults. As a bisexual, cis-gendered male I'd prefer if you not Other me by applying your own cultural biases and presenting your intertextual dialectic as superior. I don't need your opinion on whether language is offensive to me, I can certainly decide for myself.
homophobia is gay, and this sort of double irony is common. Much like a double negative, taken in the proper context, the sentence reads "(...) draw all the cool ones that are gay", reversing the negative connotation of "gay" and "reclaiming" the word, while retaining the external appearance of the more common use.
If you have trouble understanding this relatively simple joke, then perhaps you should just avert your eyes from my future posts.
Why double post ?
Why not? It's a new picture, it deserves a new post.