I wonder if when the pycrete melted, if the flight deck/superstructor portion would still float?
Possible not.
The superstructure(inner part below flight deck, hangar, rooms etc etc) is like a nimitz class wide, and the rest is pycrete around it.
The rest on top of that superstructure is like 5 times the weight of a nimitz class, i think even more.
Fryssian AU with Lt.Maverick 114
Embarked on: HNLMS Karel Doorman A833
To do list:
-Zeven Provincien class cruiser
-Joint support ship all sides
-F124 Sachsen class frigate
-F125 Baden-Württemberg class frigate
-Clemencau class aircraft carrier
-Zeven provincien class frigate
-Poolster class AOR
-Amsterdam class AOR
-Minas Gerais aircraft carrier