Bit of a crossover with MidnightNova's Dreieinig Reichstaat on SMS, the Hoffnung-class Hospital Ship. Designed to roam from nation to nation providing medical assistance to those lacking proper medical facilities for months on end, the twin vessels are a joint venture between Belkaland & Dreieinig Reichstaat. Named Hoffnung(Hope) & Erlösung(Salvation), the two Hospital ships were helped paid for by fundraisers & donations.
Though I doubt that would have made any real dent in the cost.
The Erlösung uses the traditional Red Cross, while the Hoffnung uses the Symbol of the main religion in Belkaland, the Scythe of Ceres.
Used Vossiej's awesome support ship as a base, I've had this for awhile, just nothing to use it for.
I like the design. Very beautiful!...