I agree with both colo and TJ. (Of course, being at work, I don't have access to my Friedman, or Terzibatschisch' (?) carrier book. But it should be noted that the Ranger and Independence did differ (albeit slightly) in dimensions compared to the Forrestal and Sara. How this might translate into shipbucket measurements is a wholly different matter altogether, given the approximation of the pixel-measurement in use, so it might in the end be quite negible. Also, when measuring the official LWL of the FOrrestal, (990 ft) it is not 300 meters but rather 301.75 meters; a considerable difference. (Given an Imperial feet of 30.48 cm) We also know that (officially) the four sisters differed in oa length, with Forrestal at 1070 ft being the longest and Ranger at 1024 being the shortest.
I don't doubt you, but if you could provide your source for the differing lengths, I would be appreciative.