that 5"...
was an real proposal, hence why it is in the parts sheets (although I cannot remember where exactly it was posted on the forums)
I have a few remarks, questions and praises
first of all, I'd like to see the STIR fitted version too. note that with STIR 180 this ship would not have been able to handle the SM-2...... but I am not certain she can with SEAFAR. with STIR 240 and an SPS-49 she is able though, that is for certain, giving her the capabilities of an modernised perry.
keep in mind that your hangar, without the aft VLS, will be larger then that of the real life burkes. if you would not require that space, I would recommend it be used to bring the TT's a deck lower and give them reloads, so the ships ASW capabilities increase (also similar to perry, if she has an towed array that is)
in effect, DDV-1 is very much an perry powerplant in an burke hull, and was always meant to be the low end study. in speed and acceleration your ship is going to suffer compared to burkes, but on the other hand the range will go up and the price go down. the hangar brings her abilities up, and so does the SM-2 (if you can indeed field it) but it is still very much an frigate in an destroyer hull. she looks a bit bow heavy, but less then the actual DDV-1.
all in all, to me, it looks like an realistic and capable ship.