Nice work. I think the shapes are much better.
The 16in turrets were drawn by Jabba, the new 15in was by Bezo I think for his QE project. I made the 18in based off the 15in turret with reference to the Furious plan for size and close-up photos. The 16in looks ok, a few minor TLC changes which are probably worthwhile.
thanks. I moslt base what I am doing on TLC change.. but when needed I do some more!
I'm not sure about the rangefinders on the new 15in turret. The basic 15in turret on the R's and QE's had similar rangefinders to the one shown on the existing turret. Vanguard's re-used turrets were quite probably given a make-over. I have a nasty feeling there are several versions of 15in rangefinder layouts over time.
I noticed it to that it was some difference between them. but the Vanguard and the QE range finder looks similar on photos that I have seen, whit only just small changes.
We need lots of close-up photos to make sure these are accurate for all ships. Hood's turrets look better and I'll also refer to my sources.
I will look at that over the next days. basically I will search for every single ships that had those turrets and work from there.
I'm not sold on the barrel shading used
I used "MitcheLL300" style that he used on the last large German gun he draw for a couple months ago. but I can light it up a bit. that would fix the problem.
but the canvas bags look much better.
I noticed on pictures that the canvas was stretched more out on the gun than had been drawed so I only changed that, and edited in bit more drop on it (as the gravity have it's effect!
Should these be light or canvas coloured? I'm unsure since different colour sources seem to indicate different things and this question has nagged me for some time. Anyone able to clarify this?
Almost all pictures I have seen is in black and white. and some time the canvas look very light in it's colors, other times very dark. But most likely I have to visit modelsides on the web to see how they have solved it on their models.
The 14in turrets were by Bombhead and the 13.5in was by Jabba I think. I think both might need some TLC.
I shall have a look on them. a soon I have good enough pictures.
In many cases when I edit and ship gun. I search for line drawings (blue print) of those vessels that had them.