I have had an almost life long fascination for military history, and whist looking up the H-39 battleship I found a colourised drawing of it. It was by MitcheLL300, this drawing lead me to other similar drawings, which then lead my to Shipbucket. I liked the fact that these outline of ships could be brought to life by adding colour and making them appear how they would have looked in real life. I've been drawing for years now and I still love it but I do find the scale a limiting factor, for smaller vessels and items like portholes, I have wondered if we we could have a larger scale that we could use to draw our ships. I think this would be especially appealing when we are drawing the smaller vessels.
I've tried 4 Pixels = 1 feet Scale; not too big but it does allow for much greater detailing. I hope this will bring an interest and a discussion about the possible inclusion of this scale.
If you zoom in onto the area with the red square you can see where I have redrawn a few things. I know it isn’t much but you can see the difference, the porthole actually look round! So what do you think?