Hello Garlicdesign
Thank you for your quick answer, I've heard about the second book on different forum, but the first one, never saw this name or I forgot it, sometime my memory does'nt work as well as I want. So I made a rapid search on google, Conway's looks good but it is out of my budget, Weyer's editions seems to be more affordable, and in a not so far future, I'll surely get one, so thank you to talk me about this book.
the statistics (size, armament, speed)
that's what I'm looking for
I've made search on Shipbucket forum but found nothing about this two ships, so if you have this 3 statistics nearby it will be christmass for me
If you don't have time for that (and it's not a reproach, I'm currently swimming in a flood of homeworks) don't worry, i'll find what I'm searching for in the Weyer's book when i'll qet it.
P.S. : for armament I want to know the number and the caliber, of all armements planned on this ships