......i hope you guys dont mind the too much smilies.
Well my friend, your mostly welcomed.
As a smiley lover too
, I really don`t mind others to use them as well, but better inform you that some members here, really get annoyed with so many of them
Actually, we do........
,Sorry Thiel, my friend, but you should better talk in first person, since when the topic about smileys came around in the "old forum", no actual conclussions got out of it, only that some members like them
, and others don`t like them
. Mostly annoying was that after no more discussions about the issue, some people started saying things as sorry for so many smileys
as if there was a rule about them, but really I don`t see any rule in that concern, nowhere there or here at all
you might need a kevlar umbrella for the hailstorm....
Especially with all those smilies
Anyway welcome aboard
You see, what I was talking about above
Sorry guys to go kind of off-topic here (my specialty), but really something must be said by both of our administrators about the smiley issue. I know I am always somehow involved in some acid, butiric....
(lets leave that word for the Sea Shepherd discussions, so I don`t get off-topic in my off-topic post,.....
, ...nevermind...), I don`t know if this would be the right place or better start a new topic about it, but since language is "off limits" here, as smileys are kind of Universal, they are somehow a very important source to express feelings by those who don`t dominate "engl..i...s.....h"
(another off-topic).
Better leave this post only up to here, or else I`ll add another record on my self about bringing to this new forum all those harsh issues of the "old one" in only one post if I continue writing. I hope you get the idea at least of what I want to say.
Anyway, I honestly think that maybe as a sign of respect to those who feel annoyed by the use of smileys, maybe there should be a certain plausible limit in the use of them. How about 4 or 5 as a maximum for each post ?