
Drawing of the month
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Author:  Charybdis [ January 1st, 2015, 1:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Drawing of the month

Just an idea... Why don't we do a monthly poll for drawing of the month, then at the end of the year the winner for each month will be put into a poll for drawing of the year?

Author:  apdsmith [ January 1st, 2015, 2:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Drawing of the month

That sounds like a good idea, but I would suggest that it's split, with real life and never-built in one category and AU in the other - while there are many fine AU drawings out there it'd feel a bit off for a very good real-life drawing to get bumped down because of something that never existed.


Author:  Gollevainen [ January 1st, 2015, 2:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Drawing of the month

We used to have them. Back in the early days in the first forum. It was done so that people suggested drawings to be submitted, and then after we had collection of drawings at hand, we put them on vote. Back then it was easier to conduct since those pioneering days everyone was doing real life ships, and people like Ennr, ALAVAMA and Lazer_one where on real spread. 9/10 occasions Lazer_One's icebreakers won the competitions to the point it became bit dull to organises them, and thus they were forgotten.

The one we had this fall for the uploading session was pretty much recarnation of those competitions.

Author:  eswube [ January 1st, 2015, 3:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Drawing of the month

That latest re-incarnation of the "Drawing of the month" actually happened already few months ago, which shows that in current circumstances the practical application of the idea meets some difficulties.
Maybe more practical would be to organize something like "Drawing of the session" - along every Uploading Session?
But that would make sense if these Sessions were made on more-or-less regular basis. And since there are more drawings per session than per month, maybe it would be worth to make the contest in several categories (like: historical warship, modern warship, merchant vessel etc. etc.)?

Author:  Rodondo [ January 1st, 2015, 3:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Drawing of the month

I'm all for the drawing of the month, was thinking about it last week actually why it didn't continue

Maybe RL/NvrBld, AU/Personal & FD making up three categories?

Author:  heuhen [ January 1st, 2015, 3:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Drawing of the month

I would rather suggest that admin put up what they think was The top 25 of drawings that they believe made an change in how we draw... Or something similar.

Author:  Gollevainen [ January 1st, 2015, 4:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Drawing of the month

I've been thinking of the drawing of the upload session - vote like We did on the last round, but it does come with handicap, since the sessions are bit irregular, Unless we start making them more "monthly", but that requires more people to participate and so on....(and deserves a discussion of its own not just sidekick to this, and getting good competitions should not be the sole reason for more sessions ;) )
Also, it would exclude the AU section which has lot to add to the overal quality of the bucket.

Thus Im more inclined to a competition in style of "drawing of the month". But to get it done we need to figure out what qualifications we have. I like the idea of allowing AU/FD scale into the bunch as well, but I should we keep them categorised, that Im not sure. If we make things too complicated, we loose the intrest of holding the competitions.
Also, Im firmly in opinion that everyone should be allowed to nominate the drawings, that way you get participation and keep things fair. If it would be just administrators, then It would practically mean just me doing the pickings, and I don't feel that would present anything else but my Personal opinions of what Is good drawing.

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