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Post subject: MutinyPosted: September 25th, 2010, 6:22 pm
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It's seems we have a some sort of Mutiny among us.

Certain member(s) have expressed their dislike to the current administration and to how the shipbucket is being runned. I ask those to come up with their own names to say if they have some proplems. Any more of these anonomoys PMs, spam topics and such will just lead permanent ban to those who are responsible of those.

I think some of you have gotten this whole thing (mean shipbucket and the forum) all wrong. This isen't a leisureplace where you hang around, draw something and then friendly clap each others back with a grin and complement to what ever you might come up with pixels.

Shipbucket is a collection of shipdrawings made with uniformal style and high standarts set up by those who started this whole thing. We were a small closed society and we managed to keep up with the standarts as we could guide/instruct each others quite easily. The community grew and we had to make a steps towards better communication and thus we opened an open forum. Some of us, me including had some doupts how the open forum could work and sadly lately my doupts have been come real. Open forum is a burden as it makes keeping up the high quality extremely hard. More and more people comes in at the same time and we elders don't have time to teach everyone hand-by-hand (as we did with in the past in the smaller circles). So as the quantity of the drawings increases, general quality decreases. That gives us admnisitrators hard task and not only we need to keep the forum's general behaviour in check, we need to keep the drawings in check. Like said this isen't a drawing forum, but a shipbucket drawign forum.

So hard task calls hard actions. To some it's impossiple to get the idea of shipbucket into their heads. And when we correct their deeds, they think we are being facists and not understanding what the shipbucket is all about: Let me tell you lads, shipbucket is one and only thing...

...shipdrawings made with uniformal style and high standarts set up by those who started this whole thing. If you don't like it, then why do you even bother?

Now if someone has something to say about me being administrator here, confront me openly, stop making silly anomoys posts.


Shipbucket mainsite, aka "The Archive"
New AU project "Aravala"

Post subject: Re: MutinyPosted: September 25th, 2010, 6:58 pm
Posts: 19
Joined: July 30th, 2010, 10:54 pm
I can understand your point of view.

Despite these problems, please try to keep open the forum: I really appreciate it.

Post subject: Re: MutinyPosted: September 25th, 2010, 8:48 pm
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Primary complaints I've heard that Gollevainen hasn't covered:

1. Spanish language members complain that the site has an English-only rule.

Sorry guys, but as English is the accepted primary language of the internet, this one isn't going anywhere. Communication in Spanish must also be prefaced with an English translation.

2. There seems to be two sets of rules for standards; the website's and those practiced by gollevainen and ALVAMA.

The standards rules displayed on the website itself are the ONLY standards I will accept for drawings. I'm in charge of uploading, and in the end it all comes down to whether or not I will allow it to be uploaded.

USN components, camouflage colors, & reference links (World War II only)

Post subject: Re: MutinyPosted: September 25th, 2010, 8:53 pm
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How are people suppose to get better if you ban people who don't agree with you or don't match up to your high standards? Claiming that shipbucket is for "high" standard ships only is absurd. Not everyone starts off at a "high" level of drawing ability and get better with non-assholish advice and help.

I also like how you say you want people to post without anonymous accounts and then proceed to ban the people who disagree with you.

Mitchell van Os
Post subject: Re: MutinyPosted: September 25th, 2010, 9:15 pm
Posts: 1056
Joined: July 27th, 2010, 5:19 pm
Just want to say this wich i already did before today, not to you colloseum.
And these feelings are from more then 1-2-3 people on this board.
So be aware.

Language issue's
There are people here that doesnt speak english, we dont claim other language rule (we know we can say something to others in same language so they can say it in english, but we dont speak only non english languages in one post for sure)
But remember, when you post a tutorial, make it as easy as possible.
Some people might not understand.
And i aggree, about the spanish issue.
Its your government who doesnt pay for good english teachers or something.
But it is not the reason why you should have a spanish language on the forums.
Like 10-15% mayby knows spansish, and only a few i quess can really speak it.
The rest will have a gaping hole mouth and big eyes like. What are you saying?

Fear on the forums should also be as minimum as possible, but no to low.
People still has to be ordered into the good direction, but on a positive way.
If you have fear on an forum, the newer members see this and go away.
This community should be fun, and a community to learn from each other (might also the language english, like i do :lol: )

Mis understanding's, and the reaction on it.
I have seen this, and have felt it that from a mis understanding there was a ban. Or harsh words/bash as result.
Why is this?
Get it straight by asking why/telling the good thing.
Instead of attacking inmidiatly, we are not your enemy, we are your members.

Equel tolerance to EVERY member, why isnt it here?
Its good to have rankings for people.
Professional drawer
Newbie/beginner however you want to call it.
I think the professional drawer title should not be entitled to beginner's that can draw ''nice''.
Its unrespectfull to people who are here for ages, drawing and drawing and get disrespected because they are ''different'' (as some may see it here)
Ok titles are just titles.
But people get threated on their title.
Like the yellow gods here (as i want to call them, dp and alvama are my drawing gods).
They are looked ad as really good pro's because they are.
But people who draw very well, and are still in the black are looked at as ''newbies''
Remember the conversation on the old board about this?

Also some i have spoken to can really draw very well, but are still in black.
And a few times i have seen newbies pop up, post one drawing and are promoted to green.
And are not seen again.

This is not a big issue, but please get the threatment right, and shaft off the titles. Or do something goods with them.
Like DP/alvama are HUGE contributor's.
And some others in green/yellow aint.
Get that straight please.

The uploading progress:
I have seen some big issue's on uploading with misunderstandings why it isnt uploaded.
Why not make a easy, and clear video/tutorial topic about how to do this straight.
I know there is one.
But there are people (even i had itand some more good drawers here) who didnt had things straight while (i whas) long on the board.
Remember the kumano maru carrier? I didnt knew what whas wrong.

All and all.
This is one big community, and we are here to show each other our drawing's/skills.
Not to bash each other.
If somebody posts something wrong, get him straight on a nice way.
Not bashing him so he gets angry, and then see him posting bad words/angry reply and ban him the other day.

When somebody has 2 pixel lines shading for more then one time.
He CLEARLY doesnt understand/forgot how to do it well.
Is it so hard to show him this picture?:
[ img ]

Btw on the tutorial there is one line with how to shade:
''You should also begin shading at this stage. See the example below for clarification:''

How can easy language people get a ONE line of pixel shading out of that?

May i attempt to make the guidelines more clear?
I have faced this issue many times, and somebody that did probaly knows the best way to make it ''easy'' for such people.

My thoughts are here, and i hope they are welcome.

I am in for a better, more decent, more easy, brighter forum.
Wich accepts mistakes, but not misbihaviour.
A forum wich welcomes new people and teach them to do it (i got the chance(atleast from like 3 board members), why not others?)
Is it so hard?
From i recall, its harder to bash a person then help.
Thats why im in the navy, to help the world from drugs, pirates, terrorists and more.
Now the moderator's/admins are called into live to help operating the forum, make it work.
And to hide bad words/posts.
And also punish misbihaviour.

The one who posted the topic with all the weird stuff should think properly.
You want to get a better forum, you dont do that by destroying it.
You do it with words that help make it better.
That is what i thought today after a few beers.
I got angry, wanted to do something, took a beer and come up by talking to gollevainen about the issue's.
And no i did not post that topic.
And no i dont want to destroy this forum, i want to help fixing it, and make it a better place.
And gollevainen understood that, and is going to work on it.
But patience is needed, and gollevainen our great admin will solve everything.
So shipbucket can be like never before, way better.
More expert on the fact of drawing.
And hopefully filled with better tutorials!

And after all, its all about the drawings.
And we get that straight by helping each other (as i explained how to)
And also not bash each other that their will is ghone to draw.


Mitch ;)

Fryssian AU with Lt.Maverick 114
[ img ]
Embarked on: HNLMS Karel Doorman A833
To do list:
-Zeven Provincien class cruiser
-Joint support ship all sides
-F124 Sachsen class frigate
-F125 Baden-Württemberg class frigate
-Clemencau class aircraft carrier
-Zeven provincien class frigate
-Poolster class AOR
-Amsterdam class AOR
-Minas Gerais aircraft carrier

Last edited by Mitchell van Os on September 25th, 2010, 9:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post subject: Re: MutinyPosted: September 25th, 2010, 9:21 pm
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You want honesty?

Ok here it goes:

I don't think that you, Gollevainen, should be an admin. I think that you are to prone to mood swings, tantrums, and overreaction to be a good admin. While I do hold your work in high regard (as it is of high quality), right now, I don't think that your status as an admin is helping the community as a whole. I'm not saying that you shouldn't be a moderator, I just don't think you should be an administrator. From the stance of a member who never posts any of his mashups here (or anywhere) because they are not up to standards, I think you take way to harsh of a tone with works in progress. Yes things need to up to spec for the site, but by that standard there are certain ships that need to be pulled and cleaned up from the bucket. The obsession with standards while allowing Psilander's schemes to pass (and he's done work to spec in the past, I have it on my hard drive) does rub me the wrong way, and I can see how it rubs others the wrong way. I don't often bring these issues up, because I don't have a set of fixes for the board ready to show off and I'm not sure what actions would even be in the right direction.

As for closing the board, that would cut a lot of interest from a good number of people, and would eliminate the clearing house effect that the board has. I remember I joined initially to just view the cool pictures, but I would like to think that I've stayed around and become a productive contributor to the community (even if I don't post drawings).

And there is no such thing as an "Anonymous PM", only PMs where no party discloses the participants. Yes I have made comments in the past (over IRC, AIM, and PMs) when I thought that the decisions made by the staff here were wrong, but generally in private and I have never called for the splitting of the community.

-Timothy Cizadlo

𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐍𝐄𝐓- 𝑻𝒐 𝑪𝒐𝒈𝒊𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝑺𝒐𝒍𝒗𝒆

Post subject: Re: MutinyPosted: September 25th, 2010, 9:30 pm
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I'm going to ask everyone to keep things civil and productive (which I think everyone has done so far). Read nothing else into this post.

Mitchell van Os
Post subject: Re: MutinyPosted: September 25th, 2010, 9:34 pm
Posts: 1056
Joined: July 27th, 2010, 5:19 pm
I forgot to add.

The part sheet's issue.
People still use the old things because they aint updated.
There are many new sheets, still not uploaded.
This also causes misunderstanding's, wich also let into a bash before (like a week ago last time)
We should get also a basic part sheet ''sheet'' and then fill it with everything.
All weapons 1 (main guns, and missiles/ or seperate file)
Weapons 2 (ciws, and small calibre)
Misc parts (like now)
Fighter aircraft
Bomber aircraft
Transport/civilian aircraft

Or anybody else has an idea?

And collo if you dont got time to upload, why not let it over to somebody else as before.

Mitch ;)

Fryssian AU with Lt.Maverick 114
[ img ]
Embarked on: HNLMS Karel Doorman A833
To do list:
-Zeven Provincien class cruiser
-Joint support ship all sides
-F124 Sachsen class frigate
-F125 Baden-Württemberg class frigate
-Clemencau class aircraft carrier
-Zeven provincien class frigate
-Poolster class AOR
-Amsterdam class AOR
-Minas Gerais aircraft carrier

Post subject: Re: MutinyPosted: September 25th, 2010, 10:04 pm
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Does anyone know a free video recorder program that I can use to capture the actions of drawing a ship with narration?

USN components, camouflage colors, & reference links (World War II only)

Post subject: Re: MutinyPosted: September 25th, 2010, 10:06 pm
Posts: 2936
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Location: Midwest US
I bet VLC would do it. VLC does everything.

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