Greetings Shipbucket!
As the subject line says, I'm new here and just wanted to introduce myself before I start posting my first attempts at SB-style nautical artwork. Actually, I don't
feel like a complete newcomer as I have been lurking around the site for some weeks now, admiring your efforts and trying to familiarise myself with your ways...
A few things about myself...I'm a historian and have been fascinated by warships since I was very small indeed (no surprises there). I should also be clear that my principal interests, at least at this moment in time, lie in the AU sphere. Now I fully appreciate that this isn't SB's primary focus and I'm also aware that many of you have strong views on this subject, which I completely respect. However, I enjoy the creative challenge of imagining
plausible designs for particular scenarios and after seeing what can be achieved, I would quite like to become better at drawing them too!
Anyway that's more than enough about me...time to dip my toes in the beginner's section and hope that there aren't too many piranhas!