Allrigth, here is the corrected version that Bezobrasov, Ari Saarinen has constructed:
1. Scale
All shipbucket drawings are set at 2 pixels to 1 foot scale. This means that 1 pixel compares to 0.1524 meters (15.24 cm). When you start drawing, scale your reference images to this scale at once. Be precise. When using reference images, make sure you know the difference between overall length, length between perpendiculars and waterline length. Be precise when you measure the length, but always remember not to be grading in millimeters.
I would recommend adding a small illustration to point out the differences between overall, waterline and between perpendiculars length.
The last one is not self explanatory, and there are some variations on how it is measured. There is a another measurement used by merchant vessels and that is the registered length (which sometimes equates with the between perpendiculars length)
Thank you Kim for the crest
"Never fear to try on something new. Remember that the Titanic was built by professionals, and the Ark by an amateur"