Congratulations on your great work, the ships look amazing!
I saw that you made several iterations of Emden, I have always been curious about how a German CLAA would have looked like had the KM had a better appreciation of the air threat, specifically, how would have Emden looked like if rebuilt in 1940-41 with FuMO 25 as it received in 1942, 1941 cammo, 4x2 10,5cm/65 SK C/33, 9 or 10x2 3,7 cm/L83 SK C/30 (one on each former 15cm side positions, another one between them, and one in each former 3 or 4x8,8cm flak positions) and a liberal sprinkling of 2cm flakvierlings (5 or 6x4 maybe?).
The other major modification would be around the mainmast, replacing the rangefinder and at least the lower searchlight position with a 3D stabilized flak director with a Würzburg-D dish, like Tirpitz eventually had:
I apologize if I am being too forward, I really like your work and due to my absolute lack of skills I could never make the ship justice...