Again, the issue of some old files in the folder is not relevant enough for anyone continue whining over the matter and how/why such things happen. Like I've said, I will fix the wrong files in time to come, no worries, no one was injured and no one will be in the future.
Arguing over and over agian is not going to make those files corrected. It also wont rouse any drama, if you insist that as your purpose. I won't continue repeating my final word over the matter too many time.
In next uploading we will once again start paying attention to the file naming, and trust me, If it worked well back then, And I have no doupts it wouldn't work so in future. There always will be little errors around, most of the proplems have always occured when I've outscored the filecollection to outside hands.
Normally in situations like these where group of people have to manage whole collection of dedicated files with accurate naming and form, coming from multiple sources, we try to get the bulk done, then see if something is wrong, somewhere are errors, then locate them, fix them, and try again and repeat the cycle untill everything is done, or reasonably good situation has been achieved.
But somehow in Shipbucket, and specially from few selected individuals the whole progress seems to be just a way of showing of ones pendatic small-mindness and use the valuable time and effort to mock and accuse others from errors and trying to blame me and other adm. rather than focusing on the actuall progress. All help is and has been appreciated, but lately it has been appearing that this "help" is more nuisance than actually benefitting me in the uploading process.
So I suggest everyone consider really carefully, in what they think they are doing. We are trying to keep this whole thing together, and so that everyone can participate. But if some people missuse this participation, We have no choise but to start limit on the ways and means how someone can participate. I don't want that, but if this trend continues in mindset of these few individuals, I really have no choise. Enough is enough in all things, including this constat nagging and bad spirit these few individuals keep imposing into this managment progress.
This is my final word over the matter And I will return to the issue once I've located the wrong files and deleted/moved them. Meanwhile, those who want to help, can keep posting here the files, that they feel are in wrong places. Other comments are not appreciated.