
'Endgame' Heavy Tank Challenge
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Author:  reytuerto [ October 29th, 2020, 12:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 'Endgame' Heavy Tank Challenge

Very tight califications! Nice challenge, extremely interesting designs, some of them, mind blowing concepts (Rodondo and Kattsun), others are so believable that could be in a Jane´s vintage (and no so vintage) book. Congratulations Char! Cheers!

Author:  eswube [ October 29th, 2020, 10:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 'Endgame' Heavy Tank Challenge

Many thanks for all Participants for an interesting event and congratulations to the (well deserving) Winners!

I'm pleasantly surprised that my modest entry received so high marks, even though my participation lacked the dedication clearly visible in number of other works.
(I just had few spare hours and thought "why not?", without much expectations regarding the score - due to fantastic displays of creativity and talent displayed in number of previous challenges, I merely hoped that I would be in the "upper" half ranking, but not really much more)

I had no time to comment earlier on other designs, so would just want to put my 3 cents, when it's "safe" and there's no chance that my opinions would improperly influence anyone's vote.

RaspingLeech - FV44(H) Alpha Wolf - decent, workable design, that IMHO could be fine-tuned a bit with shading and some minor details.

JCSTCap - AmCrO. M/44 Mammud - I have a feeling that it was inspired by 100 mm variant of AMX-50, right? A nice drawing, which weakest point are probably tracks that looks bit 'ragged'.
P.S. Great work on the flag.

Armoured man - Panzerkampfwagen IX Löwe - a very believable design and a spotless execution.

Psychicumbreon - M1945 Jalo - entry from a quite new member, bit austere as drawing and suffering from some unnecessary double black lines. Also, I'm bit curious about shape of the hull in the front part.

Eswube - WB-16 - my own entry... as I mentioned elsewhere, I wasn't originally intending to participate in this challenge, but it inspired me to experiment with making a neat drawing of a track, esp. around drive wheels... and when I had it done, I thought "why not?"... Despite the superficial similarity to M103 (pointed out by Charguizard), it's actually inspired mostly by Conqueror - and quite slavishly, except for length. Hull shape is Conquerors (though armour thickness is also influenced by IS-series), shape of the turret is Conqueror-ish (on FV214 it was basically a cone with two boxes sticking out of it - smaller for a gun and larger for commander's station - I only had that larger one smoothed out, so the shape of that part looked more M103-ish) and detailing is very much Conqueror (including the small hatch on the right side of the turret and roll of telephone wire on the left side - but I forgot about smoke grenade dischargers - I was to add them later, and... :lol: ). The ARV posted elsewhere is a near-copy of Conqueror ARV Mk.1 (just with allowance for shorter hull - I literally looked on the photographs and was drawing particular elements).
Charguizard: actually I have some paint schemes for them (but I didn't put much effort in them - especially compared to Your work), as well as some other versions available here: viewtopic.php?p=196672#p196672

Rorie - Hv XVI.II A Jörmungandr - looks like another relative of the Conqueror. A nice "first work" from a new member, though detailing could be, perhaps bit fine-tuned.
One technical question - suspension is described as torsion bar, but it looks literally like Conqueror's Horstmann-type?...

Hood - Panzer 57 - as always, an excellent work and an interesting idea (even if, as Char mentioned - of the ugly kind ;) ).

Aiseus - SOM Poirot CB75 - a Hercule Poirot? :lol: Idea of an "urban breakthrough tank" strikes me as a bit "original", as the use of armor in urban warfare ranks not much below "never invade Russia" on the list of "101 things never to do in warfare", but the tank itself is quite nice. Not sure only why the fenders extend so much to the front. Also, there's too much black near the front drive wheel.

Albert1099 - M-53 Vepar - a well-made drawing, but the tank is horribly narrow, considering it's configuration and 5-men crew, and would be extremely cramped even by Soviet standards, not mentioning any other ones. I mean, there were heavy tanks just 3 meters wide, but they tended to be taller and had more narrow tracks - IS-3 was 3,15 wide, but with 4-men crew, T-10 was 3,58 wide, also with 4-men crew.

Morgansshipyard - Carro Armato P58/47 - a believable design for a country that's bit out-of-date with technology, but nevertheless tries to push forward. Drawing could profit from more contrasting shading, and unfortunately there's too much double black lines (and black in general) on tracks and bogies.

Imperialist - VKPz.VII Höhlenlöwe - an excellent design and excellent drawing. I have to say I'm bit surprised that it wasn't scored higher.

WesleyWestland - Rhinoceros I - bit austere but solid drawing of a Churchill-esque tank. Technically, I have a feeling that "there's not enough of a hull" especially on both ends - drive wheels look like they were outside the main part of the hull.

Laforest - Char Lourd CL-50 - an excellent entry from one of our 'Rising Stars'. Completely believable as a design and drawing-wise it's a top-notch work.

jjx indoweeb - Teš. Okl. Bor. Vz III - although despite Charguizard's remark, it's not this entrant's first challenge, he certainly exhibits a very adept in mastering the style. Excellent work on shading and on detailing (camo net on the barrel is fantastic! ;) )

wb21 - MV-386 Serval - design has the T-64-esque vibe and would probably had problems with pointing the gun too much down. Drawing wise, I don't like the tracks, and the colors on the 2nd and 3rd drawing (not just colors themselves, but little shading contrast as well) didn't helped, I'm afraid.

asqwerty3342 - Pz. Kpfw V ausf.A1 Puma - solid if bit unspectacular entry, though with fairly moderate gun in fairly small turret (though certainly on quite heavy-looking hull), I'm not sure if it would weigh as much as 63 tons (which is more than Tiger I).

Shigure - H2 - Truly excellent drawing and a sensible design, what more I can say?

Kvasius - CMP 62/44 by - quite interesting design, that could benefit from some fine-tuning drawing-wise.

Charguizard - Kanonpantser m/59 Belgae - a winner, and a damn well deserving one! Details are fantastic and the 3rd drawing just killed me! ;)
With all that praise, one thing I have to say, though, that to me it has more a vibe of an MBT than a Heavie - but now I'm just nit-picking, possibly out of jealousy! ;)

APDAF - TT-48 - another of the "solid but austere" entries, whose weakest single point is perhaps the odd shape of the rear part of the turret, and that it looks like it has only two crew hatches - driver's and commander's.

Kattsun - Z.Hw.Sp.13504/220 "Oger"/"Tarasque"/"Malak" - 10 on the originality scale, bit less on the drawing scale. Great work in itself, but even with token black contours added, it doesn't fit, IMHO, the SB/FD spirit.

Acelanceloet - Churchill WTT - extremely original and extremely niche idea, and of course well made, as always.

TigerHunter1945 - Char B2 - another truly stunning entry, with sublime detailing and shading, and perfectly believable design-wise.
Just one nit-picky question: why 'mark 2' is named '3rd' (ter) and 'mark 3' is named '2nd' (bis)? ;)

Rodondo - FV4039 Tiny/Big Annie - well, for sure in regards to originality, this design is like 15 on 10-point scale. Drawings are (as always with You) excellent, but and nit-pick wise - tracks in the slanted parts look not-as-good as the rest, so to speak, and the top-views lack the chimney from 1st trailer and radar from 2nd. ;)
Also, I join Hood's request for stand alone Red Mace and the Fairey Ultralight. :)

Author:  signal [ October 30th, 2020, 9:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 'Endgame' Heavy Tank Challenge

These were all really good. Many thanks. I especially
appreciate the effort to make tanks that reflected the
"style" of the real tanks from the individual countries.

Author:  Laforest [ October 30th, 2020, 7:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 'Endgame' Heavy Tank Challenge

Wow, I never thought that my drawing would like so much, I just want to express my gratitude for the comments, eswube and Charguizard always with incredibly positive ones, these activities make shipbucket a wonderful project in which to participate.
I did not vote because I consider that my artistic qualities still need a lot of development and I would not know how to qualify, can only say that I like one more than another, regardless of the level of detail all the drawings are incredible.
It has been a pleasure to participate with all of you and thank you very much for the high scores and comments, cheers and stay safe (wear a mask).

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