
Future challenge ideas/suggestions
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Author:  Gollevainen [ February 3rd, 2021, 12:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Future challenge ideas/suggestions

A few ideas that I've come up

For SB:
-Springsharp sheet or other preset numerical data as starting point. Another source could be a historical "paper" neverwere
-Fleet auxillary challenge. Its about time to have one
- Conversio or service cycle challenge for all those who like to sperg out variants

For FD:
- TO&E sheet challenge
- Big Missile (SAM or ballistic) and supporting carriage
- 4-4.5 gen Light fighter (max 60 kN dry thurst/ 14 MTW)

For weapon/Gunbucket:
- Interwar medium/light MG
- Weapon internal mechanism challenge (for gunbucket or even bigger scale)
- OICW type of multi-munition weapon system

For Soldierbucket:
- More spesific timeframe infantry challenge
- Animals (either real or fantasy)
- fantasy/alien race description/anatomy study challenge

Author:  Corp [ February 3rd, 2021, 8:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Future challenge ideas/suggestions

Kiwi Imperialist wrote: *
SB Scale
[*]Science Fiction Spaceship
[*]Kaiju / Giant Monster[/list]
I really like this idea. Second would l give me the kick in the pants I need to finish some kaiju for an AU of mine.

Author:  Ariel_SR-71 [ February 13th, 2021, 10:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Future challenge ideas/suggestions

FD Scale:
-Manned, relatively near future, space fighters.

Author:  Mitchell van Os [ February 14th, 2021, 1:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Future challenge ideas/suggestions

Gollevainen wrote: *
A few ideas that I've come up

For SB:

-Fleet auxillary challenge. Its about time to have one

Me need to do the Pan Shi Class

Author:  Aiseus [ February 15th, 2021, 8:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Future challenge ideas/suggestions

All three of my challenge ideas were done in the end! Go me I guess.

I guess I'll provide my oracle insight for more stuff I want to see.

-More GB challenges. I was thinking a GPMG challenge to get me and probably others to get off my butt and draw a machine gun in GB.

-A sword challenge in GB? I know that swords have been done in GB before and maybe it can be paired with or separate from an armor challenge in soldierbucket?

-Monitor challenge in SB? Auxiliary challenge? I generally want to see more "out of the box" SB challenges because I think those types of things are interesting, though they may not generate as much interest.

Author:  kvasius [ February 15th, 2021, 11:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Future challenge ideas/suggestions

For SB:
Battleships. Been a while since we had something about that.

For GB/WB:
Honestly i'd prefer weaponbucket, as its better for drawing bigger weapon system without being tedious. Something like a machinegun lineage would be interesting

For Soldierbucket:
Tanks or some different AFV (tank destroyers, SPG's, etc.). They look great, they are pretty fun to draw and the drawings provide a great amount of details one could go in when designing or drawing a real vehicle.

Author:  KHT [ February 16th, 2021, 11:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Future challenge ideas/suggestions

For SB: Smaller treaty battleships/battlecruisers. 17 500/23 300 tons ranges, with appropriate margin for cheating the treaties.

Author:  Armoured man [ February 16th, 2021, 2:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Future challenge ideas/suggestions

this time around I don't have that many suggestions but here I go anyway
1950s 60s high altitude reconnaissance aircraft
21st century strategic bomber
some kind of trainbucket challenge

1950s guided missile battleship rebuilt or new build
cold war nuclear guided missile Cruiser
1970's nuclear-powered supercarrier

Also I can certainly agree with Aiseus that more GB challenges would be nice, the one I would like to see the most is a modern assault rifle challenge, or maybe a light machine gun challenge.

Author:  VictorCharlie [ February 24th, 2021, 2:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Future challenge ideas/suggestions

I support Golles suggestion of an interwar LMG for weaponbucket. That or the internal operating mechanism. I was actually thinking about that the other day.

Author:  Kattsun [ February 24th, 2021, 2:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Future challenge ideas/suggestions

not!franscale/spergscale space soldier

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