
Cold War Strategic Bomber Challenge
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Author:  Gollevainen [ March 11th, 2019, 9:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cold War Strategic Bomber Challenge

Heh well you are in good shape, I haven't even started mine :P

Author:  Armoured man [ March 15th, 2019, 9:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cold War Strategic Bomber Challenge

looks like I just made this challenge, hopefully you'll enjoy my entry.

Fujimoto E55 Yokai

originally designed in the late 1950s the fujimoto E55 was designed to be Zipangs primary delivery system for its nuclear deterrent, however by the time of the aircraft finishing its development, it was realised that aircraft dropped nuclear weapons were rapidly becoming outdated due to the Invention of icbms, so starting in 1960 government requested that the strategic nuclear bomber be also capable of carrying conventional weapons, luckily for fujimoto this require little to no modification of the actual airframe just the Bombay itself. the very first prototype flew for the first time on the 16th of November 1962, during it's test flight the aircraft was shown to be an extremely maneuverable aircraft for it's size, the aircraft measured 114 ft 11 in (35.05 m) from nose to tail and with a wingspan of 110 ft 0 in (33.53 m) and from the top of the tail down to the the bottom of the fuselage stood 28 ft 5 in (8.7). The aircraft was powered by 4 licence built variants of the ubiquitous Rolls Royce Olympus 101 engines with a maximum thrust output of 11,000 lbf (49 kN) for each engine,and altogether for a combined total thrust output of 44,000 ibf (196 kN), this gave the E55 a top speed of 655 mph ( 1087.92km/h) at altitude with a cruising speed of 566 mph (910.88km/h) at 45,000 feet (14,000 m). The aircraft bomb load could vary from two type 57 nuclear gravity bombs with the combined weight of the both bombs being (6560 kgs) to the full range of type 59 general purpose bombs, however the most common bomb load that the E55 would carry while in service was either (90 250 kilograms bombs or 160 125 kilograms bombs)
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the Air Force was so impressed by the E55 on its flight trials that they ended up ordering nearly 160 of the aircraft with the first aircraft been delivered to Yamagata airbase on the 16th of January 1964, originally all of the aircraft were painted in anti flash white, however it was decided in Mid 1968 that all of the aircraft would receive a brand new paint scheme to fit a new Mission Profile of being a conventional bomber rather than a nuclear one. the E55 proved itself to be a very reliable and very safe aircraft, within the first five years of its operation of Life the E55 only had one fatal accident, not including non fatal and non damaging accidents, however one particular incident did dampen the safety record of the E55, on the 7th of September 1969, aircraft 4578 XY a E55 C model was on a routine training mission alongside 3212 RS a KE25 aerial tanker converted from a World War II vintage E25 heavy bomber.
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the E55 was flown by captain Eiichi Hirai, commander of NO.47 Squadron a bombing Squadron that had been reactivated with the purchase of E55's in the 1960s, alongside him in a KE25 aerial tanker was sgt Hideo Saito, both aircraft with taking part in a much larger training exercise which involved quite a few of both of their respective kinds of aircraft, however 4578 XY and 3212 RS both became separated from the rest of the flight, when the rest of the flight returned back to they're airbase it was seen that 4578 XY and 3212 RS we're both not present and accounted for, however the control tower has managed to pick up a radio communication from sgt Hideo Saito saying that his aircraft had been experiencing engine trouble, however these are the last words that were ever heard from him again as on that day both 4578 XY and 3212 RS were never seen again, a search and rescue aircraft was sent up to the approximate location of radio signal, however not a single piece of wreckage was found or even any bodies, with no evidence pointing to the whereabouts of the two aircraft the enquiry into the disappearance was closed in early 1970
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Starting in 1972 all existing AirFrames were upgraded to the model C standard, this upgrade involved be replacement of their radar systems and electronic countermeasures, however there was something much more disturbing on the horizon, this being China's aggressive action the rest of its neighbours in the Pacific, this was mainly in the form of overly extravagant Chinese military exercises, which would often violate territorial waters of many of its neighbor Nations such as Taiwan, Japan and Zipang, this was compounded by The election of the Zipang Labour government two office, which immediately began to instate cutbacks to military spending this this was intended to help the economy would have been suffering a bit of the economic depression since the mid 1960s, one of these cutbacks was the removal of most Zipang military forces from the Shokya islands in 1975, one particular incident of note however was when a flight of two E55's were intercepted and shadowed by to Chinese j7 interceptors, when the 2 bombers were intercepted by the Chinese Fighters they were told to leave Chinese territorial waters, the captain of the flight then replied on the radio back to the Fighters that this wasn't Chinese territorial waters, luckily the two Fighters broke off and returned back to China, in 1975 however all E55's stationed on the Shokya islands recalled back to Zipang after more budget cuts, leaving the islands very defenseless against the Chinese threat, going to the 1980s the Zipang economy was well on its way to recovery after the economic downturn of the 1960s and 70s, however Chinese aggression over the Shokya islands continue to grow as the years went on, eventually culminating with China invading the Shokya islands, China believing that Zipang wouldn't go to war over such small islands however they were vastly mistake. Within hours of the Invasion being known of the entire Zipang government unanimously voted upon declaring war on China, the first act in this war was the mining or several of China's large naval bases, and civilian harbours and ports using the E55's configured to use air dropped naval mines, throughout the course of September October and November, E55's would continue to strike Chinese air bases and naval bases along the Chinese coast, severely diminishing China's ability to counter Zipang on naval action. the biggest raid on the war was when 4 E55's took off from Shichiashuku airbase to strike the Taizhou luqiao airbase, it was the longest bombing raid of the entire conflict using multiple refuelling aircraft to get the bombers to within striking distance of the air base, the airbase was completely destroyed by the raid very much diminishing Chinese air power over the Shokya islands and eventually leading to China's surrendering on the islands back to Zipang, even though by the mid 1980s the E55 was beginning to look outdated, it's still managed to prove itself to be a worthy combat aircraft, the remaining E55's would continue to serve with the Zipang Air Force until the last aircraft was finally pulled from service in 2003 bringing the aircraft service to an end with Zipang.
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Author:  Hood [ March 16th, 2019, 2:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cold War Strategic Bomber Challenge

Hawker Siddeley HS.1110 SSR.2 Vanquish B.Mk.1/B.Mk.1A

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As development of the BAC TSR-2 got underway in the 1960s attention turned to replacing the V-Force. The cancellation of the American GAM-87 Skybolt air-launched ballistic missile ended the planned replacement of the Vulcan and Victor by an airborne force of 'pofflers', either based on modified V-bomber airframes or converted VC-10s. In 1966 the RAF issued OR.407 for a long-range supersonic Strategic Strike & Reconnaissance bomber and the following year Hawker Siddeley was awarded a contract to begin development of its HS.1110 design.

The HS.1110 was based on its HS.1101 supersonic 'low-boom' airliner project, which had also been offered unsuccessfully to meet OR.357 for a martime-reconnaissance aircraft. The HS.1110 was optimised for the bomber role, retaining the variable-geometry wings but with a revised layout with four Rolls-Royce RB.177-4 Medway turbofans under the fixed wing roots. To save development time and money, 85% of the avionics were shared with the TSR.2, including the Blue Parrot radar and the EMI sideways-looking radar was lengthened to take advantage of the extra fuselage length to increase range and resolution. A new piece of navigation equipment was the Ferranti Green Picket automatic star-tracker astro-navigation system. A powerful rear jamming and ECM suite was carried as were three F.95 cameras for reconnaissance. A retractable refuelling probe was fitted to increase range.

The weapons would consist of four new stand-off weapons. Developed from the Martel programme, Hawker Siddeley developed what became dubbed the 'Mega Martel', a long-range variant with a turbojet sustainer and a 190Kt warhead from the WE.177C bomb (which could also be carried). Although planned for a 1Mt warhead, funds did not allow this and in any case the missile with active radar was much more accurate than previous weapons and could also be used as an anti-ship missile.

The first prototype flew in June 1972 and by 1973 deliveries had begun to the A&AEE for trials before service entry with 139 Squadron began in September 1973. Only 60 of these expensive bombers were produced at Woodford, the last aircraft reaching the RAF in December 1976. Only three squadrons would operate the type, 100 and 101 squadrons at RAF Lossiemouth as the maritime strike role became paramount, the Vanquishes often carrying Martel missiles on long patrols in the Barents Sea and along the GIUK Gap. 139 Squadron at Wyton focused mainly on reconnaissance. In service the crews nicknamed 'The Banana Bomber' owing to its shape and other NATO pilots called it the 'British Backfire', a not unreasonable comparison. From 1978 the fleet were upgraded with LRMTS as fitted to Jaguar and TSR.2 as the B.Mk.1A. This upgrade was barely completed when the Falkland's War broke out. 101 Squadron took nine aircraft to Wideawake airfield on Ascension Island and with Victor tanker support made twelve 'Silver Bullet' missions to knock out Stanley Airfield and its improvised Argentine defences. Groundcrews made the full, but little fitted, four hardpoint capability and US AGM-45 Shrikes were added to the type's inventory of weapons. This was the highlight of the type's career. Funding cutbacks saw integration of Sea Eagle and ALARM abandoned, although GBU-10 Paveway capability was added. By 1990 the future of the expensive fleet was uncertain when the Gulf War gave another chance for combat with 101 and 139 squadrons operating from Cyprus. Finally in 1993 the RAF retired its nuclear stockpile at the end of the Cold War and 139 Squadron was disbanded and 100 and 101 followed in 1994 and 1995 and the type retired. Today four airframes can be seen perserved, two as gate guards, one at IWM Duxford and the other at the RAF Museum Cosford alongside its older V-Force cousins.

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General characteristics

Crew: 4 (pilot, co-pilot, navigator/weapons system operator, defensive system operator)
Length: 43.45 m
Wingspan: 34.67 m (spread); 22.81 m (swept)
Height: 16.61 m (undercarriage down)
Wing area: 180 m² (spread)
Empty weight: 123,452 lb
Max. takeoff weight: 260,000 lb
Powerplant: 4x Rolls-Royce RB.177-4 Medway afterburning turbofans
Dry thrust: 15,000 lbf each
Thrust with afterburner: 20,500 lbf each


Maximum speed: At altitude Mach 2, at sea level Mach 1.2
Combat range: 3,500 nm on internal fuel
Service ceiling: 42,200 ft
Rate of climb: 2,700 ft/min


2 Weapon Bays: each can carry; 1x HS 'Mega Martel'/ 2x WE.177B or WE.177C/ 6x 1,000 lb HE bombs
2 to 4 Hardpoints: each can carry 1x HS 'Mega Martel'/ 1x WE.177B or WE.177C/ 1x Martel (TV or anti-radar), 1x AGM-45 Shrike, 1x GBU-10 Paveway II, 3x 1,000lb HE bombs

[Note: sorry there is no 3-view but efforts would have needed far longer than the contest deadline to get to a standard I would be happy with. I may complete it for my AU later on.]

Author:  eswube [ March 17th, 2019, 8:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cold War Strategic Bomber Challenge

Awesome design. When I read that You're planning to add an entry here, I was wondering if it will be something related to 1011 - and it seems I guessed correctly. :D

Author:  Charguizard [ March 17th, 2019, 11:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cold War Strategic Bomber Challenge

Updated my post with more drawings and fluff 😁 ... 95#p187595

eswube wrote:
I know it's AU, but what the f...? :twisted:
All of Europe and half of the world is under the Reich's sphere of influence, some of the volunteer advisors, air or armour crews were Reich professional soldiers and Polish citizens. The bulk of volunteers came from muslim countries though, the war was seen as a sort of struggle for muslim freedom, which the Reich condoned, supported to a point and used as a tool of unity on its fringe territories. These men varied from professional soldiers coming from Arab and African standing armed forces, to dregs and needful looking for new opportunities. Volunteers even came from countries in the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, muslim zealots who smuggled themselves into the warzone to fight for a cause.
Don't think too much into it though, as you can see from the last bit of the fluff it really doesn't matter much in the end.

Author:  erik_t [ March 18th, 2019, 2:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cold War Strategic Bomber Challenge

We have a lot of great artists here, but I don't think anyone captures an engineering culture's aesthetic better than Hood with mid-century British offerings.

There are several engineering details which leap out at me, the US-educated aero guy, as absolutely "wrong", but they are totally consistent with what I can envision coming out of Hawker Siddeley's drafting teams.

Author:  Charguizard [ March 18th, 2019, 4:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cold War Strategic Bomber Challenge

erik_t wrote: *
We have a lot of great artists here, but I don't think anyone captures an engineering culture's aesthetic better than Hood with mid-century British offerings.

There are several engineering details which leap out at me, the US-educated aero guy, as absolutely "wrong", but they are totally consistent with what I can envision coming out of Hawker Siddeley's drafting teams.

It'd be amazing if you could expand on this, maybe not only for Hood's drawing. Not just for curiosity's sake but also for aero-cultural enrichment of all us new to bullshitting designing our own aircraft.

Author:  TigerHunter1945 [ March 18th, 2019, 6:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cold War Strategic Bomber Challenge

Hello Everyone, almost didnt make it because i didnt have much time,so sorry about the minimalist description and background

Mataram Empire Sosrobirowo Strategic Weapon System

In early 60s it became apparent that Mataram Empire that located in Nusantaran Archipelago was unable to meet its requirement for long range Strategic Bomber that could solve as deterrent and strategical purpose,The Old 50s B-54 Gelatik bomber which formed the backbone of Mataram Bomber Forces is became more and more obsolete,because of limited range of only 2500 km and limited payload

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Mataram was in desperate to have Strategic Bomber Forces to counter its likely-archenemy which is became more agressive in spreading the Communist idea into Southeast Asia,China.

Apparently because growing tension in Southeast Asia between Mataram Empire and Communist China and its main Allies,Vietnam PR.A group of Lembaga Antariksa dan Penerbangan (LAPAN) aeronautical experts offered a greatly radical ideas.together with many Aerospace designer.propose to use already available Wiweko B-54 Bomber and mate it in Mistel likea arrangement into all-new state of art Nurtanio missile system with range of 4500 km and capable to deliver any payload of 5500 kg weight.Although the proposal spark some debate within conservative strategist within the Empire,Imperial Mataram Air Forces decide to build the system after China PLAAF stationed its new Beagle bomber in Formosa Island.

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The new 'system' was finally unveiled in 1963 at Nurtanio Aerospace Factory in Surabaya,and after more feasibility testing and training,was tested officially in 1965 at Imperial Top Secret Testing Complex in Seram Island,Although suffer some stability issues,the system Succesfully tested and immediately accepted into Service as Nurtanio R12N 'Wisanggeni' named after traditional epic figures of Wayang.

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After that it was accepted into service quicky within the Imperial Mataram Air Forces and serve in three newly formed "Long Range Strategic Squadron" located across the Empire.The whole system consist of Wisanggeni and Gelatik is named Sosrobirowo which means a "Great Auspicious Weapon" that will protect Empire and its citizens

China and its allies at first were unaware about Sosrobirowo existence and dismissed the weapon as a merely false intelligence data,but The Chinese will soon knew that they were wrong

On September 1971 South China Sea and Indochina conditions were at time high because Khmer Rouge rebellion led by Pol Pot have broke up in Khmer Kingdom which is supported by China,Soviet Union and threatens Khmer Kingdom and Thai Empire which were almost blood-close allies of Mataram Empire,So in response Mataram Empire send more Sosrobirowo to Kelantan and more Fighter Squadron to Thailand base in order to protect and scared any external help being send into Communist Khmer Rouge.

The usual patrol is done on October 1971 in South China Sea when it was suddenly intercepted by 2 Vietnamese MiG 17 Plane that began chasing them,the Sosrobirowo pilot Lt Soekarwo quicky called for reinforcement and 2 nearest Mataram PT14 Fighter plane are come to intercept the intruders,the Vietnamese MiG fired cannon round that damage some of the aircraft but Lt Soekarwo managed to escaped into heavy cloud intime when PT14 coming and dogfight the MiGs while suddenly Vietnamese reinforcement of 2 PLAAF J-7 began dogfighting them and both PT14 lost while 1 J-7 and both MiGs were shot down,this incident is known as South China Sea incident and sparked outrage in Mataram that led into some skirmishes of both side in China Sea and Mataram decision to launch punitive action againts Vietnam and China which Sosrobirowo played a huge part in Operation Pagarbetis againts Vietnamese target loaded with mix of chemical "Agent Orange" weapon and conventional explosive against Da Nang and more complicated nighttime mission of Operation Kalongwetan against deep Chinese industrial target.

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Although it has quite good record in Mataram Service,The Sosrobirowo seems to be obselete by 80s because of Chinese deployement of Close range Low Altitude SAM and better radar made Sosrobirowo only advantage in Low Altitude High Speed of Mach 2 attacking method became useless,and after funding were available Mataram developed its new truly supersonic bomber and formidable Submarine based Nuclear Deterrent further doomed the Sosrobirowo which were retired by 1985.

Length : 23,6 m total
Wingspan : 17 m total
Height : 6 m total

Design Gross Weight : 12,000 kg
Maximum Design Payload: 5,500 kg
Maximum Fuel Load : 4,000 kg
Powerplant : 2x Nurtanio NTF 250G-34 Turbojets

Thats all folks :D

Author:  VictorCharlie [ March 18th, 2019, 8:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cold War Strategic Bomber Challenge

Sud-Aviation Nuage

In the post Pan-Septentrion War environment, Sieuxerr had a myriad of propeller-driven four-engined heavy bombers, most of which were of Tyrannian production such as the Avro Lancaster, Short Stirling, and the Handley Page Halifax. These bombers had been the workhorses of the Sieuxerrian Air Forces' strategic bomber campaign inside Ostland, Saintonge, and Kerenevoi during the war, targeting heavy industry, civilian centers, and important infrastructure. However the rapid onset of the jet era in the late 1940s and early 1950s quickly brought to attention the age of these bombers and their inability to survive in a modern war against a peer opponent.

These problems further increased with the need for a nuclear delivery asset as the first Sieuxerrian nuclear device would be detonated in 1952, making Sieuxerr the 3rd nation to become a nuclear power in the world. The bombers in its inventory would have problems attempting to deliver the large conventional nuclear bombs and significant modifications would be needed, further slowing and degrading overall performance of the aircraft.

This program would come to develop two aircraft, the Dassault Mirage IV and the Sud Aviation Nuage. The Mirage IV was greatly favored by the young and starry-eyed new officers of the post-PSW world. Watching the development of the nuclear program and the new jet aircraft had a profound effect on the mentality of the officers. The Nuage however was favored by the old brass who still considered large scale strategic bombing options to be a more effective way to the style of combat the Mirage IV would offer, which was low and fast attack runs with a limited payload. However problems with development had seriously held back the Nuage, which was supposed to have been brought into service by the late 1950s, was now only flying its first test flights by 1960. This would be a problem for Sud Aviation, which was sinking lots of time and effort into designing a bomber which had already been possibly made obsolete by the Mirage IV.

However, the Nuage had a number of advantages which helped push its acceptance alongside the Mirage IV. These included a much longer range which held thousands of kilometers more than the Mirage IV, thousands more kilograms of ordinance that could be carried, and also lower operating and procurement costs due to its much more conventional nature over the supersonic low-level penetration bomber like the Mirage IV. These would all push the Nuage into being accepted in 1963, the Mirage IV would follow in 1964. Production of the Nuage would start first in 1964 and would end in 1970 with some 140 airframes produced, it'd outnumber the 110 Mirage IVs that would be produced from 1965 to 1972.

The Nuage was outpaced by the Mirage IV, but it completely out matched it in distance it could travel. The two would make up the two-strike knock-out of the Sieuxerrian Air Forces' strategic options. By the mid-1970s some 50 Nuages would receive modifications to take the Blue Steel stand-off nuclear missile and would complement the Mirage IV better, which the Blue Steel missile armed aircraft could launch outside the range of enemy air defense radars, then after the initial nuclear strike, Mirage IVs could come in and strike unhit targets.

While the Mirage IV would not survive to see the 21st century, the Nuage has as a carrier for cruise missiles.

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Crew: 5 (Pilot, Co-Pilot, Electronic Warfare Officer, Navigator, Tail Gunner
Length: 45.2 m
Wingspan: 50.1 m
Height: 8 m
Empty weight: 72,500 kg (159,835 lbs)
Loaded weight: 105,000 kg (231,485 lbs)
Max takeoff weight: 185,000 kg (407,855 lbs)
Powerplant: 4× SNECMA JM500-23 nonafterburning turbofans
Dry thrust: 85 kN (19,100 lbf) each


Maximum speed: 1,050 km/h (650 mph)
Combat radius: 6,500 km (4,000 mi)
Ferry range: 14,000 km (8,700 mi)
Service ceiling: 15,000 m (50,000 ft)
Rate of climb: 30+ m/s (6,000+ ft/min)
Thrust/weight: 0.32

Guns: 2× DEFA 554-T 30mm revolver cannon, 300 rpg in tailgun mount
Hardpoints: Total 2 under wings closest to aircraft
Various guided and unguided munitions in service

Author:  Gollevainen [ March 18th, 2019, 8:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cold War Strategic Bomber Challenge

During the early 60's, studies showed that high-altitude penetration missions for bombers were no longer viable due development in SAM and interceptor capabilities agross the world. Solution would have been either going even faster and in greater altitude but FEPR was already having great difficoulties to field even medicore supersonic bomber for strategical operations. Thus the developers in the 603rd institude came up with alternative solution. Instead of flying high and fast, the new bomber would fly low with subsonic speed to avoid enemy radars and interception. To speed up the bomber development which was already lacking behind contempory powers, 603rd inst. decided to use the existing B-6 desing as a base for the new bomber.

The result was B-7. It was essentially the B-6 fitted with new TV-9 turbofan engines and new flightdeck alongside with fixed nose to house powerfull new attack radar. Main weapon was three UP-61 missiles adopted from anti-ship role to land attack stand-off mission. Initial PLAAF version was followed by B-7B dedicated anti-ship variant for the PLANAF. The naval strike role became the paramount role of B-7 as it was surpassed from PLAAF strategical strike role by the larger and more capable B-8. Remaining B-7s were transfered to PLANAF and modified alongside with new construction to B-7C form which introduced improved avionics and weapons.

Initial bomber variant
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PLANAF anti-ship variant
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PLANAF modified anti-ship variant
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Crew: 4
Lenght: 35.8m
Wingspan: 33 m
Height: 10.8m
Empty Weight: 43,000 kg
MTOW: 90,000 kg
Powerplant: 4x TV9J turbofans, 53.1 kN (11,950 lbf) each
Speed: 900 km/h
Range: 8,060 km ferry range, 5,000km combat radius
Armament: Typically 3 UP-61 land attack missiles with nuclear warheads, alternatively total of 9,000kg of conventional or nuclear bombs

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