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Author:  OstranderSTG [ May 17th, 2017, 2:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Hello!

Hey there Shipbucket!

Long time lurker and military enthusiast, short time US Navy veteran but that time is growing by the day. I was a SONAR Technician assigned to working in the IUSS community, and have had great exposure to many vessels of variety of Western Pacific navies. On deployments I have drawn many shipbucket drawings but have never really been interested in publishing them as I felt there was much to improve. Now that I have separated from active duty, I've had a lot more time to improve and really hone my skills while putting my vision onto the pixels. I'm mostly interested in drawing Post Cold War Russian "what-if" ships. The talented users Citizen Lambda, Gollevainen, and Ro-Po Max have inspired me to make an account and submit a few ships I'm working on. Would be happy to answer any questions on my service (to what extent I legally can). Thanks y'all, happy to report aboard.

Author:  Colosseum [ May 17th, 2017, 3:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hello!


Would love to see your work!

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