
Dutch Naval Wrecks Illegally Salvaged
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Author:  Hood [ November 16th, 2016, 1:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Dutch Naval Wrecks Illegally Salvaged

A rather sad and worrying story: ... -indonesia

Author:  Graham1973 [ November 17th, 2016, 10:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dutch Naval Wrecks Illegally Salvaged

I agree, I hope to God that those people have not found the remains of HMAS Perth.

Author:  HyperHiggsHelix [ November 17th, 2016, 12:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dutch Naval Wrecks Illegally Salvaged

Graham1973 wrote:
I agree, I hope to God that those people have not found the remains of HMAS Perth.
It's already showing signs of salvage though.

Author:  Novice [ November 17th, 2016, 10:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dutch Naval Wrecks Illegally Salvaged

The fact that some people have no conscience, and will go to any length to desecrate war graves saddens me very much. I do hope that the Indonesians authorities will find them and punish them as befitting.

Author:  Krakatoa [ November 18th, 2016, 12:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dutch Naval Wrecks Illegally Salvaged

Its all about the money for a set of people who are not rich. Salvaging dead ships is their chance to make it big. That there are dead people aboard makes no difference to them. They are not their relations.

With something like this there are always two points of views. Our view is that it is a war grave and should be respected. We know what their view is.

Yes it is hoped that the authorities would do something about it. But to them is it just more 'free' money coming into the country. Salvage 1/2 a dozen ships 20-30,000 tons, that's a lot of money going into the economy. Indonesia is a Muslim country. Get caught stealing and have a hand cut off.

Author:  seeker36340 [ November 22nd, 2016, 4:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dutch Naval Wrecks Illegally Salvaged

I see there is still a market for pre-atomic era metal *sigh* (see the salvage of the High Seas Fleet at Scapa Flow post-WW II)

When the Long Beach sailed over the site where Houston and Perth went down we were called to attention and rendered honors. What a sad story!

Author:  signal [ November 24th, 2016, 2:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dutch Naval Wrecks Illegally Salvaged

I wholeheartedly agree about disturbing these recent wreck sites.
I cannot remember the his name, but just a few years ago, the
man who led the team that discovered the Titanic had some harsh
word for those who were trying to salvage some memorabilia from
sunken ocean liners.
I do wonder, however, about the passage of a few decades making
all the difference in wreck salvage. There was no public outcry when
the wreck of the CSS Hunley was raised recently, with the remains
of nine crew members still on board. She was lost only 50 years before
Titanic. Why are her dead allowed to be disturbed? Does the goal of
her raising (going to restoration and a museum) make a difference?

Author:  Hood [ November 24th, 2016, 8:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dutch Naval Wrecks Illegally Salvaged

Not all cultures revere the same artefacts.
From one perspective the Indonesians would have little incentive to preserve or care about the old ships of its former colonial occupier, the same goes for all the European nations and their former possessions in the region.
The other is, criminals respect no barriers when it comes to making a profit, whether its stolen grave items or the lead off your church roof.

Author:  acelanceloet [ November 24th, 2016, 6:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dutch Naval Wrecks Illegally Salvaged

something as a sidenote on this subject: the expedition that found this was there because in February 2017, the battle will be 75 years ago. I honestly think that, especially considering the fact the real ships are completely gone now, it might be an amazing tribute to have the ships of the battle all represented in shipbucket, and update the ones already there that need an touch up.......

I am horribly busy these months though, so I will not be able to do much myself. anybody who wants to help me out on this?

Author:  Hood [ February 9th, 2017, 11:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dutch Naval Wrecks Illegally Salvaged

Another story on this topic, this time involving Japanese wrecks. ... -for-scrap

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