
China rise to superpower #1
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Author:  Mitchell van Os [ January 25th, 2011, 9:34 pm ]
Post subject:  China rise to superpower #1

With china having a exploding good econemy these days compared to before.
And a econemy rising faster then any other.

Would it be capable of doing these things they are planned?
In 2020 they want to have 2 aircraft carriers(One land based) ready to train air crew for their real carriers.
The Ex Varyag (Wich is near finish, interior has been wired all up. Only cabins have to be fitted and the rest like paint)
Varyag replica anno EOR05. Based on land
It is officially called the Wuhan Naval Research Institute at Yanliang airfield, which is China's main aviation test facility.
There has been test with SU-27's there and there is an J20 planned to test out for Aircraft carrier capable actions.

Also, china has send men to train on the Brazils carrier (Ex foch)Sao Paulo.
According to news from brazil they are still training there with the real deal.

China has confirmed it wants to build an aicraft carrier force to be finished by 2040 consisting of.
5 times Varyag size Full sized Fleet carriers.(With varyag 6 Fleet carriers. But Varyag will probaly remain training carrier. In 2030 the last carrier must be deployed as the dates are today)
4 times Super carriers with a tonnage of 93.000!(First one finished before 2020, and last one in 2040)
10 times Type 081 Landing Helicopter deck ships. There has been confirmed that the first one is in build. They are not so big, but they are still a fear. About 20.000 tonnes till 23.000 tonnes is a Non official confirmation.
8 times Type 071 Yuzhao class LPD. One has been build, second and third in build.
20 times Type 072III class LST. 9 build, 4 being build. China confirmed an option of another 10 is possible. But they will look into the future if this is needed.
4 times Large troop transport ships. 1 is in build, but there has been no confirmation on the other 3 ships. Non official reports say 4 will be build, and they will replace older transport ships.
12/14 times new nuclear attack submarines.
8 times Rumoured news. Not even a non official.

They will also build special small corvettes/frigates with their new Carrier Task force killer.
These will be one of the few chinese ship classes that will be mass produced in the future.
Unlike all the frigates/destroyers etc etc wich are build in small pairs.

China is currently building 4 times carrier escort destroyers. A whole new class.
They also are looking into new frigates with full ASW mission set-up for carrier escorts.

Ok i say this now all, but still. China is not as far as the europian's and america and russia with technolegy. And everything they are building is 1/3th of the price the europian's and america and russia is building for their similar ships.
But still china has more people in their army.
Has more money over to build stuff for their army (And they do this). So should we fear? Or not?

Author:  TimothyC [ January 25th, 2011, 10:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: China rise to superpower #1

China has a whole lot of issues. The economy is overheating, and they have a real estate bubble that is going to rival the one in the US before it pops. What is worse is that even the Communist Party really doesn't know what is going on with the economy (gundecking reports), and they have serious quality issues with a lot of the stuff they produce. This even ignores the fact that they are in the midst of a serious demographic shift (look at the male-female ratio).

This is not to say that Red China isn't a long term opponent to the US both militarily and economically, and planning should take that into account.

One other bit is that there are two factions in the People's Liberation Army Navy - The Green Water faction (who want lots of land based missiles, FAC-Ms, and SSKs ie quantity to defend China with) and the Blue Water faction (who want Carrier groups, SSNs, Long range Amphips and UNREP ships, and in general quality ships to project power with). The Green water faction has been in charge for decades, but now the Blue water faction is gaining ground (this is why they are playing up the rather silly "Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile".

China's biggest strategic problem is the one they share with Egypt and Israel of all nations - They can be massively knocked back with just a few nuclear devices. I'll leave it as an exercise for the reader to figure out how.

Author:  Vossiej [ January 26th, 2011, 5:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: China rise to superpower #1

Meh, we do not have to fear the Chinese. They own their massive economic success to us. We (USA & Europe) are their biggest export partners. If we would get into a war with each other, the entire world's economy would totally and for ever collapse. Probably the US will do everything to prevent a war with China because the money for budget shortage they face every year comes from China. We are to much tangled up in each other, and since basically everything says made in China (developed with Western technology) it would be bad for all of us if we where to stop our trading agreements and start a war.

Quite fascinating actually, in a nut shell: The main reason for China's economic success is because we in the west can't get enough money for the next year, so they lend us money, so we can buy more of their stuff (So if they stop lending us money their economy will collapse as well).

So don't worry, let's just stay friends with each other and instead attack the middle east again or something, we won't be out of the woods yet there for the next decade.

Author:  Rhade [ January 26th, 2011, 3:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: China rise to superpower #1

How about Siberia ? PRC always want that land and nobody ... well, most of west don't like Russia.

Author:  Thiel [ January 26th, 2011, 5:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: China rise to superpower #1

Weren't there a case a year ago or so where the PLAN-AF refused to receive an entire series of Jet Fighters because of quality issues.

Author:  Vossiej [ January 26th, 2011, 5:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: China rise to superpower #1

So? Ever heard of the Joint Strike Fighter?

Author:  Thiel [ January 26th, 2011, 6:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: China rise to superpower #1

Yes? Last time I checked, it was very much in the development stage. Have you ever heard of a western Jet getting returned to the factory due to production errors? Not development issues, but outright production faults and shoddy workmanship.

Author:  acelanceloet [ January 26th, 2011, 6:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: China rise to superpower #1

I have never heard of it. BUT I have heard of jet's which were in development(or testing) 3 times as long as originally planned, because there were made large mistakes in construction and so on. the chinese just deployed the aircraft too fast......
this problem is not only chinese.... I heard some indian mig 29's engines were demolished because of left tools and lunch boxes inside it.......

Author:  Thiel [ January 26th, 2011, 6:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: China rise to superpower #1

acelanceloet wrote:
I have never heard of it. BUT I have heard of jet's which were in development(or testing) 3 times as long as originally planned, because there were made large mistakes in construction and so on. the chinese just deployed the aircraft too fast......
this problem is not only chinese.... I heard some indian mig 29's engines were demolished because of left tools and lunch boxes inside it.......
Development overruns happens all the time, also for the Chinese.
My only experience with Indians are as paper pusher (The anal to the point of constriction) and ships engineers (Caste structure and small crews don't mix well)

Author:  Dreadnaught [ January 30th, 2011, 7:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: China rise to superpower #1

The US is falling faster than China. We are in freefall with the wings sheared off while China has lost engine power and is in glide mode as it drops.

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