
I don't feel welcome here...
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Author:  Newb [ March 8th, 2014, 9:25 am ]
Post subject:  I don't feel welcome here...

I am going to put this before everything I say. Everything I will say will be my opinion. It may offend some people, but some of these things have drawn me away from posting here.

So WARNING: This may offend some admins.

Honestly I don't feel welcome here I was recently surfing these forums and I just have a problem, I won't be pointing fingers but this has been drawing me away. This guys just seems to have a problem with making mistakes. Also the forum rules are too strict. I mean seriosly are you really going to lose sleep because someone accidently forgot to put credits in? Humans are not perfect and they make mistakes and on a old post I had posted from an account a lost on here. You guys moaned like you were going to lose sleep over it. And one rule... Some of these feedbacks comments were not really polite.

I don't mean to possibly start a flame war, but seriosly, this is the internet. Oh and don't cry about my grammar either, because you are able to read it...

Author:  acelanceloet [ March 8th, 2014, 10:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I don't feel welcome here...

you know, if you don't like it here, you don't have to be here? complaining in your first post here seems to me not to be the best way of getting to respect you and be nice to you.

the credits are important because they are a way of protecting our work. forgetting them one time is no problem, not putting them on the finished project is something we are troubled about though.

Author:  apdsmith [ March 8th, 2014, 10:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I don't feel welcome here...

Hi Newb,

I'm still pretty much a newb, so I thought I'd give you my thoughts. Yes the crediting thing is a pain, but have you seen the threads where people rip off the pictures posted here? It's not happened to me yet (I've done one thing, not finished yet, and it's hardly of a quality to be worth ripping off) - but I think that'd annoy me. Particularly as the rule isn't "You can't copy this" but simply "Just say where it came from!"

With regards to the criticism, well, some people here are more blunt than others, some naturally so, so due to the language barrier. I know I couldn't be even halfway subtle in Danish, Dutch or French, to quote just some of the languages we have in use in this site (or Norwegian - the list goes on and on). However, I've found that even if you have a silly idea, if you engage - or explain, at least - whatever criticism you get comes in on a purely technical level. This is, of course, assuming that you are here to make whatever ship drawing you've done better. Asking for help and then ignoring it doesn't seem to go down terribly well here, possibly because of the frequency with which that happens...

Anyway, as Ace has said, if you really object to the site, nobody is forcing you to come, but I hope you'll see that the aspects you don't like don't have to apply to you in particular and may in any event not be as ... strident ... as you've perceived them to be, perhaps.


Author:  Newb [ March 8th, 2014, 11:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I don't feel welcome here...

acelanceloet wrote:
you know, if you don't like it here, you don't have to be here? complaining in your first post here seems to me not to be the best way of getting to respect you and be nice to you.

the credits are important because they are a way of protecting our work. forgetting them one time is no problem, not putting them on the finished project is something we are troubled about though.

This isn't my first post here. My other account got lost.

I am not saying remove the crediting rule completely is that you can get a boat load of trouble for even just simply forgetting.

Author:  Gollevainen [ March 8th, 2014, 11:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I don't feel welcome here...


What you mean you lost your account? The normal procedure is in such cases to contact us admins as we can recover forgotten passwords and such. To create another account and instead of adressing the admins about your lost account but post some nonsense like this is not the way to do things around here.

Shipbucket has very strict rules when it comes to the actual drawing and crediting. We allow and to some extent even embraise kitbashing (e.g using others work in your own work) but it must be done so that the original artist gets credit of his work and that the kitbasher wont be making appearance of being actually behind the original work. If this is too much to gasp, then Shipbucket is not the place for you.

Also these "I'm not saying any names..." type of complaints doesen't serve anyone. If someone is misstreating you, contact the administrators and tell us what is wrong. There are personal message function for that very reason. Creating topics like these just stirrs up the drama and does no good to none.


Author:  CraigH [ March 8th, 2014, 5:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I don't feel welcome here...


Don't leave just yet. The "rules" aren't that harsh, taking care to credit other people's work is simply basic, fundamental etiquette that's been around forever (like centuries before the internet was born in scholastic circles).

Growing a hide and taking a little bit of care writing is important in any Forum wherever one goes, especially when conversing with with people from other cultures and languages. Again, not a big deal for anyone with any maturity although looking at the current generation I'm beginning to wonder...based on observation both on-line and with my kids and their friends).

Critique and criticism of work here can be harsh, I've been ripped a few times but it can also be quite helpful, especially when folks realize you're trying to learn. Probably the BEST thing to do is to listen and incorporate what you're asked or told to do. Some of these guys have been doing this a long time, and have repeated the same suggestions over and over till it's gotten frustrating.

Don't be afraid to ask questions, take some heat, etc. It can be rewarding in the end.


Author:  erik_t [ March 9th, 2014, 2:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I don't feel welcome here...

Well, bye, I guess.

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