
Uneccessary Comments
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Author:  Tounushifan [ July 23rd, 2013, 4:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FD Scale Aircraft 5

While the Italians had some big battleships, cool looking planes, and a nice army....

The navy was sunk with soon to be outdated Fairey Swordfish torpedo planes, the army surrendered, leaving the Germans to defend the southern front, and the Air Force, I can't think of any aces... It was a real flop of a nation. Pretty much all they did was take over Libya and provide cannon fodder.

Italy could have used the navy to watch over the Atlantic. Tons of shipping steaming around. The Bismarck couldn't have done it alone!

Author:  jabba [ July 23rd, 2013, 4:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FD Scale Aircraft 5

Flamebait? Elsewhere...

Author:  Colosseum [ July 23rd, 2013, 4:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FD Scale Aircraft 5

Tounushifan wrote:
While the Italians had some big battleships, cool looking planes, and a nice army....

The navy was sunk with soon to be outdated Fairey Swordfish torpedo planes, the army surrendered, leaving the Germans to defend the southern front, and the Air Force, I can't think of any aces... It was a real flop of a nation. Pretty much all they did was take over Libya and provide cannon fodder.

Italy could have used the navy to watch over the Atlantic. Tons of shipping steaming around. The Bismarck couldn't have done it alone!
My microwave broke because I've been popping so much popcorn whenever this guy posts anything...

Author:  Rhade [ July 23rd, 2013, 4:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FD Scale Aircraft 5

Colosseum wrote:
My microwave broke because I've been popping so much popcorn whenever this guy posts anything...
And you not share!? Youuuu son of a ... :evil: :lol:

Author:  Tounushifan [ July 25th, 2013, 1:15 am ]
Post subject:  Uneccessary Comments

Colosseum wrote:
Tounushifan wrote:
While the Italians had some big battleships, cool looking planes, and a nice army....

The navy was sunk with soon to be outdated Fairey Swordfish torpedo planes, the army surrendered, leaving the Germans to defend the southern front, and the Air Force, I can't think of any aces... It was a real flop of a nation. Pretty much all they did was take over Libya and provide cannon fodder.

Italy could have used the navy to watch over the Atlantic. Tons of shipping steaming around. The Bismarck couldn't have done it alone!
My microwave broke because I've been popping so much popcorn whenever this guy posts anything...
I was never the flamer type, or the spam type. Back in my days in other forums spam didn't mean posting twice with info. It meant spamming hige posts that made you scroll down for 15 minutes, jibberish "hfhfhfhefsnjkdmv" posts, back to back. And flaming was swearing, shouting things, and a few times the group went to war with itself. However, the waters always settled and we took hands again, dancing in the fish tank of doom. You see, we're dying! *Checks pulse*

My flamebait doesn't seem to be working, better change lures. I don't look for trouble here, I'm a Group Founder. *Waves arms around* 430 Members at the height. Now, about 400 because the entire site died, but we are holding on.

Anyway...I am going to update my He-1078a planes and then update the Me-323. Just a few more paint or camo schemes. I think my Bf-110 is going to get thrown out, even though i had the plane first, but I know you guys can do better than me. I may have been around for years, but you've been DRAWING for years. And ALVAMA is a god. :D

Author:  Colosseum [ July 25th, 2013, 1:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: FD Scale Aircraft 5

I personally would like a link to this "430 member" group you keep talking about.[flash=][/flash]

Author:  Tounushifan [ July 26th, 2013, 2:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FD Scale Aircraft 5

Everyone knows the bad guys are cooler looking and better equipped.

The Empire, The Axis, The Covenant, The Agents From The Matrix, Skynet, Most Aliens, etc etc etc

Author:  Raxar [ July 26th, 2013, 7:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FD Scale Aircraft 5

Tounushifan wrote:
Everyone knows the bad guys are cooler looking and better equipped.

The Empire, The Axis, The Covenant, The Agents From The Matrix, Skynet, Most Aliens, etc etc etc
P-47D :mrgreen:

Author:  Colosseum [ July 26th, 2013, 8:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FD Scale Aircraft 5

Raxar wrote:
Tounushifan wrote:
Everyone knows the bad guys are cooler looking and better equipped.

The Empire, The Axis, The Covenant, The Agents From The Matrix, Skynet, Most Aliens, etc etc etc
P-47D :mrgreen:
That plane just goes like "Zzzzzzz". German planes (which are clearly superior) go like "BRRRRRRRRRR" and "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAH".

Author:  Colosseum [ July 27th, 2013, 1:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Uneccessary Comments

I still would like to see a link to tounishfan's 430-person group. That's more active members than Shipbucket has ever had - he should be posting his stuff there, not here!

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