
The emerging arctic frontier
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Author:  Lazer_one [ February 10th, 2012, 8:41 pm ]
Post subject:  The emerging arctic frontier

Su uno degli ultimi numeri dei Proceedings of US Naval Institute c'è un articolo scritto dal CINC della US Coast Guard Robert J. Papp Jr., decisamente interessante ed emblematico già nel titolo:
The emerging arctic frontier. Ecco di seguito le prime battute:

The emerging arctic frontier

In the last Proceedings of US Naval Inst. the Adm. John Papp, USCG Commander, wrote an article on the Arctic. Here is the incipit:

"As a maritime nation, the United States relies on the sea for our prosperity, trade, transportation, and security. We are also an Arctic nation. The Arctic region—the Barents, Beaufort, and Chukchi seas and the Arctic Ocean—is the emerging maritime frontier, vital to our national interests, economy and security.
The Arctic Ocean, in the northern region of the Arctic Circle, is changing from a solid expanse of inaccessible ice fields into a growing navigable sea, attracting increased human activity and unlocking access to vast economic potential and energy resources. In the 35 years since I first saw Kotzebue, Alaska, on the Chukchi Sea as a junior officer, the sea ice has receded from the coast so much that when I returned last year the coastal area was ice-free. The shipping, oil-and-gas, and tourism industries continue to expand with the promise of opportunity and fortune in previously inaccessible areas. Experts estimate that in another 25 years the Arctic Ocean could be ice-free during the summer months.
This change from “hard” to “soft” water, growing economic interests and energy demands, and increasing use of the seas for maritime activities by commercial, native, and recreational users demands a persistent, capable U.S. Coast Guard presence in the Arctic region. Our mandate to protect people on the sea, protect people from threats delivered by sea, and protect the sea itself applies in the Arctic equally as in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans and Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea.

Author:  sailor82 [ February 11th, 2012, 4:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The emerging arctic frontier

I think Canada and Russia will be center stage on this as tensions are starting to warm up. It will be interesting to see how the United States and Denmark will react in relation to the other two parties.

Author:  klagldsf [ February 11th, 2012, 7:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The emerging arctic frontier

Canadian-American Strategic Defense Review (a thinktank-run website) seems almost intent on drumming up a cold war between Canada and Denmark for reasons I can only figure as ludicrously-misguided ultra-jingoistic retardation for the sake of spending money and bodybags for tacticool wank aids. Some of the attitudes they imply there almost reach Sparky levels.

That aside I don't expect Denmark to get too heavily involved, or at least not as involved and indignant as they'd like to be because they just don't have the resources. There is a possibility of seriously cooled relations between Canada and the United States (compared to how they are now) unless either politicians from both sides and frankly our own in particular know better than to get their heads in their asses (and based on current policy decisions I'm admittedly only vaguely familiar with, I don't have a lot of hope) or if Russia decides it's worth a mini, regional Cold War II.

Author:  Thiel [ February 11th, 2012, 7:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The emerging arctic frontier

I think this sums up Denmarks options and likely actions quite nicely.

Author:  klagldsf [ February 11th, 2012, 8:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The emerging arctic frontier

Infinitely uber-better than Axis Powers Hetalia.

Author:  heuhen [ February 11th, 2012, 8:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The emerging arctic frontier

Thiel wrote:
I think this sums up Denmarks options and likely actions quite nicely.
God damn "Thiel" Now I sitting here and click through all the comics and laughs. When I could have worked on Ise!

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