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Author:  rickdog [ August 23rd, 2010, 8:29 pm ]
Post subject:  "THEY LIVE"

Yesterday, Sunday 22 of August, one of about 10 geologycal exploratory probes reached a depth of about 700 mts within the rock where was the Copper Mine of San josé, near Copiapó, Chile.

This probe together with the other ones were deployd in order to reach a safety chamber deep within the mine where 18 days ago an accident occured which had all its tunnel collapse with rock material. Inside the mine, 33 miners (32 Chilean and 1 Bolivian), got trapped inside of it. Despite the sad news and against all the odds (most people, me included, thought they were squashed by the stones :cry: ), chilean mining companies together with people of the government of Chile, started drilling the hard material with the hope to see if the miners were able to reach the safety chamber, located deep within the mine at the end of about 2 miles long tunnel at over 700 meters of depth. :shock:

One week after the accident, the most advanced probe, due to the hard material got deviated from its original projected path, which had to stop drilling at about 600 meters from the safety chamber, cause if it would have continued it would have past at about 30 meters from the chamber, which brought together with this outcome very sad news to all of those who were awaiting to have good news :cry: . Despite this fact they started drilling a new probe, with the hope to reach the trapped miners, which proved everybody that their stubborn attitude can have a joyful outcome, which yesterday reached the chamber, where the miners through the small hole the probe did, managed to tie some letters in a bag and tied with pieces of rubber to the end of the drilling probe, when it was taken out. Afterwards a long cable camera which was sent trhough the tiny hole, reached a few meters from the chamber, pointing at the inside hole of it, where the miners clicked on their helmet lights in order to show that they were there and hopeful of being evaquated. One of the miners, looked through the hole and part of his face was seen. In the letters they managed to tie to the prove, they said that they were all alive, the 33 of them. The whole country of Chile is happy and proud of the effort of all the people who have not stop working since the first day of this dysaster. :D

Now comes the hard part, the most optimist calculations, consider that it will take up to 3 or 4 months, to make another duct with the enough wideness to allow to pass the men through it, in order to evaquate them. After surviving more than 17 days, without any hope of survival, I`m certain that this story will end up joyful, for the whole nation who awaits their rescue. 8-)

¡¡¡¡ VIVA CHILE !!!!

Author:  Portsmouth Bill [ August 24th, 2010, 7:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "THEY LIVE"

Yes, this is big in the news here; not least because these guys survived on next to nothing for 18 days, and also the fact that the families never gave up; so lets hope they are out for Christmas.

Author:  Canadai [ August 24th, 2010, 7:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "THEY LIVE"

I rather highly doubt they'd stay locked in their for months, until Christmas...

Author:  Novice [ August 24th, 2010, 8:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "THEY LIVE"

Big news here as well. I was happy to see these miners had survived and I hope they'll be out before long.

Author:  Thiel [ August 24th, 2010, 11:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "THEY LIVE"

Canadai wrote:
I rather highly doubt they'd stay locked in their for months, until Christmas...
It's not like they've got much of a choice.

Author:  Colosseum [ August 24th, 2010, 2:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "THEY LIVE"

Those poor bastards, I can't imagine being stuck like that for 3-4 months on end... hope they get out alright, and hopefully ahead of schedule.

Author:  erik_t [ August 24th, 2010, 4:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "THEY LIVE"

The very very very worst case at this point is that some poor ill soul won't die alone. That's a pretty awesome improvement.

Author:  ezgo394 [ August 24th, 2010, 11:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "THEY LIVE"

Glad to hear they're alright.

Author:  Vossiej [ August 25th, 2010, 4:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "THEY LIVE"

The biggest problem I think is going to be the mental challange they have to face being down there for still that long. Knowing that you are going to be resqued keeps morale high, but if there will probably be setbacks during the operation which can drive you crazy.

Author:  rickdog [ August 25th, 2010, 6:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "THEY LIVE"

Last monday, a comunication wiring was established with the miners, where they expressed their thanks for all the efforts done in reaching them, given their situation. But for everyones surprise they didn`t have no worries on themselves, but on theirs families anguish.

A certain leadership was established among them, where one of the oldest of them, since day one of the accident, organized themselves thinking that their wait was going to be long, they decided to rationalize all the food they had in order to make it last for at least one month. All they have eaten in the past 18 days, was two spoons of tuna per day, reason why once they found them each one of them had lost about 15 pounds of bodyweight. They, in the safety chamber were very well supplied with lots of water, since for their mineral extracting procedures they use big quantities of it. Obviously, they stopped working once they got imprisioned. In regards to their mental state, they passed almost the first 10 days without hearing anything as if they were being intended to being rescued, but as the drilling probes got closer the vibration and sounds through the rock material, awared them that their was work in order to reach them.

After the comunication was established with them they used some torpedo like canisters (7 inch wide) in order to supply them with glucosed water, food and medicines (specially to control the diarrhea which every one in the chamber has had to deal with in the past days, since their supply of water is highly contaminated with minerals that have a laxative effect on them), and at least by their reaction once they told them that the duty to let them free was going to take almost 4 months, it seems as they are very optimist by now. Their mayor concern now is to change the air within the chamber, in order to allow them survive for the next months to come, since their Oxigen was begining to run out. They all together sang the Chilean nations song with great joy and think that for next christmass, they`ll pass it with their beloved ones. At least they have not lost their enthusiasm.

Outside of the mine, some trucks are bringing in, the parts of the new machine that they are going to use to rescue them, which has to be built on the site, which will take no less than 5 days to be built. This machine will make a tube-like duct of about 70 cms (27 inches) wide, where through the use of a 67 cms wide bell each miner will be brought to the surface after the 700 meter trip, from the safety chamber where they are in.

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