Well, I have a challenge suggestion, but one that won't be very popular, rather much to the contrary.
This challenge idea is:
There are still literally thousands of ships to draw, and I dare to say that quite a few of those already drawn could greatly benefit from the update (new parts, modified colors and/or shading) or expansion (from single drawing at some random point in time into a career preview).
Don't get me wrong, challenges are fun for sure, and I'm not calling for axing them completely, but right now I have an impression that some 60+% of the steam here goes only into them, and only 40-% into everything else (including AU's, personal designs and Non-SB stuff
). Looks like the tail has started to wag the dog.
Or to put it into numbers: in the last 13 months (2020/2021) a total of 85 people participated in the challenges that were announced in that period. Of these, 30 provided no real-world (SB or FD) content EVER, and further 18 did provided it in the past, but not during those last 13 months.
At the same time, in SB scale, 48 people provided some content (RL and NW) - namely 612 files - of which 138 were provided by Olekit24 alone, Garlicdesign and Reytuerto provided 86 each, Karle94 provided 67 (which makes a total of 61,4% just between those 4 Gentlemen), leaving 38,6 to everybody else (including HomeSniper with 41 works, DarthPanda with 31 - and 19 Authors who provided just single picture each). Sure, there are no quotas to fill, but I sense a kind of imbalance here.
(Yeah, I didn't counted RL/NW FD-scale stuff to compare, but I think we're still SHIPbucket, right?)
Sorry for spoiling anyone's fun.
P.S. Some statistics about growth of "Challenge Sector"
2010 - 1
2011 - 0
2012 - 4
2013 - 2
2014 - 2
2015 - 2
2016 - 0
2017 - 1
2018 - 6 (5 SB, 1 FD)
2019 - 8 (4 SB, 3 FD, 1 Gunbucket)
2020 - 10 (5 SB, 3 FD, 1 Gunbucket, 1 Soldierbucket)
2021 - 2 already (1 SB, 1 FD)