
Decline of real life drawings -derail from challenge suggestion thread
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Author:  eswube [ February 21st, 2021, 6:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Decline of real life drawings -derail from challenge suggestion thread

The_Sprinklez wrote: *
Well, if You admit, that "heavy" tank was intended as a joke, then it's precisely what I meant. That it was removed before voting, is irrelevant, what's relevant for me is that it was posted at all.

Wish You a nice evening.

Author:  Kattsun [ February 22nd, 2021, 3:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Decline of real life drawings -derail from challenge suggestion thread

eswube wrote: *
or infantry squads with s*x-toy-armed cartoon furries or 5th generation fighters from The Flintstones. :twisted:
(but that's just venting of an annoyance on my part, not a serious issue)
pvt foxy woxy is actually an accomplished swimmer and Hero of the United Stratoarcologies of America ):

Author:  Corp [ February 22nd, 2021, 3:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Decline of real life drawings -derail from challenge suggestion thread

God forbid people have fun while drawing for a pixel art contest on a WWII Naval History Addict Support forum.

Author:  acelanceloet [ February 22nd, 2021, 2:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Decline of real life drawings -derail from challenge suggestion thread

I have an proposal that might interest people, but it takes some work (from somebody, possibly some of it from me) so before any work is started on this, I think some feedback is in order.

I was pondering: could we give some challenge-like incentive to the real design and never build sections of shipbucket. In the past there was the drawing of the month, which was at some point discontinoud because it was the same people every time. The only way I could think of fixing this, is making things more complicated :P

My proposal is the following:
- Every time period (for example month or 2 months) all real design/never build drawings are gathered in a poll, similar to the challenge polls.
- People can vote on 3 criteria, which will be something like:
1. drawing quality
2. subject awesomeness
3. How surprising this was
- The winners drawing is posted in a dedicated page on the shipbucket wiki.

The results of the above would be quite interesting. The setup is made so that an new guy starting his prescense on the bucket by making a reasonable drawing of one of the USN CVNs would beat an existing member making an perfect redraw of an already existing ship on the main site.

So, let's hear it, is this idea silly or not? :P

Author:  eswube [ February 22nd, 2021, 7:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Decline of real life drawings -derail from challenge suggestion thread

acelanceloet wrote: *
I like that idea! Drawings of the Month were nice thing and it wouldn't be bad to have them back.
I guess that criteria 2 and 3 would need to be made better defined/phrased. For example "awesomeness" - probably by most people' standards it would effectively narrow the possible choice to capital ships, large cruise liners and the like (and in turn would push the, say, small gunboats or fishing cutters, no matter how fantastically drawn, out of competition). By "surprising" You mean "completely new thing", I suppose?

Author:  acelanceloet [ February 22nd, 2021, 10:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Decline of real life drawings -derail from challenge suggestion thread

By surprising, I meant how expected it is. Me drawing a soviet ship or a new guy drawing something really high quality would get higher marks then Gollevainen drawing a soviet ship in that category because "it is not unexpected of him to draw an soviet ship", as an silly example.

Awesomeness might be rephrased to 'uniqueness' although IMO great drawings of capital ships or cruise liners outperforming small ships might not be a bad thing as those take more time to make ;)

Author:  eswube [ February 23rd, 2021, 7:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Decline of real life drawings -derail from challenge suggestion thread

acelanceloet wrote: *
...drawings of capital ships or cruise liners outperforming small ships might not be a bad thing as those take more time to make ;)
Oh, no doubt that they take more time and effort to make! :lol:
But I'm afraid that if it were to become (not necessarily "formally", but "in popular imagination") that level of awesomeness is simply semi-directly related to level of displacement, then these Drawings of the Month probably soon would end up as "the same people every time" again. So I have a feeling that perhaps would be good to fine-tune this criterion.

But first of all, it would be great to get substantially more feedback about the idea in general.

Author:  Corp [ February 23rd, 2021, 11:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Decline of real life drawings -derail from challenge suggestion thread

I really like the idea of returning to drawing of the month

Author:  Rodondo [ February 24th, 2021, 1:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Decline of real life drawings -derail from challenge suggestion thread

I wholeheartedly back the idea of a drawing of the month plus other categories, great way for keeping some focus on RL and for newcomers to cut their teeth and gain some wider appreciation. :)

Author:  Kiwi Imperialist [ February 24th, 2021, 9:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Decline of real life drawings -derail from challenge suggestion thread

Introducing a 'drawing of the month' competition is a great idea. My only concern is that some people might get tired of answering so many poll questions, especially if we ask respondents to evaluate each drawing in three categories as we do in the challenge polls.

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