I have an proposal that might interest people, but it takes some work (from somebody, possibly some of it from me) so before any work is started on this, I think some feedback is in order.
I was pondering: could we give some challenge-like incentive to the real design and never build sections of shipbucket. In the past there was the drawing of the month, which was at some point discontinoud because it was the same people every time. The only way I could think of fixing this, is making things more complicated
My proposal is the following:
- Every time period (for example month or 2 months) all real design/never build drawings are gathered in a poll, similar to the challenge polls.
- People can vote on 3 criteria, which will be something like:
1. drawing quality
2. subject awesomeness
3. How surprising this was
- The winners drawing is posted in a dedicated page on the shipbucket wiki.
The results of the above would be quite interesting. The setup is made so that an new guy starting his prescense on the bucket by making a reasonable drawing of one of the USN CVNs would beat an existing member making an perfect redraw of an already existing ship on the main site.
So, let's hear it, is this idea silly or not?